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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Guys don't be fooled again by the dysfunctional association. We do not have any agreement yet. The updates says it all if you really want to pay attention. The association and company are still writing/finalizing the agreement or articles. That's called negotiations.
First we cried about the money. So they shut us up with the raise and they got fleet integration. Then they shut us up again when it went public we have a AIP or T/A. We don't have anything final yet. The dysfunctional association said that after all the language is done they will let the lawyers look at it. Then it will be finalized for membership viewing and voting. That my fellow union members is called negotiations. That is exactly where we are today. Still negotiating. Yes we are closer to a final AIP or T/A but we have nothing yet to brag about. This made the association and company look good to the public and share holders but we are still not at the finish line. Now I wonder how much longer this process is going to take until we finally get to vote on a JCBA. The APA are in the thick of negotiations as well. My opinion why the announcement of a AIP came out. Calm the troops. I call bull on this to the dysfunctional association.

I do think this is mostly true but I do think we will vote in late March or early April
I do think this is mostly true but I do think we will vote in late March or early April
VO, I surely hope you are not disagreeing with 1AA about the fact that they are still nego.? It is in black and white by his posting. Point blank it says that they are still nego the "written" items at this point, with the remaining "biggie cost items" left. They simply ONLY had a verbal agreement and wrongly decided to call it an AIP. An AIP is when you have all written agreements done (NOT verbal) (nego's 101 C'mon Man!) then after finalizing and attorneys go thru the proofreading process, it is then handed to the (in your cases) the nego cmte, exect cmte and the International officers for their, and the company's final approval, then it is sent for a vote by the union leadership to then become a T/A.
Double check the update provided below and you will see approx 4 paragraphs focused on the written nego's still continuing as they are still having problems with both sides agreeing to. That's called continued nego's rather some want to admit it or not. They are in fact further from an AIP (officially) and a T/A then they want you to believe.
Here's the posting, read carefully where they are NOT agreeing with the written language and still discussing and nego in order to get to an agreement on the written language. Speaks volumes. But they want you all to think everything is just peachy-peachy while they "finalize" it. Fact is..... Nego's for written language continues.

Briefing for 2/24/2020

NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE: Hi everyone, just wanted to update you on what is going on now with our AIP, and what you can expect next.
However I first want to explain a little on what has been going on the last several weeks since the announcement of our AIP ( agreement in principle ).
If you will recall, several months ago in one of my briefings, I stated that once you reach a point in negotiations and you have passed articles back and forth several times, that both the company and union agree to stop the unnecessary passes back and forth, and continue negotiating across the table verbally until a agreement could be reached on a article. Then, either the company or union would put the verbal agreements in writing in a written proposal.

Well this is how the last several months of negotiations leading up to the AIP took place. All the remaining issues ( mostly the big cost items ) were mostly verbally discussed back and forth between the two sides, with both parties taking the detailed notes on the issues.
Once these remaining issues were agreed to verbally by both sides, then the AIP was announced.

So for the last several weeks, the company and association has now been writing the language of those verbal discussions. Some articles, we already had something to work off of. EX: Lets say we took the scope article that the company placed on jetnet. We would then take that language and change or add or delete from the jetnet proposal. These changes would come from the verbal agreements done the last several months to that article.
Some articles like scope we had something to work with, but others had much more language that needed to be written.

And as usual when writing language, you sometimes will have the sides not agreeing exactly on what is suppose to go into the article.
The good news these small disagreements are just that... small. They have not or do not change what has been put out in the highlight sheet for our members to read. However these discussions still take place and are time consuming to say the least.

Also at this same time, as soon as a team from the association and company get language completed on a article, we then hand it down to another team that has been going over the language and proofreading for any errors.

This basically, as short as possible, is a explanation on what has been going on since the AIP was announced.

We have worked too long and spent too much time on this agreement, to not do the necessary work that must be done to make sure we have the contract we have stated in the highlight sheet. So we will take whatever time it takes to get this language correct.

Hopefully the language will be finished this week in the meetings between the association and company. Then next week, we can finish the final proofreading and also the IMPLEMENTATION DATES.

IMPLEMENTATION DATES: This is probably by far the most important thing yet to be done before we can put out a full contract for your viewing.
While pay, and other things will take place right away or fairly quickly once the agreement is ratified, there are other things the company and union will have to discuss and come to an agreement on the respective implementation dates.
Probably the biggest issue for implementation will be getting everyone moved and programmed into the work brain computer system.
Having everyone under one system will drive many things of the contract, and exactly when those certain things can take place.
Of course we want everything done right away. However that is just not possible when dealing with two different systems and bringing everyone under one.
So we will discuss these issues as well as many others with the company, and set dates for deadlines on when things must be implemented and take effect.
This like I said, can hopefully be done next week.

WHATS NEXT: Once everything above gets done, the company will then send the contract as a whole to the printers to have a copy printed for every member. At this same time, the association will place the full contract online to be viewed and downloaded. YES, a full printed copy will be mailed to each employees address on file with the company. So you might want to check and make sure you have the correct address on file.

We do not have to wait for our members to receive the full agreement in the mail to start our roadshows, since it will be available online for download.
Some of you, depending on when we get to your station, will have your mailed agreement in hand. But others might have to download a copy if we are at your location before you receive your copy in the mail.
I do not know at this time, or do I want to speak on behalf of my TWU counterparts on when of if every station will be briefed with a roadshow.
However, I have gave my word for the stations that I am assigned to, that a visit from at least myself ( maybe others on the team ) will be set to discuss the agreement as a whole and to answer all your questions prior to a vote.
If all the above goes as planned, my roadshows will start in clt on March 16 & 17, and I will set dates for my other locations from there. Please note that these dates are subject to change based on how the next couple of weeks go. Im just trying to give everyone a idea of a time frame.
I have been told so far, that we would have about a two week period to get the roadshows done ( again subject to change ). With a vote scheduled for soon after.
That is all the info I have on the vote right now, because I don't think all the info on voting is set at this time.

ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS: Whether or not I am assigned to your respective station to answer questions, it is always my intention to make sure everyone if possible is fully informed before you vote. Many of you have my cell and can text or call, but another way you can get in touch with me with questions is go to our clt Facebook page at " I Am Fleet Service Charlotte NC " I monitor that sight daily to answer members questions. So please care to get the correct information and don't go with rumors. Just send a request to join, and I will get you on. Usually its in the evening hours before I have time to get on, so just give me some time to respond.
Sorry for the long briefing, but just trying to get the info out as I know it at this time.

January 30, 2020

After more than four years of bargaining, the TWU-IAM Association is proud to announce we have reached Agreements in Principle with American Airlines for five new joint collective bargaining agreements (JCBAs) worth $4.2 billion, covering more than 30,000 Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service, Maintenance Control, MLS/Stores and Maintenance Training Specialist members.

The Association negotiating committees must finalize and proof contract language on agreed upon provisions of the tentative contracts, and the parties will continue to meet to accomplish that task. This process could take a few weeks. Preliminary highlight sheets are attached to this bulletin, but the final, complete contract language will be available to all members. In addition to being posted on union websites, the complete agreement will be mailed to each member’s home before voting begins.

After the final language is finalized, membership ratification details and voting information will be announced.

When negotiations began, the Association negotiating committees were faced with the tremendous challenge of combining dissimilar, mature contracts negotiated by different unions with different airlines into JCBAs for the new American Airlines. From the outset, we had a decision to make: get a quick agreement, or get the right agreement for Association members, regardless of how difficult, lengthy and contentious that process would be. As you review the complete terms of the contracts, you will see that we chose the correct path.

Your negotiating committees recommend ratification of these agreements.

These Agreements in Principle will provide all Association members with wages, benefits, work rules, job security and retirement income that had never before been accomplished. Total compensation (wages, premiums, retirement, and profit sharing) is the richest in the industry. Not only are all Association members’ jobs protected in their locations, but more importantly, we were able to protect the work we do. The considerable benefits to all members will be immediately apparent.

Nothing in these Agreements in Principle would have been possible without the support, solidarity and patience of the membership. We ask for your continued patience as we complete and proof every word so you can be presented with all the information you need to make an informed decision when you vote on ratification.

they posted an A.I.P. on January 30th its February 25th and all we have is a highlight sheet and more rumors.sounds to me like a lot of bullshit is going on and we wont like the way it smells. being a leap year i hope we done have to wait for the next leap year to vote on it.
VO, I surely hope you are not disagreeing with 1AA about the fact that they are still nego.? It is in black and white by his posting. Point blank it says that they are still nego the "written" items at this point, with the remaining "biggie cost items" left. They simply ONLY had a verbal agreement and wrongly decided to call it an AIP. An AIP is when you have all written agreements done (NOT verbal) (nego's 101 C'mon Man!) then after finalizing and attorneys go thru the proofreading process, it is then handed to the (in your cases) the nego cmte, exect cmte and the International officers for their, and the company's final approval, then it is sent for a vote by the union leadership to then become a T/A.
Double check the update provided below and you will see approx 4 paragraphs focused on the written nego's still continuing as they are still having problems with both sides agreeing to. That's called continued nego's rather some want to admit it or not. They are in fact further from an AIP (officially) and a T/A then they want you to believe.
Here's the posting, read carefully where they are NOT agreeing with the written language and still discussing and nego in order to get to an agreement on the written language. Speaks volumes. But they want you all to think everything is just peachy-peachy while they "finalize" it. Fact is..... Nego's for written language continues.
Ahhhhhh, the dysfunctional association fog is starting to lift and the membership is beginning to see the horizon. When will this end? Never has this situation been encountered before. Two dysfunctional unions fighting amongst themselves and trying to negotiate a contract without upsetting the membership. Is it working? Over four years of negotiations and still NO agreement set in writing. Updates are useless if they are lies.
January 30, 2020

After more than four years of bargaining, the TWU-IAM Association is proud to announce we have reached Agreements in Principle with American Airlines for five new joint collective bargaining agreements (JCBAs) worth $4.2 billion, covering more than 30,000 Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service, Maintenance Control, MLS/Stores and Maintenance Training Specialist members.

The Association negotiating committees must finalize and proof contract language on agreed upon provisions of the tentative contracts, and the parties will continue to meet to accomplish that task. This process could take a few weeks. Preliminary highlight sheets are attached to this bulletin, but the final, complete contract language will be available to all members. In addition to being posted on union websites, the complete agreement will be mailed to each member’s home before voting begins.

After the final language is finalized, membership ratification details and voting information will be announced.

When negotiations began, the Association negotiating committees were faced with the tremendous challenge of combining dissimilar, mature contracts negotiated by different unions with different airlines into JCBAs for the new American Airlines. From the outset, we had a decision to make: get a quick agreement, or get the right agreement for Association members, regardless of how difficult, lengthy and contentious that process would be. As you review the complete terms of the contracts, you will see that we chose the correct path.

Your negotiating committees recommend ratification of these agreements.

These Agreements in Principle will provide all Association members with wages, benefits, work rules, job security and retirement income that had never before been accomplished. Total compensation (wages, premiums, retirement, and profit sharing) is the richest in the industry. Not only are all Association members’ jobs protected in their locations, but more importantly, we were able to protect the work we do. The considerable benefits to all members will be immediately apparent.

Nothing in these Agreements in Principle would have been possible without the support, solidarity and patience of the membership. We ask for your continued patience as we complete and proof every word so you can be presented with all the information you need to make an informed decision when you vote on ratification.

they posted an A.I.P. on January 30th its February 25th and all we have is a highlight sheet and more rumors.sounds to me like a lot of bullshit is going on and we wont like the way it smells. being a leap year i hope we done have to wait for the next leap year to vote on it.
Reference my post #1966.
I'm no genius and I know when I'm being taken for a ride.
Hopefully ass gets this contract done before AA goes bankrupt again, when CEO of Alaska Airlines sweet talks APFA and APA into going with their plan for the future of the new Alaskan Airlines.

I doubt AMFA at Alaskan will agree to having 3 unions represent the mechanics at either the New Alaskan or the new new AA.
i believe it was prez that wrote a short tidbit that in essence; "we tried to get all on lus insurance, company refused".

i believe the iam people have been smart. they don't post as often and the smart move would be to tell lus not to antagonize...don't stir up a hornet's nest.

i don't believe they are a$$holes, we know some are sympathetic (robbed).

imagine paying the twu dues all these years and this is how they represent/defend/protect us.
Obviously the IAM negotiating committee didn't try hard enough to bring LAA side up to speed with the LUS side as far as medical and the TWU laid down and let this happen. Don't believe LUS are A$$holes....I'm disappointed, and as I look at the highlights of the medical, I see that as a glaring discrepancy between the two groups and why we will not become one united group. And the Company and Association is banking on this!
Don’t you work at SWA. Got kick rocks and get off of our board. You never stop posting. Know wonder everyone thinks all the AMFA organizers are retarded. Hell you make me regret signing a card.
Oh you have a sense of humor, youre letting your guard down.Maybe you'd be interested in watching an " Aii In the Family" marathon with me
Obviously the IAM negotiating committee didn't try hard enough to bring LAA side up to speed with the LUS side as far as medical and the TWU laid down and let this happen. Don't believe LUS are A$$holes....I'm disappointed, and as I look at the highlights of the medical, I see that as a glaring discrepancy between the two groups and why we will not become one united group. And the Company and Association is banking on this!

I for one like the medical I have with LAA, so why should I consider that as a concession and be all bent out of shape because of it? You make no sense what so ever.
I for one like the medical I have with LAA, so why should I consider that as a concession and be all bent out of shape because of it? You make no sense what so ever.
Oh bob is back i for one am "Shocked".....get it??
I for one like the medical I have with LAA, so why should I consider that as a concession and be all bent out of shape because of it? You make no sense what so ever.
Don’t care they kept there medical but we should have been compensated accordingly
I for one like the medical I have with LAA, so why should I consider that as a concession and be all bent out of shape because of it? You make no sense what so ever.
At the very least they should cover the weeks without pay to move to work brain. I’m shocked by the amount of people that don’t care how bad the disparity LAA received
Yup good old boy from long island....maybe a goodfella

ALUS78, AJ, has been told many times by many here that his rant over race is just his. He does not want to listen that this is about getting what each group needs and wants. He is a self acclaimed Hispanic, who thinks he is being slighted. He will not do his own research on topic and does not respect others.

His questions have been answered as well but yet he still continues with the race card, good ole boys club and what ever.

He's probably not even a Airline employee, or an AA employee. Just here to stir the pot.

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