Danger! Danger! There's another interesting gotcha that I found in the proposed changes.
In case you haven't noticed, the proposed changes intend to make it official that the BOD is above suspicion, reproach, or error.
Note that in Article VII, Section 1.F, a member of the BOD may not have charges brought against them for any resolution they put forward or second or for how they voted on any resolution put forward. Even if the resolution is illegal. (It doesn't say "even if illegal", but there are no exceptions to the exemption from charges.)
Also, I guess we all need to be very careful what we say if these changes pass...
Article VII, Section 1.I, makes you subject to fine, suspension, and/or expulsion from the union if you threaten, intimidate, harass,or defame an officer or representative of the APFA. Guess who gets to decide if you have violated any of the criteria... THEY DO.
Ain't constitutional chicanery grand? 😛
In case you haven't noticed, the proposed changes intend to make it official that the BOD is above suspicion, reproach, or error.
Note that in Article VII, Section 1.F, a member of the BOD may not have charges brought against them for any resolution they put forward or second or for how they voted on any resolution put forward. Even if the resolution is illegal. (It doesn't say "even if illegal", but there are no exceptions to the exemption from charges.)
Also, I guess we all need to be very careful what we say if these changes pass...
Article VII, Section 1.I, makes you subject to fine, suspension, and/or expulsion from the union if you threaten, intimidate, harass,or defame an officer or representative of the APFA. Guess who gets to decide if you have violated any of the criteria... THEY DO.
Ain't constitutional chicanery grand? 😛