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A Qeustion For The Twu

Nightwatch said:
What I stated stands, I do not know. Nor do I care about Robert Gless and his attained wages, nor do I particularly care about how the TWU reports his wages. He will make the same annual amount no matter what column it occupies. I have met Mr. Gless and see him as an able representative. I also believe that many AMFA supporters saw him as "able" when he supported AMFA. I understand your animosity but , in the same breathe, I believe a man has the right to openly admit he has changed his agenda.

Mr. Gless and ME Johnson are continually lambasted in this forum for their integrity. They had the backbone to admit, without covert activity, that they had changed their "party". I respect both of those individuals. Yet the AMFA supporters embrace Mr. Owens and Mr. Schalk, they undertook the same agenda but went about it without the integrity. Does anyone understand my quagmire here?
My loyalties never changed, I'm still loyal to those who chose me to represent them.

Define how Gless and integrity go together. Ask him how often he stops by to see the guys in NY, he doesnt. Obviously you do not know the boy. I twice rejected his offer to run on the same ticket, he wanted me on his ticket but I did not want to run with him. I'll leave it at that.
Decision 2004 said:
YES, I do.

Your qaugmire is that you refuse to hold the TWU to the same standards you wish to hold AMFA.
You are correct Mr Decision in your statement. You must realize that the TWU is my union, the incumbant union, and I do and will continue to hold AMFA to a higher standard, after all, they profess they are of a higher standard do they not? My old truck isn't much of a truck, but it runs and it's mine.
It runs strait to the company every time it screws it's members and needs protection. Please inflate the list for us . If you do we won’t greave the use of regional carriers that violated our contract. You can polish it all you want nightwatch the twu is still a turd and every one can smell it. 😉 Time to flush.
amt for amfa said:
It runs strait to the company every time it screws it's members and needs protection. Please inflate the list for us . If you do we won’t greave the use of regional carriers that violated our contract. You can polish it all you want nightwatch the twu is still a turd and every one can smell it. 😉 Time to flush.
Nightwatch, you will never win an argument in here. You might leave your opinion, but you'll find even that is wrong, just ask Stewart. I would like to thank you for your continued support of the TWU. PM me for some inside info...Steve
Steve Connell said:
Nightwatch, you will never win an argument in here. You might leave your opinion, but you'll find even that is wrong, just ask Stewart. I would like to thank you for your continued support of the TWU. PM me for some inside info...Steve
You can't win a argument when your lies catch up with you, earl.

Are you going to give NW some "inside info" on how to jump over to management when the twu loses? Good call.

I hope you boys in MCI are ready for this fall, there is going to more layoffs coming!

That's AMFA or twu, they are coming either way.

Hackman said:
You can't win a argument when your lies catch up with you, earl.

Are you going to give NW some "inside info" on how to jump over to management when the twu loses? Good call.

I hope you boys in MCI are ready for this fall, there is going to more layoffs coming!

That's AMFA or twu, they are coming either way.

Furloughs are a way of life in our industry, what's your point Gary? How's that 29F hearing coming along, I'd love to be a character witness for you.

Jump to management? You mean apply for management position, don't you? You know, like Cunningham applied several times just to have his melon laughed at. How many times have you applied? Do they have a weight restriction at AFW for management? Have a nice day Gary, and good luck in your parking lot intimidation pursuits.
Steve Connell said:
Furloughs are a way of life in our industry, what's your point Gary? How's that 29F hearing coming along, I'd love to be a character witness for you.

Jump to management? You mean apply for management position, don't you? You know, like Cunningham applied several times just to have his melon laughed at. How many times have you applied? Do they have a weight restriction at AFW for management? Have a nice day Gary, and good luck in your parking lot intimidation pursuits.
Yes earl, layoffs are part of the industry, a fact you seem to forget when discussing NWA or UAL. My point was simply this earl; Your beloved twu concessions will not save your job.

The 29f went fine, as it does when the twu lies come out. You, a character witness? No thanks earl, I don't need anymore twu rats "helping me out".

Yes, jump to management earl. Thats what you do when your a twu stooge who lost his way. I've seen quite a few jump over to HR, and one ex-twu officer from Tulsa is a manager here at AFW. Its the twu way; management is the union.

As for Dan, your mistaken...again. Management asked him to cross over, and they were turned down, several times. His mission became to fight them, and he has for 11 years. Something you and your twu will never do. Something you have yet to learn with your extensive 3 year history under the twu's thumb.

Me, jump to management? It will NEVER happen. Unlike you earl, I don't look to be under a managment desk anytime soon performing official "duties". I know that with AMR, the older you get in management, the less chance you have from being a level 3 "office coffee go-fer" moving up the ladder to a level 4 "under-the-boss". So being as old as you are earl, you'd better get some stock in Folger's. And earl, lighten up on the cream.

amt for amfa said:
Thats right RADMAN were going to flush the twu from AA real soon. Now thats what I call CI. :up:
There are more people out here than they know who C I to I on that issue.
(Sorry I could not help using that pun) 😉 😉
Still no answers from the TWU. A friend got a lead that there might be some interesting information on the pension plan that our TWU International has set up for themselves. When he gets it we will have to discuss that too.

When Gless got the International job I asked him how it affects his AA pension, he said he still gets all his time credited plus if he stays five years becomes vested in the TWU Internationals pension. What a deal, two salaries plus two pensions while working just one job!
Bob Owens said:
Still no answers from the TWU. A friend got a lead that there might be some interesting information on the pension plan that our TWU International has set up for themselves. When he gets it we will have to discuss that too.

When Gless got the International job I asked him how it affects his AA pension, he said he still gets all his time credited plus if he stays five years becomes vested in the TWU Internationals pension. What a deal, two salaries plus two pensions while working just one job!
Man, it just eats at your starving little butt that someone has promoted himself up and out of your reach. You had a chance to follow Gless but you blew it, your ego got in the way. Go cry to another audience.
Nightwatch said:
Man, it just eats at your starving little butt that someone has promoted himself up and out of your reach. You had a chance to follow Gless but you blew it, your ego got in the way. Go cry to another audience.
You call it ego, I call it ethics. No I would not be willing to do what Gless was obviously willing to do to get his International job.

It looks like you and Gless have a lot in common.

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