Thats no excuse, they seem to be in court nearly every day.Ray said:I have to admit I am still waiting for a response from the twu. Maybe they are in court today?
Basically UAL, 15 years afterwards, is getting what the TWU gave to AA. We have been paying for our retiree health benifits for 15 years. Remember "Prefunding", its still being taken out. Once again the TWU is the leader in concessions!twuer said:Hey Bob, since you are so good at bringing us information maybe you can explain what is happening with amfa's UAL retirees!!!!! Don't keep us waiting now!! We all want to hear your knowldege and expertise on this subject!! You support amfa so certainly you must know something about what is going on, huh??!!
Oh Bob, you're still upset that you don't get any more money form the TWU so you have to start some story about crooks and thieves. That's exactly how you have scared all those folks up there in NY in believing your crap about how good amfa is. One big amfa vs the TWU story (Owens version - becseu everyone else's version is BS!!!!!)). You tell it long enough they start to believe it. You and Schaulk have filled their heads with more BS it's a wonder their heads don't explode. And what is sad is that they believe you and don't take the time to research anything on there own to find out the truth for themselves. You've got yourself quite the "bubble" up there don't you??? Your probelms are your own, noone cares about the guys in NY, poor us, it sucks to be in NY!!!! Cry me a river Bob!! Then grow some will you??!!Bob Owens said:What, still no answers from the TWU?
Come on now Bobby Gless and the rest of you TWU crooks, we know that you monitor these boards, you testified to it. You can always sneak behind one of your aliases.
Why is there no information on Gless on the LM-2?
Where is all that $3.1 million going?
How is it that Bobby and Gary reportedly claim that they took pay cuts? Apparently the rest of the TWU International got raises last year.
Why was Bobby paying dues through company payroll long after he became a full time International employee?
Why was Bobby still included on the JFK headcount until a few weeks after I started this thread?
Are, or were, TWU officials recieving two paychecks, one from the TWU and one from the company?
These are not overly complex, or unreasonable questions. We know that you are aware of these questions but yet you fail to respond. Maybe it will come out in the depositions next month.
Nightwatch said:I have seen several LM2 forms from both the TWU and AMFA. Not having in my possession a degree in accounting I will keep my assumptions to myself.I rest assured knowing that organizations such as AMFA and the TWU both have retained accountants that are able.
I rest assured knowing that organizations such as AMFA and the TWU both have retained accountants that are able.
What I stated stands, I do not know. Nor do I care about Robert Gless and his attained wages, nor do I particularly care about how the TWU reports his wages. He will make the same annual amount no matter what column it occupies. I have met Mr. Gless and see him as an able representative. I also believe that many AMFA supporters saw him as "able" when he supported AMFA. I understand your animosity but , in the same breathe, I believe a man has the right to openly admit he has changed his agenda.amt for amfa said:.So nightwatch your saying you don't know and it appears Bob is right. That was the first real answer I have heard from a twu supporter almost. :unsure:
YES, I do.Nightwatch said:Does anyone understand my quagmire here?