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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

As a US fleet, I’ve never had more than 5 weeks of vacation.
We added 3 holidays up to 10 which is a restore from many years ago.
We got differential pay back which has been gone for 20 or so years.
Maybe it’s not ILC but it seems pretty equal to our peers.
Now had one of the Ass leaders not run his mouth on video or some people not done a slowdown, and don’t give me the crap it never happened, well there must be some evidence or the judge wouldn’t ruled in favor of AA.
Maybe this would have been a better deal but we were dealing with a bunch of clueless negotiators and well this is what we have so it is what it is
i will not decide if i vote for this contract until i read the language but this will probably pass because a lot of people do not believe that they are good enough for an industry leading contract
i will not decide if i vote for this contract until i read the language but this will probably pass because a lot of people do not believe that they are good enough for an industry leading contract

Title 2; Whether you vote for or against this TA is your choice, but what I am asking is that due to the farming out of your group, at some stations and the eliminating of your title group at others that you realise that the TWU over the last 20 yrs has not DONE, you guys a hell of alot. So with that said maybe it's time for TITLE 2 to get on board with Title 1 and help remove this association. Sign an AMFA card and get your fellow title 2 members to sign as well.
Title 2; Whether you vote for or against this TA is your choice, but what I am asking is that due to the farming out of your group, at some stations and the eliminating of your title group at others that you realise that the TWU over the last 20 yrs has not DONE, you guys a hell of alot. So with that said maybe it's time for TITLE 2 to get on board with Title 1 and help remove this association. Sign an AMFA card and get your fellow title 2 members to sign as well.
i have filed a card on every card drive since i started with AA i am not going to be able to sway my coworkers maybe if title 1 would support us instead of trying to bargain us away or sell us for a little more money we would all be on board.
i have filed a card on every card drive since i started with AA i am not going to be able to sway my coworkers maybe if title 1 would support us instead of trying to bargain us away or sell us for a little more money we would all be on board.

TITLE 2; I have over 20 yrs with AA and each and every card drive I have come to both Fac&Gse to get support from both groups to remove the TWU. Each time I have been turned away. So can you tell me/us why it has been that way and since the TWU does the bargaining with the exception of this TA. The NMB has TITLE 2 and others as part of the M & R class and craft. If we didn't support you and had some power over the TWU why would every AMFA organizer come to the GSE & Fac mechanics if we wanted to bargain you away, requesting you join with us to rid AA of the TWU?
We have even brought GSE and Fac mechanics from SWA to AMFA information gatherings, I have shown your title group Alaska & SWA contracts showing that AMFA represents you.

Your title group led the way with going to the IBT, most signed Teamster cards but look what happened there, they pulled the rug out from under all of us. They (IBT) killed the AMFA card drive by withdrawing their cards before the NMB could check the cards.

The TWU & IBT told you that AMFA did not want you, did you ever ask anyone from AMFA if that was true? Not the AA organizers but actually contact the National Office of AMFA. It has always been about the loss of dues for the TWU, that is why they told your Title group that.

When this T/A comes out your title group will again see that the TWU has not supported you. I am Sorry about that.

Thanks for signing a card
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AMFAinMiami why don't you stop lying to the Title 2 guys. The only reason you are asking them to sign a card is because the NMB counts them and if you don't get them to sign. There is little chance of you guys getting more than 50% card signed.
AMFA is and always will be a Aircraft Mechanics union.The truth is MOST aircraft mechanics want to get rid of everyone that is not a AC Mechanic. I am not saying that I feel that way. But that is the truth.
The fact and truth is that the NMB had ruled that title 1 and 2 are considered in a class and craft classification. The lies are from you who claims we don't care about title 2 guys. That is the same attitude and approach the industrial unionists from the TWU have been treating title 2 guys. Divide and conquer to keep the membership dues flowing. The TWU is worried about losing money and the membership wants better representation for their money. The TWU failed again and can't deliver. Now we have an opportunity to have a class and craft union deliver us away from the evil TWU and properly represent both title groups. Such a simple concept that a third grader can comprehend. Are you in or out?
Are you going to spew your verbal anger towards the members that are trying to better themselves? Your not helping any that is unless your a TWU supporter.
AMFAinMiami why don't you stop lying to the Title 2 guys. The only reason you are asking them to sign a card is because the NMB counts them and if you don't get them to sign. There is little chance of you guys getting more than 50% card signed.
AMFA is and always will be a Aircraft Mechanics union.The truth is MOST aircraft mechanics want to get rid of everyone that is not a AC Mechanic. I am not saying that I feel that way. But that is the truth.

AJ; If did your own research you would know what you say is just BS, if the Title 1 mechanics signed cards from both LUS and LAA it would not matter if any of them signed cards. It is also not just the Title 2 mechanics its others that are part of our class and craft as well. If you say that you don't feel that way what makes you think I do? The Organizers here at AA that have pushed for AMFA to come here to AA don't feel that way either. If I remember you're the one who said the AMFA Organizers don't know what they are doing. You were supposed to step up and show us how it's done. Have you done that?

Check out the contracts of the airlines that AMFA represents and look at the pay scales of each group you will see that they represent GSE, Facilities, Cleaners, do your home work before you run off at the mouth.

With guys like you telling lies that has been the problem, we have this association due to fear of change. I assume you are mad that you are not in the pilots union, or the Flight attendants union. They have their own class and craft that is what we want as well. If you can find an old UAL contract or a NWA contract you will see they were represented there as Well.

The three industrial unions IAM/TWU/IBT are catch all unions just after dues. The Mechanics just want a Union that will represent US, Not Fleet, Stores, or bus drivers, train yard workers, truck drivers ect... The ATD is just a small part of the TWU, we really don't matter to them in the big picture. But with AMFA we will be the only Picture.

So you tell the Title 2 mechanics what you want but until you have proof from AMFA National or a way to change the NMB's ruling of who is in our class and craft
GET involved or just be quiet.
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No evolution seen here!😵
As a US fleet, I’ve never had more than 5 weeks of vacation.
We added 3 holidays up to 10 which is a restore from many years ago.
We got differential pay back which has been gone for 20 or so years.
Maybe it’s not ILC but it seems pretty equal to our peers.
Now had one of the Ass leaders not run his mouth on video or some people not done a slowdown, and don’t give me the crap it never happened, well there must be some evidence or the judge wouldn’t ruled in favor of AA.
Maybe this would have been a better deal but we were dealing with a bunch of clueless negotiators and well this is what we have so it is what it is
Then I guess I am referring to the AMT's. The fleet boys might be equal to or around the same pay and benefits as other fleet groups at other airlines. Which is also why the AMT's need to get out of this fleet union.
AMFAinMiami why don't you stop lying to the Title 2 guys. The only reason you are asking them to sign a card is because the NMB counts them and if you don't get them to sign. There is little chance of you guys getting more than 50% card signed.
AMFA is and always will be a Aircraft Mechanics union.The truth is MOST aircraft mechanics want to get rid of everyone that is not a AC Mechanic. I am not saying that I feel that way. But that is the truth.
Junkie, I can assure you that AMFA will more than care about title 2,3 or any mechanic groups. Just ask any of our GSE, FM, Plant maint., guys. They too were just as leary as you are now, and cme to find out a world of difference once they were represented by AMFA.
Another way to look at it is this. You see now at AA how the "fleet" union particularly takes care of the fleet boys? Well that's what AMFA will do for the mechanic and "related", title 2 and other related groups at AA. AMFA will solely focus on the mechanics and related like these industrial unions do with the majority in their groups and is all the reason why the mechanics want a C&C union. Makes sense right?
Heck we even have MC and instructors that saw all the advantages of AMFA representation and they too all voted to bring in AMFA to represent them too. I know that change is difficult to do, but all our new groups are wishing tey have done it a long time ago.
Then I guess I am referring to the AMT's. The fleet boys might be equal to or around the same pay and benefits as other fleet groups at other airlines. Which is also why the AMT's need to get out of this fleet union.

all laa had 12 paid sk days a year, due to aa's acquisition of twa and twa having 12 paid sk days.

it didn't last long, but it was 12 days and allowed people to stockpile sk time.

as far as vc: laa lost 1 week vc in 1995, lost another week in 2003 and lost another week in 2011. all things being equal, i guess we should be on 7. not 8 because 1995 was not a bk deal or give away to avoid bk. the company asked for and got a compensatory concession in 1995.

1995 was a rotten contract. on par with this rotten aip that continues to benefit lus at laa's expense.
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It seems that AMFA is the only representative that believes in Title 2. Aviation Junkie is not providing proof of where the Title 2 Mechanics belong.
It seems that AMFA is the only representative that believes in Title 2. Aviation Junkie is not providing proof of where the Title 2 Mechanics belong.
Based on his posts I'm not sure where he belongs. TWU, IAM or AMFA.
Based on his posts I'm not sure where he belongs. TWU, IAM or AMFA.

Aviation Junkie has probably been here before under another name. It is the same feeble attempt to stop the truth.
all laa had 12 paid sk days a year, due to aa's acquisition of twa and twa having 12 paid sk days.

it didn't last long, but it was 12 days and allowed people to stockpile sk time.

as far as vc: laa lost 1 week vc in 1995, lost another week in 2003 and lost another week in 2011. all things being equal, i guess we should be on 7. not 8 because 1995 was not a bk deal or give away to avoid bk. the company asked for and got a compensatory concession in 1995.

1995 was a rotten contract. on par with this rotten aip that continues to benefit lus at laa's expense.
On the sick issue, how many sick days now? For comparo we get 12 per year and can bank up to 2400 hrs total. Are you saying they did not get back to the 12 you had before?

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