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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Simple question, are these included in the AIP?

March 26, 2019 The Association said: "Fact: Our proposal is that all “Association Members” receive full retro, from the Company back to the amendable date."

May 10, 2019 The Association said:
"Signing bonus:
The signing bonus of $3,000 is not a bonus at all. In fact, it is a way to ease the pain for most of us on the LAA side to transition from “pay current” to “pay in arrears.” When this happens, you will receive zero money for a paycheck and this $3,000 is for that. The Association is demanding a much higher signing bonus, along with a full paycheck to offset the pay in arrears transition.

Retro Pay:
“Literally millions of dollars are being left on the table with each week that goes by” is what David Seymour and Kerry Philipovitch stated in their letter on April 26, 2019.
If such is the case, then why is there no retro pay is the question each of needs to be asking and demanding? Where has this money gone? Maybe they used it for the 9% bonuses they handed out to management this year. This statement by senior management clearly makes the case for retro pay. Also, let us not forget the 4% raise that was handed out to all, except us. It is clear that they have the money, as it apparently is on a table somewhere. We just hope it is not on the same table that Doug Parker promised to build for negotiations at headquarters. The Association is demanding full retro pay.

When you multiply the $3,000 signing bonus by all of M&R and MLS members,that only equates to $42,000,000. They can afford a legitimate signing bonus and retro pay. It is reasonable compared to the $15 billion spent in stock buybacks for a stagnant stock. The negotiating committee is demanding full retro and a Large signing bonus, and so should you."

Just asking
A much smaller airline, making hundreds of millions less than AA per quarter and Billions less per year paid out 160 million in retro and bonuses to their employees. There is NO question rather AA can afford it it or not, it's all about can this aso. go after it, get it, and nego for it for their members? NO they cannot and will not. They are way too weak and don't have the balls to do so. Not even trying to get the retro and bonuses just speaks volumes of how much this asso and the co is in bed with each other.
Simple answer, the court issue is where all that money went.
And you can thank your union leaders for that boondoggle
So no we won’t get or see that money.
This is what you get when you have no professionals in the room
All the more reasons why you guys need to fire this asso.
Simple question, are these included in the AIP?

March 26, 2019 The Association said: "Fact: Our proposal is that all “Association Members” receive full retro, from the Company back to the amendable date."

May 10, 2019 The Association said:
"Signing bonus:
The signing bonus of $3,000 is not a bonus at all. In fact, it is a way to ease the pain for most of us on the LAA side to transition from “pay current” to “pay in arrears.” When this happens, you will receive zero money for a paycheck and this $3,000 is for that. The Association is demanding a much higher signing bonus, along with a full paycheck to offset the pay in arrears transition.

Retro Pay:
“Literally millions of dollars are being left on the table with each week that goes by” is what David Seymour and Kerry Philipovitch stated in their letter on April 26, 2019.
If such is the case, then why is there no retro pay is the question each of needs to be asking and demanding? Where has this money gone? Maybe they used it for the 9% bonuses they handed out to management this year. This statement by senior management clearly makes the case for retro pay. Also, let us not forget the 4% raise that was handed out to all, except us. It is clear that they have the money, as it apparently is on a table somewhere. We just hope it is not on the same table that Doug Parker promised to build for negotiations at headquarters. The Association is demanding full retro pay.

When you multiply the $3,000 signing bonus by all of M&R and MLS members,that only equates to $42,000,000. They can afford a legitimate signing bonus and retro pay. It is reasonable compared to the $15 billion spent in stock buybacks for a stagnant stock. The negotiating committee is demanding full retro and a Large signing bonus, and so should you."

Just asking

I am confused 1 comment implied it was not in the AIP and another comment said it absolutely was in AIP
Simple question, are these included in the AIP?

March 26, 2019 The Association said: "Fact: Our proposal is that all “Association Members” receive full retro, from the Company back to the amendable date."

May 10, 2019 The Association said:
"Signing bonus:
The signing bonus of $3,000 is not a bonus at all. In fact, it is a way to ease the pain for most of us on the LAA side to transition from “pay current” to “pay in arrears.” When this happens, you will receive zero money for a paycheck and this $3,000 is for that. The Association is demanding a much higher signing bonus, along with a full paycheck to offset the pay in arrears transition.

Retro Pay:
“Literally millions of dollars are being left on the table with each week that goes by” is what David Seymour and Kerry Philipovitch stated in their letter on April 26, 2019.
If such is the case, then why is there no retro pay is the question each of needs to be asking and demanding? Where has this money gone? Maybe they used it for the 9% bonuses they handed out to management this year. This statement by senior management clearly makes the case for retro pay. Also, let us not forget the 4% raise that was handed out to all, except us. It is clear that they have the money, as it apparently is on a table somewhere. We just hope it is not on the same table that Doug Parker promised to build for negotiations at headquarters. The Association is demanding full retro pay.

When you multiply the $3,000 signing bonus by all of M&R and MLS members,that only equates to $42,000,000. They can afford a legitimate signing bonus and retro pay. It is reasonable compared to the $15 billion spent in stock buybacks for a stagnant stock. The negotiating committee is demanding full retro and a Large signing bonus, and so should you."

Just asking
Anything the association says has to be considered questionable at best.
Ask yourself the first thing the association and company said as negotiations started over four years ago. The goal of achieving a ILC.
That appears to have fallen short. Everything else after that became collateral damage.
SO if you can’t understand my Question. Maybe all you good old boys are the REAL racist.

if white AMTs with the same job classification and same seniority pay scale walked away with $500+ more per month than you - despite working the same amount of hours...

...would anyone complain about that? if it were all men as opposed to female AMTs?

why isn't there an uproar about this AIP that perpetuates and promotes compensatory disparity between lus and laa??
I guess you answered my question. You guys CANT read. lol

So what you are really saying is that unions are socialist and that non-whites should get more to compensate for the decades of abuse...
Simple question, are these included in the AIP?

March 26, 2019 The Association said: "Fact: Our proposal is that all “Association Members” receive full retro, from the Company back to the amendable date."

May 10, 2019 The Association said:
"Signing bonus:
The signing bonus of $3,000 is not a bonus at all. In fact, it is a way to ease the pain for most of us on the LAA side to transition from “pay current” to “pay in arrears.” When this happens, you will receive zero money for a paycheck and this $3,000 is for that. The Association is demanding a much higher signing bonus, along with a full paycheck to offset the pay in arrears transition.

Retro Pay:
“Literally millions of dollars are being left on the table with each week that goes by” is what David Seymour and Kerry Philipovitch stated in their letter on April 26, 2019.
If such is the case, then why is there no retro pay is the question each of needs to be asking and demanding? Where has this money gone? Maybe they used it for the 9% bonuses they handed out to management this year. This statement by senior management clearly makes the case for retro pay. Also, let us not forget the 4% raise that was handed out to all, except us. It is clear that they have the money, as it apparently is on a table somewhere. We just hope it is not on the same table that Doug Parker promised to build for negotiations at headquarters. The Association is demanding full retro pay.

When you multiply the $3,000 signing bonus by all of M&R and MLS members,that only equates to $42,000,000. They can afford a legitimate signing bonus and retro pay. It is reasonable compared to the $15 billion spent in stock buybacks for a stagnant stock. The negotiating committee is demanding full retro and a Large signing bonus, and so should you."

Just asking
No way Im sending them back in there to chase down at best 12g (and your smoking some good stuff if you think they would ever come back with 42k in back pay) , for the next year or 2 while I'm losing 3k a month all in by my math.
There will be change once AA takes over AMFA. TWU and IAM sucks to the core. But the International has ALWAYS been made up of Diverse people of ALL color. You know like this Great Country We All live in. SO if you can’t understand my Question. Maybe all you good old boys are the REAL racist.

I'm for whoever is most qualified regardless of what race they are.
Once again NONE of you will answer my question because you know I am correct. It just a question that in todays world makes a difference. Maybe not to you Good old Boys. But to the rest of US. I bet you all support Trump also.
What do we have here, yet another professional victim? You and Jussie Smollett should do lunch.

Good to hear. Underneath all of AJ's white noise is a very valid point; today's workforce is more diverse than ever, and labor leadership should reflect that.
Choosing leadership because you are trying to hit some sort of "diversity quota" is a fools errand. The most qualified should be chosen, simple as that. After all it is COLLECTIVE bargaining. Last time I checked all races worked under the same contract. WHO is negotiating the contract is of little concern, only the results they achieve for the membership.

I think we can all agree on that, well except for our professional victim up there.

AviationJunkie I like how you associate anyone who supports Trump as racist.... classic. I mean really, that is the cherry on top of your 5h*t Sunday of a post.

AviationJunkie it really disturbs me how weak minded and divisive you are. You have fallen for Democrat pandering and propaganda hook, line and sinker. "Maybe not to YOU Good Old boys, but to the rest of US", if you really want to know why our country is so divided go read your own post.

You can't have true equality with diversity quotas and protected groups.
No way Im sending them back in there to chase down at best 12g (and your smoking some good stuff if you think they would ever come back with 42k in back pay) , for the next year or 2 while I'm losing 3k a month all in by my math.
That is the exact attitudes the co. and asso. wants to hear. So they do not have to go back and fight for. Heard the exact same phrases here at SWA when we got our first low ball offer. No one, and I mean no one, ever thought we would have a chance on getting full retro for over 6.5 years of back pay. BUT, the membership came thru, strong and united as well as our fantastic nego's and got it done. And BTW, it was the #1 priority on the nego's survey list of the membership, so at least everyone was on the same page. When you have a/c mechs getting 50, 60, 80, 100K plus in full retro checks, the company will think twice next time in dragging the nego's out for so long.
Why is it so hard to answer a simple question. All you have to say is NO. Instead of admitting I am right. All you good old boys come up with attacks against me for bringing out the truth.
Since the beginning of AMFA there has NEVER been anyone of color on the international level.
Instead of attacking me. Why don’t you divorced lonely uneducated broke good old boys get over that fact that. A CHANGE IS COMING.

Oh and SWAMT. The definition on ignoring someone. Maybe you should do your research. I guess you dropped out of school to early. LMFAO.
Not sure what your game is, and it is a game your playing, but maybe you can tell us how many men or women have ran for AMFA national director that we’re not of the “good ole boy status”? I’m not an AMFA member so I don’t know the history of their elections. I’m assuming that you are knowledgeable of the election history so tell us who has ran and not been successful when having non good ole boy genetics. For that matter who has been pres of the twu, teamsters, iam or even the afl-cio of non good ole boy ancestry? I honestly don’t have a clue and don’t give a rats ass but since you seem to think it’s of some significance so fill us in. My life is to busy to give thought to something that petty but after reading your belly aching my curiosity has been picked. This seems to be the focal point of your being so give us a history lesson there homie.

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