AMFAinMiami why don't you stop lying to the Title 2 guys. The only reason you are asking them to sign a card is because the NMB counts them and if you don't get them to sign. There is little chance of you guys getting more than 50% card signed.
AMFA is and always will be a Aircraft Mechanics union.The truth is MOST aircraft mechanics want to get rid of everyone that is not a AC Mechanic. I am not saying that I feel that way. But that is the truth.
AJ; If did your own research you would know what you say is just BS, if the Title 1 mechanics signed cards from both LUS and LAA it would not matter if any of them signed cards. It is also not just the Title 2 mechanics its others that are part of our class and craft as well. If you say that you don't feel that way what makes you think I do? The Organizers here at AA that have pushed for AMFA to come here to AA don't feel that way either. If I remember you're the one who said the AMFA Organizers don't know what they are doing. You were supposed to step up and show us how it's done. Have you done that?
Check out the contracts of the airlines that AMFA represents and look at the pay scales of each group you will see that they represent GSE, Facilities, Cleaners, do your home work before you run off at the mouth.
With guys like you telling lies that has been the problem, we have this association due to fear of change. I assume you are mad that you are not in the pilots union, or the Flight attendants union. They have their own class and craft that is what we want as well. If you can find an old UAL contract or a NWA contract you will see they were represented there as Well.
The three industrial unions IAM/TWU/IBT are catch all unions just after dues. The Mechanics just want a Union that will represent US, Not Fleet, Stores, or bus drivers, train yard workers, truck drivers ect... The ATD is just a small part of the TWU, we really don't matter to them in the big picture. But with AMFA we will be the only Picture.
So you tell the Title 2 mechanics what you want but until you have proof from AMFA National or a way to change the NMB's ruling of who is in our class and craft
GET involved or just be quiet.