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A Qeustion For The Twu

Nightwatch said:
Well let me see Bob, wet myself? Hackett? Doesn't scare me, and he can yell coward till the cows come home, he thinks you're gay, what are you gonna do about it?
It took you six days to think up that reply?

"If I was holding a burger and you was hungry, that would scare me."

And you wonder why I want my kids to grow up in NY?
Bob Owens said:
It took you six days to think up that reply?

"If I was holding a burger and you was hungry, that would scare me."

And you wonder why I want my kids to grow up in NY?
Bob, we actually have the same desire! Your offspring to stay out of the midwest! Hate to think of your DNA travelling west, now that scares me! :shock:
Nightwatch said:
Bob, we actually have the same desire! Your offspring to stay out of the midwest! Hate to think of your DNA travelling west, now that scares me! :shock:
It seems that you are easily scared. Bankruptcy-Boo! Close the base-Boo! Give me All your pay and benifits or I will take away your job-Boo!

Still no answers from the TWU on the $3.1 million.

Another question comes to mind also in regard to company paid UB. It seems that each local is free to make deals with management regarding company paid UB. I was under the impression that all the Presidents were paid by the company as all the line maint locals were. I discussed this with the former treasurer of Local 501, he informed me that Local 501 continued getting billed and paying back the company. The more cooperative the local is with management the more company paid UB the local gets.

After Chuck and I were removed and the E-board sent flowers to Jim Little the company started giving company paid UB to the entire E-board of Local 562. The same E-board rejected a motion from the floor to sue the International for interefereing in the Local. Just a coincidence?

With the company paid UB the Locals Treasury has swelled. Are some of these E-boards accepting a deal with the devil for bigger treasuries? Dont all parties concerned know that both the RLA and Taft -Hartley prohibit such cozy arrangements between unions and companies? And that these prohibitions were put in place to protect the members?
Bob Owens said:
It seems that you are easily scared. Bankruptcy-Boo! Close the base-Boo! Give me All your pay and benifits or I will take away your job-Boo!

Still no answers from the TWU on the $3.1 million.

Another question comes to mind also in regard to company paid UB. It seems that each local is free to make deals with management regarding company paid UB. I was under the impression that all the Presidents were paid by the company as all the line maint locals were. I discussed this with the former treasurer of Local 501, he informed me that Local 501 continued getting billed and paying back the company. The more cooperative the local is with management the more company paid UB the local gets.

After Chuck and I were removed and the E-board sent flowers to Jim Little the company started giving company paid UB to the entire E-board of Local 562. The same E-board rejected a motion from the floor to sue the International for interefereing in the Local. Just a coincidence?

With the company paid UB the Locals Treasury has swelled. Are some of these E-boards accepting a deal with the devil for bigger treasuries? Dont all parties concerned know that both the RLA and Taft -Hartley prohibit such cozy arrangements between unions and companies? And that these prohibitions were put in place to protect the members?
Bob, perhaps you should set aside some of your Burger King allowance (like that'll happen) and invest in an investigator to confirm your conspiracy theories. Let's theorize as to why Delle has a NWA employee number...hmmmm
Nightwatch said:
Bob, perhaps you should set aside some of your Burger King allowance (like that'll happen) and invest in an investigator to confirm your conspiracy theories. Let's theorize as to why Delle has a NWA employee number...hmmmm
Well Bobby Gless admitted that the company was paying him from Jan 1, 2003 until a month or so back of this year.

Why would an International official be on company payroll? He apparently only came off company payroll several weeks after I started this thread.

Why isnt Bobby Gless listed as an employee of the TWU on the LM-2?

How much was the company paying Gless? Was it the full figure or was the company paying him mechanics pay and the TWU picking up the rest? If so, then he should have been on the LM-2, and the company should have filed a LM-10. I did not see anything on the TWU LM-2 indicating that the TWU paid any money to the company nor could I find a filed LM-10.
Bob, I'm not privy to pay information on anyone but myself...to state otherwise would be pure speculation...however..if you think the TWU is the only org that gets paid by the company, read on my brother...

*copied from the-mechanic.com

Received: 07/21/04 17:13:56 EDT
Name: Chrome Dome
Employer: NWA
Location: JFK
To the Rectifier,
Oh I see, you are attempting to legitimize this outsourcing scheme because AFL-CIO unions may also be utilizing this company. Hum, I thought AMFA was opposed to the bureaucratic style of the AFL-CIO. Oh, I get it, you are opposed to the idea of AFL-CIO solidarity but you are attracted to their business practices if it saves AMFA a buck or two. Frankly, I don't care what the AFL-CIO or any of their affiliated unions outsource but I do care what AMFA outsources. I am a AMFA dues paying member that has watched NWA decimate the Mechanic Class and Craft by outsourcing. I guess you don't care if UAL is also outsourcing your work. It shouldn't surprise me though. UAL has a strange relationship with AMFA. They have Local Presidents and Airline Reps that are being paid full time by the company. That situation in and of itself compromises the integrity of the union and removes the arms length relationship. I suppose I must accept the fact that I am surrounded by neophytes that not only bend over backwards to accommodate the company but also try to emulate the companies' business model.
Nightwatch said:
Bob, I'm not privy to pay information on anyone but myself...to state otherwise would be pure speculation...however..if you think the TWU is the only org that gets paid by the company, read on my brother...

*copied from the-mechanic.com

Received: 07/21/04 17:13:56 EDT
Name: Chrome Dome
Employer: NWA
Location: JFK
To the Rectifier,
Oh I see, you are attempting to legitimize this outsourcing scheme because AFL-CIO unions may also be utilizing this company. Hum, I thought AMFA was opposed to the bureaucratic style of the AFL-CIO. Oh, I get it, you are opposed to the idea of AFL-CIO solidarity but you are attracted to their business practices if it saves AMFA a buck or two. Frankly, I don't care what the AFL-CIO or any of their affiliated unions outsource but I do care what AMFA outsources. I am a AMFA dues paying member that has watched NWA decimate the Mechanic Class and Craft by outsourcing. I guess you don't care if UAL is also outsourcing your work. It shouldn't surprise me though. UAL has a strange relationship with AMFA. They have Local Presidents and Airline Reps that are being paid full time by the company. That situation in and of itself compromises the integrity of the union and removes the arms length relationship. I suppose I must accept the fact that I am surrounded by neophytes that not only bend over backwards to accommodate the company but also try to emulate the companies' business model.
Ok here you have a post posted under an alias that claims to be working for NWA saying what AMFA reps at UAL are doing. No names, no facts, no supporting evidence. What does this have to do with the TWU accepting $3.1 million in aid from the company? What does this have to do with Gless, who does not report to the field or use tools for the company being paid by the company?
So by your own script then I take it that anyone that posts under an alias is posting crap then? There goes the AMFA fight all to H. , I knew Decision 2000 whenever was full of crap.
Nightwatch said:
So by your own script then I take it that anyone that posts under an alias is posting crap then?
Anyone that posts accusations under an alias without anything to back it up should.

I've seen many posts under aliases that voice opinions. Nothing wrong with that.

I've seen posts making accusations with references, nothing wrong with that.

But when someone posts accusations and does not present anything, even a supporting statement, to back up his/her claim, then how much credibility does it warrant?
Still no response on the $3.1 million or the reason why the Company had full time TWU International reps on Payroll.

Still no response as to why Gless was not listed on the LM-2.

Not to worry though, eventually it will come out. The DOL has been notified and is investigating it.
Bob Owens said:
Still no response on the $3.1 million or the reason why the Company had full time TWU International reps on Payroll.

Still no response as to why Gless was not listed on the LM-2.

Not to worry though, eventually it will come out. The DOL has been notified and is investigating it.
That a boy Booby, go get 'em! You're such an idiot man, you crack me up...HAHAHA...lookout TWU, the infamous Bob owens from NY is hot on your buns....HAHAHA!
Nightwatch said:
That a boy Booby, go get 'em! You're such an idiot man, you crack me up...HAHAHA...lookout TWU, the infamous Bob owens from NY is hot on your buns....HAHAHA!
Another fine example of a typical TWU response.
Bob Owens said:
This thread aint going away just yet!

Still here!

Why wont the TWU answer why International Officials were on company payroll and why they were accepting $3.1 million a year from the company?

What was the TWU giving to the company in return for the $3.1 million a year? Could it be the most concessionary contract in the industry?
Bob, Nightwatch is conferring witk Kirk Wells and Little so he can respond to your question!

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