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A New Low For Aapfa, Dba Apfa

Proud, sorry you got labeled by a poster. Just because you choose another path is not cause for such a label. My main question in this vote is WHY NOW? It is not inconsequential that particular constitutional question arises in time closely linked to the RPA, TWA and AA furloughs and loss of furlough pay. The juniors were the most impacted and made the most noise. Now APFA will stop the noise by disenfranchising them? A very poor way to play with people's lives on the part of APFA. A very split union is seeking to make the splits even bigger.
Anybody with any sense should vote NO. This is not about TWA and Natives...and I hate that word. This is about Union responsibility. Even if I were an active f/a with DOH I would vote a screaming NO. I would never turn over and let the Union have full control. The MEMBERS of this Union should have control.

The present dictator of this Union want's you to be quite little f/a's and don't rock the boat. We know what is good for you. As in the last election 11,000 f/a's could care less about APFA. The apathy is rampant.

You know guy's when and if I am recalled I will participate in Union work because I care about this career and the future of incoming f/a's. The RPA has set industry standards for other f/a Unions that other airlines will want to mirror when their contracts are up.

Voting Yes will just be another lawsuit and the APFA has plenty of those to deal with and not just from TWA. APFA can afford them and they will just spend your dues monies on legal issues for years to come. Instead, they should be spending money on correcting the the wrongs of the RPA.
AAStew said:
I just received the ballot in the mail. I am reading it and honestly, I am confused.
My first inclination is to vote no. I agree is is bull@#%! to start charging dues to furloughed f/s's. But natives who take leaves and don't pay your dues on time, they will be fining you late charges as well
Personally, I really don't think it is about getting the TWA'rs out of the loop further, it is all about money. Isn't it always?
You twa'rs need to vote in usison on this again and vote no. I will be joining you from the little bit I have read!
If you don't understand something then why suggest to someone that they vote a certain way? Why not get the information cleared up so that you can make an educated vote?
latreal said:
The conclusion of your post is my whole confusion on the APFA mentality.
Why would u suggest that they vote in a certain way as a block unless you doubt that the majority of FAs as a whole are going to vote another way?

If you REALLY feel that the resolution is not about being "meanies" to the EX-twaers, then wouldn't/shouldn't the majority of all FAs be voting for the best solution and not because it might or might not cater to THEM?

Just a question?
What I am trying to say, is that the TWA'rs showed unity in their voting. I imagine if the majority of the naatives read this ballot, they may vote against it, but I would not count on very many voting, that is just the way it has always been at AA. There is a high level of apathy. Personally I think the company looked for that trait in each of us when we were hired. Sure there are a few who buck the trend but I really think the majority of AA flight attendants will not vote. It is sad but it is truth. Hopefully I will be proved wrong.
And yes I would appreciate it if people did not make everything as an AA vs TWA on this board. I want the TWaa's to be back on the line! I look forward to the day!
Thank you AAstew, what few of us that are left will be looking forward to coming back to the line. For the most part we really are good people and fun to work with.

We have been through so much crAAp over the years and we still are proud of our profession and heritage. Hopefully this Union will pull together and behave like one in the future. The Union is hurting f/a's who are out there in the trenches working under these onerous rules. I sure hope things improve before I am recalled.
I wish things would improve also, but company culture has been imbedded deep in some and it will always be us against whomever. I know it is cynical, but you just have to make the best of it.
I really really think, alot of f/a's will be retiring after the 777 payout. It isn't worth it for these senior mama's anymore. I don't know how far back you all are from recall, but I know what it is like to want to do this job and how it is almost painful to be away from it. (and I am not talking about the money here lol). It must be that vagabond spirit!
I call it being a gypsy and getting away from my partner for three or four days. When I was flying he would pout about me going on a trip. Now I think he would drive me to DFW for training...LOL

My time off however has been very rewarding helping run a non-profit organization and doing volunteer work. Honestly I miss the job and my flying partners. What I don't miss is low life management and inept Union leaders.

Just an FYI on the STL/SLT issue. There are 88 forced MIA transfers left (I'm #88).

We are spread out over St. Louis, NYC domestic and international (speakers), and about 5 or 6 in Boston (international).

We do not lose our recall rights to MIA by leaving St. Louis.

Those that went to NYC domestic in December did so voluntarily. They had to raise a stink with the company over furloughees going there without having the opportunity themselves.

Most left because of the "commuting" issue. LGA flying isn't exactly how they remember it.

On the proposed changes to the Constitution, that is looking like a big "NO" from me. I have to get home and read it entirely, but I'm disgusted by the overview I've seen so far.

flydcoop said:

We do not lose our recall rights to MIA by leaving St. Louis.

Those that went to NYC domestic in December did so voluntarily. They had to raise a stink with the company over furloughees going there without having the opportunity themselves.
Thanks, Coop, for the info. It was my understanding that you lost your "first dibs" on your original base if you accepted a transfer to any base other than the one you were forced to. Guess I was misinformed.

As was said by a 19th century humorist, "It ain't the things we know that get us in trouble. It's the things we know that ain't so." 😛
Everyone, I got my ballot today. As I suspected you have to vote for or against the entire package of revisions. I, of course, am voting NO!

I know of no other organization or political entity in this country--certainly not the U.S government or the state of Texas--that would not allow you to vote on each change separately. The sad part is that there were a couple of changes that needed to be made, but I can only hope that they go down in flames with the nefarious changes.
I just got my ballot this afternoon and I couldn't find the "Hell No", so I voted NO!!!

The proposed changes had its pros and cons, like everything does. But when it came down to the important issues and reality, the changes had more cons then pros. Making someone on military active duty pay dues, what a joke. I guess John WAArd is not a true American.
I voted NO. And NO it should be.

What in the hell is APFA thinking or not thinking.

JW needs to be sent back to the line. I know he did one 8hr l/o. Let him do 12 per month. Oh, and John......no trip removal for you.

Your Dictatorship will come to an end.

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