Maybe you get paid for no work but most people dont. A layoff is not a pay cut. While a layoff may result in lost earnings it also means that your time is your own. You get paid for the time you put in at work. It is assumed that you work during the period of time that the company is paying you. If you are laid off you do not give your time to the company and you are free to sell that time somewhere else. If you give concessions you have to give the same amount of time to the company for less money, you cant sell it to someone else.TeamTWU said:However those mechanics have not taken a wage concession.
Not taken a wage concession? Holding the status as "furloghed member" does not pay equally with that of one who is currently employed. Thus a 100% wage concession was granted by those furloughed at NWA.
Your time is the most valuable commodity you have. It is finite, and it can never be replaced.
If the NWA guys on furlough have taken a 100% concession how much have the AA guys on furlough taken?
When the NWA guy returns to work how much of a concession will he be taking? How about the AA guy? So in the long run who loses more?
Oh yea I forgot to mention that I passed along some AGW info to our Stock Clerks today. They were VERY interested! They are dissatisfied with the TWU also and they never had an option before when it comes to unions. It seems that the word is spreading fast about the AGW! Imagine losing almost one third of your membership in a matter of months! Not worried? OK, you just keep telling yourself that the TWU is fine the way it is and that this will all go away.
The other day I got one of the few mechanics who would not sign an AMFA card. So now we only need 16 more cards out of JFK. Less the two International Reps, Deane and Gless we will be 100%.