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F/A TWAA said:
For those that don't already know, latreal's posts and comments on this forum are worthless. He has only tried to "stir the pot", and cause trouble for years. He is not a flight attendant and has no vested interest in our profession. His posts are worthless and he is better left ignored.
The TW'ers voiced their opinions on the seniority they recieved to just about everyone, airline employee or not. I would think that you would welcome all views since this is a public forum.
Irreagardless of Latreal, if anyone has read flyboy4u's former posts, all he talked about was how he was willing to do anything to do the job he loved. Since he has been back on the line (or rather since training) all he has done is bitched about his circumstances.
Unions are not here to keep your job, they are here to make the job you do work at, tolerable and humane. Unfortunately our union is failing at both.
Please forgive me if I offend some with these comments, but it is what I truly believe. I want to see you all back to work, but the unions main focus is keeping the quality of work life and keeping saleries just.
I have voted no the the constitution, but because they don't agree Flyboy, that is no reason to scream at any fellow f/a!
I think we need to cut FlyBoy4u a little slack. We weren't there in operations when this incident happened. We don't really know the circumstances. I am sure it is exceedingly difficult to lose your job, find a new temporary job that pays the bills, get called back to a base that is not your base, be so poor that you basically have to live out of operations until you have enough income built up in order to have a crash pad.
We all might be a little touchy if we had to live under these conditions, too.

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