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Twu Dues At Work.


HOPE is not such a big word as you claim.

Pronunciation: (hOp), [key]
—n., v., hoped, hop•ing.


1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the
best: to have hope, desire better.

2. a particular instance of this feeling: the hope of winning at the bargaining table.

3. grounds for this feeling in a particular instance: There is little or no hope with the TWU.

4. a person or thing in which expectations are centered: Change from within has failed with the TWU, hence there is no hope.

5. something that is hoped for: A better future is my constant hope.

Base on 20 years of Industry Leading Concessions, I have no idea where you get the " I have confidence that the TWU will continue to fight for me. Spin it as you will."

The truth is twu'er, there are no facts as you claim that AMFA has failed at anything. The AMFA idea is to get ALL MECHANICS of the industry into ONE union. Until this idea has been tried, how can the idea be a failure? We all know what we have endured under the TWU, and we hope for a better future. You are simply banking your beliefs on something that cannot possibly be true. ALL MECHANICS in one union, will require us to change unions to confirm or deny the idea is worthy of our support. You surely do not need us to list the twenty years of TWU Concessions once again to prove your so-called "confidence", is in direct conflict with a proven past? How can one have or keep confidence in such a dismal and documented record?

DO you also have confidence that the TWU will show up to debate AMFA in early 2004 ?

Are you so confident in the TWU that you will step forward with that self proclaimed confidence in the TWU and squelch the support and hope that AMFA has generated throughout your membership ranks?

Will you put up or shut up when it comes to a live debate, where you can prove the basis for your confidence? It is easy to hide behind and alias and type words, but are you and your gang of thugs courageous or cowards? That is the next question to be answered in the public forum.

I have extraordinary confidence that AMFA will replace the TWU in 2004, and I am willing stand in front of any crowd with AMFA National Officers, anywhere, anytime, and show the documentation why I hope and believe this to be true.

Are you that confident in your position? I didn't think so! :shock:
Come on Buck, you know you will never convince any TWUer that
voting for ALL letters of agreement,
voting for ALL local and intl' union officers,
holding officers accountable with recall rights DIRECTLY from the membership, having a SUPERIOR constitution,
representing YOUR interests as an AMT and promoting your craft and class,
letting YOU decide who to support politically,
sitting in on negotiations,
running legitimate elections, and
allowing other airlines the right to decide for themselves if trading jobs for pay/benfits IS A BETTER WAY TO GO. What are you thinking?
TWU informer said:

HOPE is not such a big word as you claim.

Pronunciation: (hOp), [key]
—n., v., hoped, hop•ing.


1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the
best: to have hope, desire better.

2. a particular instance of this feeling: the hope of winning at the bargaining table.

3. grounds for this feeling in a particular instance: There is little or no hope with the TWU.

4. a person or thing in which expectations are centered: Change from within has failed with the TWU, hence there is no hope.

5. something that is hoped for: A better future is my constant hope.

Base on 20 years of Industry Leading Concessions, I have no idea where you get the " I have confidence that the TWU will continue to fight for me. Spin it as you will."

The truth is twu'er, there are no facts as you claim that AMFA has failed at anything. The AMFA idea is to get ALL MECHANICS of the industry into ONE union. Until this idea has been tried, how can the idea be a failure? We all know what we have endured under the TWU, and we hope for a better future. You are simply banking your beliefs on something that cannot possibly be true. ALL MECHANICS in one union, will require us to change unions to confirm or deny the idea is worthy of our support. You surely do not need us to list the twenty years of TWU Concessions once again to prove your so-called "confidence", is in direct conflict with a proven past? How can one have or keep confidence in such dismal and documented record?

DO you have confidence that the TWU will show up to debate AMFA in January?

Are you so confident in the TWU that you will step forward with your confidence in the TWU and squelch the support and hope that AMFA has generated throughout your membership ranks? Will you put up or shut up when it comes to a live debate, where you can prove your basis for your confidence?

I have more confidence that AMFA will replace the TWU in 2004, and I am willing stand in front of any crowd with AMFA National Officers, anywhere, anytime, and show the documentation why I hope and believe this to be true.

Are you that confident in your position? I didn't think so! :shock:

Is that you Dave??? <_<

What makes you think that AMFA will be a union of just mechanics?

I have every confidence in TWU and whomever will represent us in a debate with AMFA.

TWU informer quote. . .
I have more confidence that AMFA will replace the TWU in 2004, and I am willing stand in front of any crowd with AMFA National Officers, anywhere, anytime, and show the documentation why I hope and believe this to be true.

Boy this sure sounds like the Dave (RV4) we all know and love. I apologize if I'm wrong!!

I'm looking forward to a debate. Who knows, maybe I'll get to be heard. ?????? 😛h34r:

Let the Holidays pass and I bet you and the TWU get your chance.

Do you think we will finally see the TWU show up?

I have no doubt that if you and your company bed wetters show up, that you will all be heard loud and clear.

I think we have a video of your previous debate? Sorry if I am wrong.
twuer said:
Okay Bob, please tell us. . .what miraculous feat will AMFA accomplish if voted in? What will they do for me? You look for immediate and timely results. More money, more days off, more vacation, better pension, better job security????? Will AMFA deliver??? Tell us what the almighty AMFA will do Bob. And try not to compare with the TWU. Don't tell us what they won't do. I want to know what they will do for me NOW!!!!!!! And can you give some proof with that??
Miracles? Who said anything about miracles?

I want an accountable union that is focused on my profession, that seeks to unite all mechanics under one banner.

What is wrong with that?

I would have preferred that all airline workers were in such a union but they threw me out of office for that idea.

What will they do for you? Who are you? How could I answer the question without knowing who you are or what you do? For all I know you could be Jim Little, Bobby Gless, or Gary Yingst.

Immediate and timely results? Timely yes, Ive been here 17 years, how much longer should I wait for the TWU to not come back with a concessionary contract?

You want to know what they will do "NOW", yet you chastize me for wanting "Immediate results".

What joining AMFA will do is give us hope for the future.

AMFA will allow us to vote in all officers-NOW!!!

AMFA will allow us to recall any officer who the members feel is not representing them- NOW!!!

AMFA will give us a union that we can identify with-a mechanics union.

AMFA will allow us to all be in mechanics locals that can focus on our issues-NOW!!!

You want proof-go read their Constitution-NOW!!!

By the way, why do you think Hope is an "awful" word. I think its a beautiful word.
Quote from TWUER;
"I would rather have lower wages than none at all."

If all "unionist" felt this way where would we be now?

The cornerstone of unionism is that we will stand together and withhold all work unless adequate wages were offered.

The companys response was always "isnt less better than none?"

To which unionists stood together and responded NO

Those that decided that the company was right and went to work are called scabs.

By 2008 we will have lost nearly 40% of our buying power compared to the early eighties. At what point do we start acting like unionists and say "NO, less is not better than none!"?

At what point would the TWU say "No that is unacceptable?" When the company cant offer them more dues payers.

Over that same period where our buying power was slashed the ranks of the AMR/TWU swelled, more than tripling. Our loss was their gain.
Bob Owens said:
Quote from TWUER;
"I would rather have lower wages than none at all."

If all "unionist" felt this way where would we be now?

The cornerstone of unionism is that we will stand together and withhold all work unless adequate wages were offered.

The companys response was always "isnt less better than none?"

To which unionists stood together and responded NO

Those that decided that the company was right and went to work are called scabs.

By 2008 we will have lost nearly 40% of our buying power compared to the early eighties. At what point do we start acting like unionists and say "NO, less is not better than none!"?

At what point would the TWU say "No that is unacceptable?" When the company cant offer them more dues payers.

Over that same period where our buying power was slashed the ranks of the AMR/TWU swelled, more than tripling. Our loss was their gain.

I'll say it again. . I would rather have lower wages than none at all. You do too, you just won't admit it. I know what union means although I may not be as educated on unions of the past as I'm sure you are. You're preaching to the choir. But days are different now Bob, like it or not. It's a fact. What do you think AMFA would have done if they had been in the TWU's shoes? Held out and held out until they were forced to go into bankruptcy? What? I have asked that questions a number of times on these boards and can't remember getting a response. . .from anyone. Wonder why that is?

your quote. . .
(The cornerstone of unionism is that we will stand together and withhold all work unless adequate wages were offered.)
We stood together and voted for concessions Bob!!!!!!!!!! Nobody likes it but it was the right thing to do and it's done. There were many different reasons why people voted for them I'm sure. I will not go into stats and logistics with you for sake of argument. Been there done that. It is just spun like everything else. I voted to save my job and the job of the guy I work next to. I guess that makes me a "scab".
TWuer, are you a topped out mechanic?
Path of concessions??? Explain that Buck. Is AMFA concession free??

The path of concessions is the results of twenty years of representation of the TWU, the 1983 B-scale through the latest round of concessions. If you are referring to layoffs at Northwest as concessions, then no they are not concession free. However those mechanics have not taken a wage concession. So both airlines have laid off employees and American has cut wages and benefits also. The TWU has also allowed for the mechanics to be moved to the OSM classification. This is also another form of wage cuts.

I voted to keep myself employed first. I would rather have lower wages than none at all. Wouldn't you?

This the problem with the whole industry. You and your fellow industrial unionist looking out for your individual selves. This is not unionism. You promote the wage cuts of your fellow members to ensure your gain. When I entered the profession I new that I could potentially be laid off. For the last twenty years the TWU has prevented most layoff situations, however it has cost the members dearly. Concession after concession at each contract with the only major gain being the wage increase generated by the AMFA represented mechanics at NWA through the PEB. Only to have the TWU concede it away. I would if necessary move to what ever location I would need to to maintain my profession, not cower before the company and it's lapdog union.

Is that written down somewhere. . a policy, procedure?? I would like to see that. You guys keep using that expression.

It is written down in the contract books of the last twenty years.

We have been over this over and over and over. Bankruptcy. . .more jobs lost (proven fact). Temporary concessions. . .fewer jobs lost (proven fact). The best that I can hope for is that airline industry as a whole flourishes again. But there is no guarantee of that, now is there? AMFA won't save us, AMFA won't give us any more hope.

As long as the TWU continues to cower before the company the company will continue to manhandle the TWU. Who said anything about temporary concessions?

The TWU has yet to regain the concessions it spawned in 1983. AMFA may not save us, that would be an incredible feat considering the TWU has us in. AMFA can provide the self determination to succeed as mechanics. Why is it that Fleet Service is the highest paid in their craft and class and we as mechanics are at the bottom of the majors? As long as you live in your concessionary negative world our profession will never succeed.

I wonder why you are so afraid of change? Every one of the TWU supporters I talk with are unhappy with the concessions. Yet they won't take the steps necessary to correct the concessionary course of the TWU. The TWU is all about LIFT.

Lies, Intimidation, Fear and Threats.

Stand up and do something about your profession.
twuer said:

I'll say it again. . I would rather have lower wages than none at all. You do too, you just won't admit it. I know what union means although I may not be as educated on unions of the past as I'm sure you are. You're preaching to the choir. But days are different now Bob, like it or not. It's a fact. What do you think AMFA would have done if they had been in the TWU's shoes? Held out and held out until they were forced to go into bankruptcy? What? I have asked that questions a number of times on these boards and can't remember getting a response. . .from anyone. Wonder why that is?

your quote. . .
(The cornerstone of unionism is that we will stand together and withhold all work unless adequate wages were offered.)
We stood together and voted for concessions Bob!!!!!!!!!! Nobody likes it but it was the right thing to do and it's done. There were many different reasons why people voted for them I'm sure. I will not go into stats and logistics with you for sake of argument. Been there done that. It is just spun like everything else. I voted to save my job and the job of the guy I work next to. I guess that makes me a "scab".
Held out and held out until they were forced to go into bankruptcy?

By "they" do you mean AMFA?

Would AA have been forced to go into bankruptcy? We don’t know that, we only know what they claimed. They had over $1billion in cash and the summer was on its way. Their costs were still competitive with USAir’s and UALs, plus they had the advantage of keeping the work in house where they have greater control over quality and ground time.

If they had gone bankrupt so what? We did worse than those that went bankrupt. Ual went bankrupt. They are still here, and they still get holiday pay, double-time and at least two weeks of vacation. And, UAL was in a lot worse shape before Sept 11 than AA. USAIR was in even worse shape than UAL. Even prior to Sept 11 their survivability was in doubt. Yet they are still here too.

What were talking about here? What we were talking about is reorganization, not liquidation. Talk about us going strait to C-7 was pure propaganda, a scare tactic, as more than likely was the threat of going C-11, and the worst part is that our Union was the one promoting all the propaganda. Instead of trying to protect our contract they decided it would be cheaper for the International to sell us out. Perhaps it was repayment for the three-fold increase in members that AMR has provided the TWU over the years.

Why was there such a rush? Because it was a scam.

All of a sudden AA was out of money-only $1billion left, and they had to have the concessions in place just days before the release of their 10K which not only revealed hidden executive bonuses (big deal-who really cares) but also showed that nearly one third of their "losses" were from Goodwill, paper losses.

How much other information was in there? How much did the union and the company they hired to "go over the books" miss? I remember seeing something about pre-paid leases. What about depreciation? Did they use an accelerated calculation?

The fact is that the SEC and the FASB have no objections to practices that could understate a company's financial situation, which is what I believe AA did. So writing off a hypothetical loss through Goodwill is acceptable, even if those losses never actually materialize in the form of cash losses. They can’t write up but they can write down. The fact is the loss could materialize and the FASB and the SEC feel investors should know that. They watch to make sure that companies don’t overstate their value, never considering that a company might want to understate it to get concessions from their workers, and even so, they don’t care because this could benefit investors.

Accelerated depreciation has the same effect, it shows losses that have not materialized, back in 92 when the airlines all claimed that "the end was near" is around the same time that the law was changed to allow for more accelerated depreciation. Did the airlines use this new rule to overstate their losses and gain concessionary contracts? I think so; the recovery was too dramatic to be explained any other way. By accelerating depreciation and prepaying leases now they have less to write off next year so the difference between profits and losses becomes exaggerated, the swing is bigger. That’s what happened in the early 90s. The industry went from looking as if it was going extinct, remember "The airline industry lost more this year than they made in its entire previous 50 year existence", to making record profits. Sure the economy rebounded but there was more to it than that. Maybe we should hire a financial analyst from one of the Labor funded economic think tanks to investigate, instead of hiring the same people the company uses.

By writing off Goodwill, accelerating depreciation and prepaying leases the company could easily way overstate their losses. This could give employees a dismal snapshot of the company's financial health by allowing them to assume that this was an actual comparison of cash in vs. cash out instead of the combined effects of accounting gimmicks and loopholes that corporations enjoy. Like I said it must be remembered that organizations like the SEC and FASB are not especially concerned about conservative financial reporting, they look for the opposite.

So the company was claiming that they lost $3.5billion. And they said it was an unsustainable rate of losses, but the fact is that those losses did not really happen. Some did, but certainly not all of it did. We knew that the company was losing money for as far as we could see they were doing nothing to stem losses. They were fattening up the ranks of management, still buying new airplanes and still building multiple billion-dollar terminals. However the fact that much of the $3.5 billion in losses was from one time write offs and not the difference between cash in vs. cash out would only be revealed after the 10K which is why the company demanded that the concessions be in place before it was released.

You say; “We stood together and voted for concessions".

OK then why not the revote after the revelations? How do you feel the members would vote now?

The members that voted YES did so because their union did not offer to lead them any other way. Just like in 95. So if it turns out that we were swindled, like in 95 will it be the member’s fault? The members who paid you to look out for them? The members that voted yes, just like in 95 based upon the union’s faulty information?

The fact is that Jim Little told me face to face that back in 95 the company lied to the union concerning the Me Too clause, this happened after he attended our first membership meeting and I drove him to LGA. Now the same guy has just signed us into the most concessionary contract in history based upon the threats and claims of the same company that he claims was dishonest in getting the concessionary six year contract back in 95. If he claimed that they lied to get the 95 agreements then how could he agree to another long-term massively concessionary contract again, under any circumstances? At the very most he should have given them a one year concessionary deal regardless of what they were threatening after all what would the penalty have been for the company if their threats were proven to be hoaxes? Nothing! They had nothing to lose by claiming that they would go bankrupt if we did not agree to their terms.

So here we are today, working below non-union rates with less vacation for newer workers than Wal-Mart, no paid holidays off, with thousands of our brothers and sisters who were told that they had "job protection" out on the street. And there is AA still buying new planes, still building billion dollar terminals, still hiring more management even though there are fewer workers and even starting new routes.
And there is the TWU, still collecting dues from the workers who contracts were shattered without putting a dent in the Internationals treasury unlike the IAM, AFA and ALPA.

Tell me if the TWU had fought, putting aside the argument of what would have happened to us, would those legal bills have put the TWU under? How much did the IAM spend over at UAL and USAIR?
If you are referring to layoffs at Northwest as concessions, then no they are not concession free. However those mechanics have not taken a wage concession. So both airlines have laid off employees and American has cut wages and benefits also.

No, just more mechanics have lost their jobs. No wage compared to lower wage. HMMM. . .which one would you pick? (nice comparison Buck) :huh:

This the problem with the whole industry. You and your fellow industrial unionist looking out for your individual selves. This is not unionism. You promote the wage cuts of your fellow members to ensure your gain.

Wrong again Buck. I voted to save the company from bankruptcy to help my union brothers and sisters keep their jobs. AMFA on the other hand would rather see someone laid off before their own benefits are tampered with. Stop me if I'm wrong will ya' Buck. You AMFA boys have been preaching that all along. "Save yourselvs, don't worry about the other guy." Yeah, that's unionism. And what gain Buck? My wages were lowered just like yours. When I said "I voted to keep to keep myself employed first" I was referring to the fact that that was the way I voted, not wanting to speak for anyone else. I didn't want to lose my job. There is nothing non-union about that.

As long as the TWU continues to cower before the company the company will continue to manhandle the TWU. Who said anything about temporary concessions?

This is another thing you guys keep saying over and over and over and over and over. Giving in to the company, being "manhandled". We are separte entities with our own agendas, if you will. If that was the case the TWU would have been gone a long time ago Buck. What have you done in the lst 20 years? Did you vote on contracts? Vote for your officers? Get involved in you local? I've said it before and I'll say it again. You guys are mad because the vote didn't go your way. When moral gets low, then AMFA hovers. They lost before and they'll lose again.

Buck, I have faith that this company will make a turn around. But it will take the company and the unions to help it do that. Sure there are some obstacles to overcome, the econmy needs to get better, a lot of things need to occur but I'm going to do my part to see that my union brothers and sisters come out of this on top. And AMFA is not the solution.

wonder why you are so afraid of change? Every one of the TWU supporters I talk with are unhappy with the concessions. Yet they won't take the steps necessary to correct the concessionary course of the TWU.
Stand up and do something about your profession.

I'm unhappy with the concessions too Buck. I've already said that. Tell me, what are the "steps necessary to correct the concessionary course of the TWU"? Bring in another union? WRONG!!! I am trying to educate the members on how to get invovled, how to make a difference. I am standing up and doing something about my profession. What are you doing?

Hope to see you at the Christmas Party tomorrow night. Are you coming????
I'm unhappy with the concessions too Buck. I've already said that. Tell me, what are the "steps necessary to correct the concessionary course of the TWU"? Bring in another union? WRONG!!! I am trying to educate the members on how to get invovled, how to make a difference. I am standing up and doing something about my profession. What are you doing?

No, just more mechanics have lost their jobs. No wage compared to lower wage. HMMM. . .which one would you pick? (nice comparison Buck) :huh:

Time will tell. However over the term of this contract in order for us to make out better than the NWA mechanic, who is laid off, he would have to be out of work, with no other job for around three years. Figure the first year he is entitled to unemployment so he gets less income for no work, we are getting less income for more work. However if we compare the fate of the laid off NWA worker to the laid off AA worker the prospects for the NWA are much better. He will come back to full pay, full vacation, doubletime, holidays, sick time etc. Not so for the returning AA worker, his contract was gutted. We had several of our laid off mechanics get scooped up by Continental in EWR. They have already said they are not coming back. We had a few guys quit, who were not facing layoff, and go to Jet Blue. Most of these guys were exceptional mechanics, it was a loss for AA.

Wrong again Buck. I voted to save the company from bankruptcy to help my union brothers and sisters keep their jobs. AMFA on the other hand would rather see someone laid off before their own benefits are tampered with. Stop me if I'm wrong will ya' Buck. You AMFA boys have been preaching that all along. "Save yourselvs, don't worry about the other guy." Yeah, that's unionism. And what gain Buck? My wages were lowered just like yours. When I said "I voted to keep to keep myself employed first" I was referring to the fact that that was the way I voted, not wanting to speak for anyone else. I didn't want to lose my job. There is nothing non-union about that.

Let me ask you how voyting to work an extra week for no pay saved jobs? In fact for every 50 employees that work an extra week it allowed the company to maintain the same amount of available hours for work while putting someone out on the street. Were you thinking about our junior employees when you volunteered to work an extra week for free so the company could put them on the unemployment line?

What the AMFA boys were preaching is to preserve the rate. Thats what all real unions do. If you dont have the work then we have to eat layoffs but if the work is there this is what it costs. AA got to keep geeting all the work done for less money. No real union considers more work for less money the way to go.

Before all this started I sent Jim Little an E-mail outlining how we could keep everyone employed while reducing the amount spent on payroll. Of course the hours worked would have been reduced. It called for a voluntary rolling layoff where workers would bid the weeks they wanted off without pay. This way everyone would work less hours, the total paid out in payroll would decline and no one would get laid off. Since top paid workers would be taking time off without pay allowing the company to keep the lower paid most junior workers on payroll this could have offset benefit costs. Layoffs tend to drive unit costs up because the lowest paid are the first to get laid off.Little ignored it because he would rather that we give the company more work for less pay and layoff the workers that are no longer needed because everyone else is working more hours for less pay. Under Littles plan the penalty of higher unit costs is avoided because all our salaries were reduced.In the meantime he claims that he saved jobs!

color=red]This is another thing you guys keep saying over and over and over and over and over. Giving in to the company, being "manhandled". We are separte entities with our own agendas, if you will. If that was the case the TWU would have been gone a long time ago Buck. What have you done in the lst 20 years? Did you vote on contracts? Vote for your officers? Get involved in you local? I've said it before and I'll say it again. You guys are mad because the vote didn't go your way. When moral gets low, then AMFA hovers. They lost before and they'll lose again.

Buck, I have faith that this company will make a turn around. But it will take the company and the unions to help it do that. Sure there are some obstacles to overcome, the econmy needs to get better, a lot of things need to occur but I'm going to do my part to see that my union brothers and sisters come out of this on top. And AMFA is not the solution.

OK then what is the solution? Be specific. "Get involved" is not specific. Get involved in what? Dont say "Your local", be specific, what exactly do you want the members to do in their local that will improve our contracts? "

The fact is you dont know, probably dont care either, the "Get involved line is simply a means by which the leaders pass the blame on to the members. Get involved in what? Just go and sit and clap your hands at a meeting? Where have the members failed their leaders? They keep saying get involved. I went that route. I attended union meetings. I voted on every contract and election and I ran for office (and won) twice. I pushed for changes from within and did what MY members wanted me to do. Tell me what is wrong with an accountable voting system at the Conventions and combining all the ATDs into one union? I answered your question that you claim to have repeatedly asked, why do you keep ducking my questions?

The leaders say the members dont "get involved" but the leaders do not give them anything worthwile to "get involved in", but that does not stop them from blaming the members for not "getting involved". Getting Involved is merely a catch phrase like "the thing". Its all the things fault. Everything would be great if not for the thing. Everything gets blamed on "the thing" but nobody, especially those that are blaming everthing on "the thing" know or care what "the thing is"!

Of course this company will turn around. With all their expenses being paid by employees who are working one out of five days for free how could they not turn around. However we will never recover those losses. By the time 2008 rolls around we each will have given AA the equivelent of over $120,000 in free labor.

Oh and by the way AMFA did not lose. It never came to a vote. Tell me if the TWU had to collect 50% of the cards from the members to stay on the property do you think they could?

Besides giving the most massive concessions in history for a five year contract and slicing and dicing the A&P profession to bits what has the TWU done for the profession? Remember be specific.
I remember back in November of 2002, Don Carty made a press release. He was asked about filing for Bankruptcy. His response was that American was not even considering that option, he said we were in a more financially stable position than our competitors. Six months later the three major unions were being faced with a drop deadline take this concessionary package or we will be in bankruptcy Monday morning. The rest you all know, no reason to go step by step.
This was a result of poor corporate management. The big boys were greedy, they had money to spend in November of 2002 with out thinking of being financially responsible to the companies survival and their employees. Now we are stuck with one of the worse concessionary contracts in the industry. The turnaround will come in a year or so and we will suffer until 2008 or even longer if the company union (TWU) has their way again in 2008. I do not know why there are still TWU loyalists out there. This union has not only given the house away, but the land as well.
However those mechanics have not taken a wage concession.

Not taken a wage concession? Holding the status as "furloghed member" does not pay equally with that of one who is currently employed. Thus a 100% wage concession was granted by those furloughed at NWA.
TEAM TWU is a prime example of the cowardly mentality which is not limited to but prevails mainly in TUL. The company yells booh and the TEAM TWU is quick to bend over and grab their ankles.

Please Mr. Carty (now Arpey) be gentle...I've never done this before!...

Afterwards TEAM TWU acts all surprised..."I can't believe I just did that"...

If that same mentality had prevailed in 1776, this nation would have never been founded. While many were happy with being subjects of the British Crown,("if we just pay our taxes, the king won't bother us"...) the signers of the Declaration of Independance pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor and revolted against the crown. It was a long hard fight and by the time it was over most of the signers were either dead or poor.Those that lived and the families of the dead could hold their heads high because they had stayed the course and kept their honor..

Thomas Paine put it like this: "These are times which try men's souls."

TEAM TWU puts it like this: "They can do that, brother...just feel lucky to have a job." :down: :down: :down: :down: