Bob, I'm not privy to pay information on anyone but state otherwise would be pure speculation...however..if you think the TWU is the only org that gets paid by the company, read on my brother...
*copied from
Received: 07/21/04 17:13:56 EDT
Name: Chrome Dome
Employer: NWA
Location: JFK
To the Rectifier,
Oh I see, you are attempting to legitimize this outsourcing scheme because AFL-CIO unions may also be utilizing this company. Hum, I thought AMFA was opposed to the bureaucratic style of the AFL-CIO. Oh, I get it, you are opposed to the idea of AFL-CIO solidarity but you are attracted to their business practices if it saves AMFA a buck or two. Frankly, I don't care what the AFL-CIO or any of their affiliated unions outsource but I do care what AMFA outsources. I am a AMFA dues paying member that has watched NWA decimate the Mechanic Class and Craft by outsourcing. I guess you don't care if UAL is also outsourcing your work. It shouldn't surprise me though. UAL has a strange relationship with AMFA. They have Local Presidents and Airline Reps that are being paid full time by the company. That situation in and of itself compromises the integrity of the union and removes the arms length relationship. I suppose I must accept the fact that I am surrounded by neophytes that not only bend over backwards to accommodate the company but also try to emulate the companies' business model.