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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Back on topic gentlemen:
Has anyone heard anything from the asso. of a possible date of when you guys will receive the detailed info on the contract offer?
Are the TWU'ers applying pressure on this asso. to allow a longer term for voting to get a better participation?? My Lord, all unions celebrate when they have great numbers of participation on votes, so wouldn't they want this???
And, can anyone share what a topped out mech is at currently with base only pay????
Full text will be mailed to our homes when its completed. No dates officially given. No other information released. We don't know when the vote will begin, how it will be conducted and who or which company will conduct the vote. That is suspicious at best. Never experienced this limited amount of information after a T/A has been agreed on. Normally in past practices we get all the information in a timeline. This time we have nothing yet. I'm sure this will pass in flying colors.
On the sick issue, how many sick days now? For comparo we get 12 per year and can bank up to 2400 hrs total. Are you saying they did not get back to the 12 you had before?

all assoc. laa is still under the 2011 bk 'contract' and fleet has been at 5 sk days per year. i believe the AMTs are stiffed on 1/2 pay for 1st day calling in sk.

this AIP is offering 10 sk days per year and sk bank max of 1600 hours.
Are the TWU'ers applying pressure on this asso. to allow a longer term for voting to get a better participation??

the twu people should be asking why it allowed sito to push money into the lus corner. who are these union executives seemingly for life? we got DL +0 so lus can keep on with their insurance and catering jobs?

the theories that once all the dust clears - the iam will represent fleet and the twu will represent AMTs and related is making more and more sense to me.
Full text will be mailed to our homes when its completed. No dates officially given. No other information released. We don't know when the vote will begin, how it will be conducted and who or which company will conduct the vote. That is suspicious at best. Never experienced this limited amount of information after a T/A has been agreed on. Normally in past practices we get all the information in a timeline. This time we have nothing yet. I'm sure this will pass in flying colors.
Wow. This is really baffling to me how much they are leaving the membership in the dark this whole time. AT the very least post an update that says, "we are still working out some kinks but expect everything to be finalized and sent to your homes at such and such date, and when the voting will start and conclude." This is just nuts.
I agree with you on the timeline. I still say there are some "biggie" negatives coming out of this offer that they are agreeing to. I bet they are fighting over the wording to lean it more one way than the other and one side is is not gonna be happy. Gee, wonder what side that will be?
I got AA mechs telling me the same as you that this will likely pass by flying colors. Why is that? Why do you guys say this? No one has seen the full text, language, and what all they agreed to, how can anyone say it will likely pass? Just another issue I am baffled by as well. Watch this; Can anyone on this forum tell us who's "cat" seniority rules they went with? YES I know it was decided by a third party, but what was the exact ruling?
By the time you all vote on this it will be near 5 years will it not? In my mind what's another year or so to get the full retro, more accurate bonus, and a more industry average yearly increases of 3% not 2%? Not only these issues but the many more that will come out on T/A day...

the twu people should be asking why it allowed sito to push money into the lus corner. who are these union executives seemingly for life? we got DL +0 so lus can keep on with their insurance and catering jobs?

the theories that once all the dust clears - the iam will represent fleet and the twu will represent AMTs and related is making more and more sense to me.
Another move by this asso. in order to try and peas the peeps so not to lose the mechanic and related craft over to AMFA. Hopefully T/A day will generate some many more p'd off people about the details when released. But I also agree with most here; I would NEVER send this asso. back to the table for a second try at a better offer, they are way too weak and all about the company and IAM, TWU will continuously get screwed in the future if they keep this pathetic asso.
The JCBA is about two main issues.
Money and the membership does not want to send Sito and Garcia back to the negotiating table. It's a far cry from a ILC as promised from both sides.
The finalization of the articles are being put together for printing and mailing. No other info available at this time such as timelines, road show for Q&A's and voting process.
Another move by this asso. in order to try and peas the peeps so not to lose the mechanic and related craft over to AMFA.

if that was the case, don't you think the contract would be geared more towards the twu?

aa mngt. came to the asinine conclusion that lus remaining on their insurance is ok, but not all? they're ok with that? wharton business graduates enabling the continuing compensatory disparity amongst the workforce?? what kind of message does this send?

asking that all fleet assoc. members get dl +3%, along with a $6k bonus and retro in lieu of lus insurance and catering jobs.....does that mean i hate lus? no.
if that was the case, don't you think the contract would be geared more towards the twu?

aa mngt. came to the asinine conclusion that lus remaining on their insurance is ok, but not all? they're ok with that? wharton business graduates enabling the continuing compensatory disparity amongst the workforce?? what kind of message does this send?

asking that all fleet assoc. members get dl +3%, along with a $6k bonus and retro in lieu of lus insurance and catering jobs.....does that mean i hate lus? no.
So Cremenyou think ORD is going to be a no vote?
I asked a simple question. Has there EVER been a person of color at the international level with AMFA.
Not the local level.
Instead of dodging my question and calling me a racist.
Anwswer my Question with the Truth. Good old Boys
there you go you have the golden opportunity to step up and change the trend! take the bull by the horns and wrestle it into submission! become the catalyst for change.
According to Tim Nelson on Facebook, the Fleet will pick up 5 new stations.
I would like to know the cost of that?

Because if there are any Good Old Boys, you know like Aviation Junkie is talking about in Fleet Service, they need to go...
Full text will be mailed to our homes when its completed. No dates officially given. No other information released. We don't know when the vote will begin, how it will be conducted and who or which company will conduct the vote. That is suspicious at best. Never experienced this limited amount of information after a T/A has been agreed on. Normally in past practices we get all the information in a timeline. This time we have nothing yet. I'm sure this will pass in flying colors.
A shop Steward got back to me. A change in full text process. It won't be mailed via snail mail. It's being sent out via computer PDF format. Probably emailed to all members. That makes much better sense.
When? Soon I hope. Still don't know on the voting process. No one wants to touch that one.
So it that a NO.
i would not know im not a member of amfa yet. but i think you answered your own question. if you dont run but just sit around and throw rocks what you get is what you get. here is your golden opportunity to stand up for change. or you can just sit down.
A shop Steward got back to me. A change in full text process. It won't be mailed via snail mail. It's being sent out via computer PDF format. Probably emailed to all members. That makes much better sense.
When? Soon I hope. Still don't know on the voting process. No one wants to touch that one.

sorry about the funny rating, but i didnt expect someone the association, the iam, the twu or the company to print out 30,000 copies of a contract and mail it (cant imagine what the cost of that would be) that has not been voted on and or voted in yet. unless of course the fix is in and they know how the vote will turn out. the voting process? there might be enough push back for them to reconsider the method of voting. but then again the association has not really shown a lot of concern about criticism
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sorry about the funny rating, but i didnt expect someone the association, the iam, the twu or the company to print out 30,000 copies of a contract and mail it (cant imagine what the cost of that would be) that has not been voted on and or voted in yet. unless of course the fix is in and they know how the vote will turn out. the voting process? there might be enough push back for them to reconsider the method of voting. but then again the association has not really shown a lot of concern about criticism
Funny how?


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