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A Qeustion For The Twu

Bob Owens said:
You call it ego, I call it ethics. No I would not be willing to do what Gless was obviously willing to do to get his International job.

It looks like you and Gless have a lot in common.
My GOD, Bobby you have no ethics.
James T. Kirk said:
My GOD, Bobby you have no ethics.
How would you know?

Maybe I should cheat on my wife, or maybe even beat her, then I would fit in better with the fine upstanding gentlemen of the TWU International?
Bob Owens said:
It looks like you and Gless have a lot in common.
If Gless and I have anything in common it would be our summation of you, and what a joke that is. Never have I seen a guy so willing to kiss himself in the mornings as you. Problem being, even your AMFA buddies know what a failure and a crybaby you are. Now, go blue ink someone, that is your lonely life's ambition.
Nightwatch said:
If Gless and I have anything in common it would be our summation of you, and what a joke that is. Never have I seen a guy so willing to kiss himself in the mornings as you. Problem being, even your AMFA buddies know what a failure and a crybaby you are. Now, go blue ink someone, that is your lonely life's ambition.
Gee nitewitch, I'm sure Mr. Owens is touched by your sentimental feelings toward him. Never have I seen a COWARD such as you. You try to denigrate a man who addresses his posts with his own name, while you hide behind your cowardly alias. A COWARD, and nothing but.

We have come to exspect that of your twu type.

Its no wonder your twu is in such a divisive and confused state.

Twu Punks, Drunks, and cowards. Don't forget the functional illiterates.

Hackman said:
Gee nitewitch, I'm sure Mr. Owens is touched by your sentimental feelings toward him. Never have I seen a COWARD such as you. You try to denigrate a man who addresses his posts with his own name, while you hide behind your cowardly alias. A COWARD, and nothing but.

We have come to exspect that of your twu type.

Its no wonder your twu is in such a divisive and confused state.

Twu Punks, Drunks, and cowards. Don't forget the functional illiterates.

Does it bother you that everyone knows ,Gary ,that you're all mouth and no action? We, the TEAMTWU, have come to expect that of you. Tell me something, what do you charge to haunt a house? Threatened anyone lately? You're a real piece of work, and you want to call us a coward? You might think of giving these boards a rest and get back to hanging around schoolyards.

BTW...how's Dan doing?
Nightwatch said:
You're a real piece of work, and you want to call us a coward?
I believe he called YOU a coward. So what are you going to do about it?
Bob Owens said:
How would you know?

Maybe I should cheat on my wife, or maybe even beat her, then I would fit in better with the fine upstanding gentlemen of the TWU International?
You know Bobby people like you give New York a bad name.
Nearly going on 5 months now and still no answers from the TWU side about the $3.1 million they got from the International.

I was recently looking though my papers. I took a brief glance at the March 3 contract propsals from the company. Across it was stamped Rejected March 4, 2003.

I noticed one thing that was not there. On this rejected proposal from the company they did not mention the $3.1 million for Company Paid UB. Was this an oversight?

Why didnt the company include the $3.1 million for Company paid UB? I feel that they held back, expecting Little to be able to sell the concessions as they were but when he failed they decided, like a master to his dog, to yank their chain a little bit to remind the Presidents who was really the Master. "Quit messing around or you can kiss your company paid UB goodbye" appears to be the message, and it worked because the agreement that we ended up with was worse than the first proposal, except for those on company paid UB of course.

I also came across the Ballot instructions, and I had to wonder when the TWU said that their "experts" have determined that a judge would likely abrogate our contract in bankruptcy, were they in fact talking about the company paid UB, or were they saying that the twenty years of concessions we had already given the company would not justify refusal our to submitt to the unprecidented demands that the company was making. Demands that niether USAIR or UAL requested from their workers?
Bob Owens said:
Nearly going on 5 months now and still no answers from the TWU side about the $3.1 million they got from the International.

I was recently looking though my papers. I took a brief glance at the March 3 contract propsals from the company. Across it was stamped Rejected March 4, 2003.

I noticed one thing that was not there. On this rejected proposal from the company they did not mention the $3.1 million for Company Paid UB. Was this an oversight?

Why didnt the company include the $3.1 million for Company paid UB? I feel that they held back, expecting Little to be able to sell the concessions as they were but when he failed they decided, like a master to his dog, to yank their chain a little bit to remind the Presidents who was really the Master. "Quit messing around or you can kiss your company paid UB goodbye" appears to be the message, and it worked because the agreement that we ended up with was worse than the first proposal, except for those on company paid UB of course.

I also came across the Ballot instructions, and I had to wonder when the TWU said that their "experts" have determined that a judge would likely abrogate our contract in bankruptcy, were they in fact talking about the company paid UB, or were they saying that the twenty years of concessions we had already given the company would not justify refusal our to submitt to the unprecidented demands that the company was making. Demands that niether USAIR or UAL requested from their workers?
Well Bob, you certainly must feel you've been had. Why not take a few of your hamburger bucks and put them towards a lawyer to fight your newly found evils of the world. There has to be a way to make you "hole" again....no pun intended..HAHAHA!
Directors Update - 06-30-04 - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 14:59
June 30, 2004


TO: All AA Local Presidents 501-590

RE: AA Shared Sacrifice

Dear Brothers:

As you know, I have had numerous correspondences with American Airlines regarding the issue of shared sacrifice. We received preliminary information from American Airlines, however; my response letter to James B. Weel, Managing Director ER, requested a more substantial and detailed breakdown now later that June 28, 2004, which they have provided. We are in the process of evaluating and analyzing the information and will respond as soon as possible.

Sincerely & fraternally,

James C. Little

Director Air Transport Division

Intl. Administrative Vice President

JCL:cjw opeiu-153 afl-cio

Wow, Jim Little showed them! The thought of the mighty TWU snake slithering out again caused fear and panic in the AMR board room! AA answered just in the nick of time too, lest the mighty TWU snake be unleashed! 😀 😀

Bob Owens said:
I believe he called YOU a coward. So what are you going to do about it?
Well let me see Bob, wet myself? If I was holding a burger and you was hungry, that would scare me. Hackett? Doesn't scare me, and he can yell coward till the cows come home, he thinks you're gay, what are you gonna do about it?

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