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A New Low For Aapfa, Dba Apfa

TWAnr, yes she did. But she is notably unhappy with a lot of things. I do not remember her providing any specific complaint that she needed representation or help and wasen't getting it. Sherry and Greg are both accountable and responsible. The need for the change AT THIS TIME remains a mystery. I also note that some of her peers are not too happy with her positions on issues or the fact she was with TWA at one time.
L1011Ret said:
I also note that some of her peers are not too happy with her positions on issues or the fact she was with TWA at one time.
...as a flight attendant and was fired from that job. Then she did not disclose that prior employment detail on her AA application and lied about her TWA history to her coworkers.

L1011Ret said:
Hotel, you posted, "They can't be mad at us because we the AA f/a's didn't put them in this situation." If not the APFA putting the TWA F/As in the situation they are in, who did?
Most of the TWA f/a's blame the seniority thing on the AA nAAtive f/a's. You can't blame the f/a's as a whole. It was John WAArd and his robots who placed you at the bottom.

Don't think for one minute that I like JW. I can't stand the a** who sold us out to AA. He needs to go but some nAAtives still believe his is the man to run the APFA. The only three ways to get rid of him now are:

1. Recall
2. Vote to remove the APFA as the representative of AA f/a's and bring a new union in
3. Hope that the ballots deemed invalid are allowed to be counted and included in the final total

I hate John WAArd as much as he next person. But we need to do something now or he will continue to destroy our profession.
*Proud*AAf/a* said:
All I have to say is I will vote YES that any furloughee has no right to vote. Why should they be allowed to influence my unions decisions while I'm paying my dues and the furloughee's are not. You don't pay you don't vote. Why you ask? Look at the way the furloughed TWA f/a attendants voted. It WAS NOT representative of the whole work group. So since mandatory voting can't be imposed to all f/a's. Here's to Change and Here's to freedom of speech and opinion. UP UP UP...
What kind of crAAck do you smoke? I agree with twasilverbullet and fa mikey...you're a pycho!

You better read all of the proposed changes to the APFA Constitution. The changes to not allow furloughees to vote is just a small fraction to everything else. Not being allowed to file charges against any APFA representative even if they do something that is deemed illegal? Now that's a bunch of crAAp!

Please read everything in RED, these are all of the proposed changes.

Get a clue!
I have very intentionally stayed a lurker in this thread and intend to do so. However, so that I can follow what is going on I would like to ask a few questions.

1. Is the government still investingating the election?

2. I thought I had read that the majority of the BoD was comprised of candidates that had not run on Ward's slate. Yes or No?

3. If the Union somehow booted someone out for being a divisive force (or whatever the wording actually is), would that mean that person also loses their job since they were no longer a union member?

Thanks for the replies. I am going back to lurking.
The DOL will rule on or before Aug 3 about the election.

The positions of VP, Sec and Treasurer were not on Wards slate. But the BOD is bigger than that. Maybe someone else knows more about the BOD. Mikey for instance.
If you pay your dues, you have representation. If you lost a union job because you did something wrong while doing union business, it should not effect your employment unless of course is was criminal activity.
hp_fa said:
I have very intentionally stayed a lurker in this thread and intend to do so. However, so that I can follow what is going on I would like to ask a few questions.

1. Is the government still investingating the election?

2. I thought I had read that the majority of the BoD was comprised of candidates that had not run on Ward's slate. Yes or No?

3. If the Union somehow booted someone out for being a divisive force (or whatever the wording actually is), would that mean that person also loses their job since they were no longer a union member?

Thanks for the replies. I am going back to lurking.
1. Yes. Ruling due 03AUG.
2. The other 3 national officers are from non-JW slates. The BOD which is still comprised chiefly of JW supporters is made up of the base chairs from each of the bases. They are up for election later this year. Also, (and I'm not sure about this), I think the Executive Committee which is appointed by the President, but not elected, are voting members of the BOD.
3. Belonging to the union is not a requirement of employment as a flight attendant at AA; paying dues to the union is. So, even if you were booted from membership, as long as you paid your dues, you could still be a flight attendant. You just couldn't vote in the elections or hold office.

There are f/as at AA who are not union members for religious reasons, but they have to pay the union dues.
That was clear enough. Thanks for the responses.
I agree with Hotel. J.W. is the village idiot and has total disregard for the junior f/a's and that includes the TWA f/a's. And I am included in that group. This man has done everything in his power to keep us <TWA> on the outside of this Union and at the same time sacraficing the junior Natives. <Collateral damage natives>

I sure hope that the DOL will allow those 11 or so ballots to be opened and send his sorry arse back to the line for his 8hr layovers or his 24hr l/o by the airport.

In my 19yrs of flying and two different Unions I have never seen a Union conduct business and treat the membership the way APFA does. This infighting and child like behaviour needs to stop!!!! For that to happen J.W. MUST GO.

I have never seen a Union where 11,000 f/a's did not vote in the last election. That my friends is pathetic. And you know those are the ones that will #### and moan on your flights.
jimntx said:
There are f/as at AA who are not union members for religious reasons, but they have to pay the union dues.
Wow! What religion would that be? Garfield, perhaps you should consider converting. 😛

For what it's worth, to me it seems like the higher ups at APFA can't deal with a little dissent and instead of taking the pressure head on, they're trying to eliminate them completley. A cowardly move IMO.

I've said it before but it bears repeating.....I'm proud to call the ex-TWA'ers in my group co-workers (even though most of them are senior to me). Most of them are good, honest, hard-working people. It's too bad that the majority of the TWA union workforce is out on the street.

When JetBlue buys us, I hope they're a bit more gentle.
mjk said:
Wow! What religion would that be? Garfield, perhaps you should consider converting. 😛
You may think I was joking, but as a matter of fact, Seventh Day Adventists, to name one religion, do not belong to unions.
<_< Hello TWAnr!---- What took you so long to get here on this one? As was previously stated, this is a new low even for APFA!!!! But at this point, I'm not surprised at anything the a.a. Unions, or a.a. management, might come up with to purge itself of the afflection called TWA!!!!Signed: Just another one of a.a.'s redheaded step-children!"
mjk said:
I've said it before but it bears repeating.....I'm proud to call the ex-TWA'ers in my group co-workers (even though most of them are senior to me). Most of them are good, honest, hard-working people. It's too bad that the majority of the TWA union workforce is out on the street.

When JetBlue buys us, I hope they're a bit more gentle.
Now, here is someone with class, thank you mjk and Ifly2. It will be my privilege to work with you someday. 🙂

MCI transplant, thank you for the well wishes, hope you had a great one also. 😉 🙂
Why would JetBlue buy AA? They are already taking one-by-one the best AA O&D routes, leaving AA the ORD and DFW "hubs". They don't need to buy your airline or your routes - only your "slots".

No airline needs the APFA mindset FAs, as expressed on this board. I suggest it be parked at the door before applying for a FA job Jet Blue.

Take a hint from the ex-TWA FA who are being accepted every day. I remember them when I see them; and they are obvious because of their attitude toward their job and toward the pax.

But fortunately for me, I have had nothing but great FA service on recent flights. I hope some of the FA posters "turn off" their anti-corporate AA personality when on duty.
TWAnr said:
Because Maggie is not happy being represented by Sherry and Greg in SLT? Didn't she, at the least, plant the seed for this discriminatory proposal by constantly complaining on the 4M?
She certainly fanned the flames. However, (and it is second-hand info from AA friend of mine)-that F/A's from Stl/SLT are going back to DFW. Anyone know if
this is true? (have visual of Maggs chained to the union doors refusing to leave before her agenda is done)lol

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