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A letrer from USAPA's Law Firm (EAST THREAD 8/17-24)

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Can't wait to see what happens when USA2320Pilot does a rotation in the office.

You and I both know you'll have the same stooges that keep feeding you BS now running USUKA.

As was posted earlier, the more things change, the more the stay the same.

USUKA? oh geez. Name calling never got anybody anywhere. Besides, How do you know what it will be like if you don't give it a chance? We already know what ALPA is like. (See? no name calling here)

Same stooges? (Your words, not mine) Right on the money about our current ALPA Leadership. Luckily, they have no weight, voice and any other public input into the new organization. Think about? If they did don't you think Prater and the good ole boys would be all over this place taking over? Privately, we have more support than you think. But IMO for the wrong reasons. But I'll take the support just the same.

As was posted earlier, the more things change, the more they stay the same. It has been suggested by many on this board why the east didn't recall these clowns before. You replace the users but the framework is still there. I prefer a new framework, new users but more importantly participative oversight. As I said before A VOTE plain and simple huh?

addendum. USA320 may work the office if he so chooses. But by design he would be unable to affect any meaningful change by himself. Unlike some of the MEC Chairmen I have known.
Can't wait to see what happens when USA2320Pilot does a rotation in the office.

You and I both know you'll have the same stooges that keep feeding you BS now running USUKA.

As was posted earlier, the more things change, the more the stay the same.

Utter nonsense Princess..that's the whole point of dumping Alpo :lol:

Are you earnestly suggesting that the Alpo crowd are useless azzwipes..and that we'll do no better with another union?...That's seriously pathetic dear child. You must imagine the "politicians' of the present...to actually be supplied with some magical element of charisma/grace/style/etc, that would make eliminating them unthinkable...."trust Me" lol...I seriously suggest for your earnest consideration the idea that these clowns only ever held office...because too many bozos like myself/the standard line swine...had NO/ZERO/Zilch degree of interest in sitting around desks jerking ourselves off..rather than flying. You're simply too close to the problem Milady...You've spent far too much time basking the union/self assigned glow of "Alpo Greatness"= individual idiots that don't want to fly, and sucked up into orrifice positions within the "union".

Step back, walk away form the MEC..and no one will get hurt. 😉 Take along. slow breathe..and you'll again find yourself a real person.

"Trick Question" for you Milady = Would you rather sit in some Alpo office of a given afternoon...or celebrate tha' sky in an S2S?.....The jerkoffs that wallow in ALpo...are in their non-flying {glory{ within the office. Did you ever ask yourself why you're wrapped in pilot cloth?...Was it truly just to sit on your ass in an office? = NO?...Then you're in a position to evaluate the true nature of Alpo...= These pathetic bastards WANT to sit in offices/etc.

At the end of any given day..WTF do you evaluate yourself on? Was it a great approach/landing?...Was it a fine job making your crew happy?...or was/should it be...some utter BS about.."Harumph/Harumph"..."Those lowly Line Swine are causing us work..again"?..Followed by: "Gentlemen!...THis is SEROUS!!..We've got to protect our phoney-baloney jobs!!!"

Which do YOU truly prefer?

I'm very much a "19th century" sort = I've no belief in issuing orders to my men that I wouldn't personally lead. I utterly despise "politicians", and I've some serious notions as per "Right" or "Wrong". I started down the road towards aviation TO FLY.....end of statement/end of BS...and I think that anyone who's views are contrary to the love of flight...hasn't ANY "right" to represent pilots.

When I see an utterly disgusting punk like Prater...soaking up half a MILLIon dollars of OUR worked for money per year...I've some "issues" with that..IE?: I'd cheerfully strangle the worthless, fat bastard myself..and concurrent issues with Alpo in general.................
Utter nonsense Princess..that's the whole point of dumping Alpo :lol:

Are you earnestly suggesting that the Alpo crowd are useless azzwipes..and that we'll do no better with another union?...That's seriously pathetic dear child. You must imagine the "politicians' of the present...to actually be supplied with some magical element of charisma/grace/style/etc, that would make eliminating them unthinkable...."trust Me" lol...I seriously suggest for your earnest consideration the idea that these clowns only ever held office...because too many bozos like myself/the standard line swine...had NO/ZERO/Zilch degree of interest in sitting around desks jerking ourselves off..rather than flying. You're simply too close to the problem Milady...You've spent far too much time basking the union/self assigned glow of "Alpo Greatness"= individual idiots that don't want to fly, and sucked up into orrifice positions within the "union".

Step back, walk away form the MEC..and no one will get hurt. 😉 Take along. slow breathe..and you'll again find yourself a real person.

"Trick Question" for you Milady = Would you rather sit in some Alpo office of a given afternoon...or celebrate tha' sky in an S2S?.....The jerkoffs that wallow in ALpo...are in their non-flying {glory{ within the office. Did you ever ask yourself why you're wrapped in pilot cloth?...Was it truly just to sit on your ass in an office? = NO?...Then you['re in a position to evaluate the true nature of Alpo...= These pathetic bastards WANT to sit in offices/etc.

Grampy, are you hitting the sauce? Your posts are turning into nonsense.

What happened to you? This blather is unlike you.

Put down the Jim Beam and sleep it off.
Grampy, are you hitting the sauce? Your posts are turning into nonsense.

What happened to you? This blather is unlike you.

Put down the Jim Beam and sleep it off.

Sorry Princess..not applicable. Visceral notins do hold. People can get seriously pizzed off..and I'm finally there :lol: done with any/all "reasoning" with AWA termites.

My plan for the morning?= Fly a Pitts up into the sunrise...You're plan? = No idea..but likely just more political BS.

I've taken enough insults from punks not worthy to walk my dog from the mouthy AWA side...and it just gets tiresome. What I've seen?= A buncha 30 degree bank "qualified" wimps with big mouths, barely outta' their teeth braces, and striving mightilly to steal seats from people with decades of flying experience. I'll go on record as noting that your crowd, fully makes me sick.

It may well be that this mess will convince me to simply "retire", versus ever fly with your sad sorts, but Ive still concern for my "younger brothers" out here.

PS: We all have our thresholds...and mine for AWA BS's been exceeded. I'd now sooner hunt you punks for sport than have anything otherewise to do with you.
Sorry Princess..not applicable. People can get seriously pizzed off..and I'm finally there :lol: done with "reasoning" with AWA termites.

My plan for the morining?= Fly a Pitts up into the sunrise...You're plan? = No idea..but likely more political BS.

My plan for the morning? Wait for my daughter to wake up and spend the day playing.

Like I said Grampy, sleep it off.

Its a new day tomorrow.

And leave Jim B. alone!
Check out Doug's letter to USA320Pilot.

Frickin' hilarious!!!!!



Thanks for your note. I appreciate your concerns for our Company and your colleagues and am thankful for your commitment and service to US Airways.

Let me start by just clarifying some quotes that you attribute to me, not so much because it changes your arguments, but because I want to be clear on what I’ve said so we have a common basis for discussion. First, during our earnings call I did not say “the right thing to do is to pay everybody the sameâ€. It happens to be a point that I don’t disagree with – I do think the right thing to do is get everybody on one contract and therefore have them paid the same, but I definitely don’t think the right thing to do is further divide our workforces by having two separate contracts. I pulled the transcript of the earnings call and that’s the point I made. In response to a question about how expensive our offer to our pilots was, I said, “We would happily sign the contract and sign the deal that we’ve offered. Even though it does increase our expenses, it’s the right thing to do to get all of our people to work together and when you do that, you have to obviously pay everybody the same.†That’s the key point – from the Company’s perspective, the right thing to do is to get everybody on one contract and working together instead of fighting each other and we’re willing to work hard and spend money to make it happen because that’s “the right thing to doâ€. That objective has been complicated significantly by the seniority integration dispute and now we need to all work together to figure out how to address that issue too – more on that later in this note.

Next, I definitely did not say that the Company “budgeted $122 million at this time (for pilot contract improvements)â€. Our budget contains nothing close to that amount because we built it at the beginning of 2007, when we were hopeful that we could reach a joint pilot contract for much less than our current offer. Back in May, in an effort to energize the joint negotiations and get to a joint contract, we put an offer on the table that we believe is extremely fair. This proposal is so expensive to the Company that we were required to disclose to investors our estimated increase in annual expenses back in May, right after we offered it. We estimated that it would increase our expenses by $122 million per year. That, as I said, is much more than we “budgeted†and we’re not willing to spend it if it doesn’t result in pulling our team closer together. My quote on the call was consistent with this message – in response to a question I simply confirmed that our proposal “as we disclosed, would increase the Company’s expenses by $122 millionâ€

Having clarified those points, the more important point is what is the Company doing to resolve the current situation between our pilots? First, we are also concerned. I do not like the rhetoric that is flying between the two groups and I worry that people are taking increasingly hardened positions that can’t be sustained. The Company’s view is solid and consistent – we are not interested in engaging in negotiations with one group of pilots without the other group present. That will only continue to drive a wedge between the two groups – plus drive all sorts of divisive issues in the future as new aircraft types and flying come on line and we have to decide which contract to fly it under. We are, however, very interested in having discussions with both groups present with a goal of reaching a joint contract.

Please understand that I do not think a joint contract necessarily means immediate seniority integration. I have talked to enough US Airways pilots to know that such a proposal would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get ratified. I happen to believe that if we could get everyone together at the negotiating table, we could work something out that meets everyone’s needs – though both sides would need to move some from their increasingly hardening positions. I am hopeful that the Rice Committee will facilitate some creative solutions and do so quickly. I know we have some ideas that we have shared with ALPA and I’m sure they have many more of their own. For now, we are staying close to the situation but continuing to let ALPA manage it. It is my understanding that the Rice Committee hopes to have recommendations/solutions by around Labor Day. I hope that is the case – if it goes much past that, the Company will probably request a mediator be added to our JNC talks, which the Transition Agreement allows either party to do. I’d rather not do that without the full support of both MECs and I am optimistic that we won’t have to, but if this goes on for much longer, I think it would be the best next step for all of us. In the meantime, we will continue to work through joint negotiations, where we continue to make some progress while we ignore the enormous elephant in the room.

Lastly, Cxxx, you raised some concerns about safety that I need to address. Safety is always our first priority and we are ensuring that it remains so thanks to a very diligent safety department, a first class flight operations department, the FAA and an extremely professional group of pilots. From even before the merger was finalized, our teams went to work to ensure the highest levels of safety were in place throughout the merger process by putting in place industry best practices: incremental changes, AQP training, threat and error management and feedback through SOAs, AQP, FOQA data, etc. I am told this was not done with previous mergers which did contribute to the problems experienced by US Airways in the 1990’s that you reference.

Our extensive data and analysis (FOQA, ASAP, Event Reports, AQP, SOA) does not reflect a degradation in safety or any negative trends in the level of safety. Given the current issues facing the pilot group, our Flight Operations Standards Board (FOSB) is actively monitoring the level of safety through the Flight Data Analysis Group (FDAG). FDAG has representation from Flight, Training, Safety, ALPA and the FAA and this group also actively analyzes the data referenced above to ensure there is no degradation in safety or any negative trends. Furthermore, AQP recurrent training was designed to reinforce the changes introduced during the merger integration training. We will continue to ensure that safety remains our highest priority at US Airways and are comfortable that all of the appropriate safeguards, processes and monitors are in place and believe that we are now an industry leader in this regard. If you continue to have questions or concerns about cockpit safety, though, I would encourage you to raise them with Capt. Paul Morrell, our VP – Safety and Regulatory Compliance.

Thanks again, Cxxx, for your note to me. I know that you care very much about US Airways and that you are concerned about the current state of pilot relations, as am I. I also know that some of what I’ve said here is probably not what you wanted to hear, but I trust you understand the points. We simply have to figure out a way to get our pilots talking to each other about solutions instead of drawing untenable lines in the sand. I know that it may seem “impossible†for any agreement to be reached between the parties at this point, but that’s because they aren’t talking to each other. I remain confident that once we get people in a room together working on solutions, solutions will happen. Until that time, we need to all keep focused on doing our jobs professionally and taking care of our customers. Thanks again.

My plan for the morning? Wait for my daughter to wake up and spend the day playing.

Like I said Grampy, sleep it off.

Its a new day tomorrow.

And leave Jim B. alone!

Cool..I hope that she's still at the "magical" age so you can "see" the world through her new eyes. :up: DO ALWAYS keep the good sense/wisdom to enjoy/experience evey moment...it passes FAR too soon, cliche...but for a proper reason.

Nothing more awesome than children....unless they're trying to steal seniority.

Frankly?...You're a fine argument for just "burning this place down"...as are your fine cast of AWA supporters. Good luck to all you punks.

Nice try on the Jim B....I'm not wasted, I'm just finally, totally ready to fully draw sword, and "you punks' give little choice on such it seems. If the future to come requires/enables my "vote" to help burn AWA to non-existence?= You've now got it sweetheart. If such takes burning USelessAirways down too? = Fine. I don't need this job...it'd seem that your youngster sorts do😉

BTW: A fine action of diplomacy is to fully insult potential "partners"...you've/and your AWA crowd of halfwit/young punk/utterly clueless/never fought/really never done anything clowns, have more than suceeded on these boards...enjoy your "victory" 😉..and DO give us all a call out east when you're able to steal our seats. 😉 Realize that I waste time on this board out of pure entertainment lately. You clowns, most certainly, have nothing to offer that makes a rat's ### of difference to what will eventually occur. You, seemingly "hopeless morons" are still wrapped up in utter fantasy = There cannot, ever, not even possibly be any REAL Alpo decertification....The St Nic "award" is SACRED"/etc.....and you all merrily cruise along embraced in mutual fantasy...citing whatever BS makes you comfortable at the moment.

Good Luck 😉...and my best hope's now for a buyout that won't include your money losing AWA 😉 God knows that I never want to deal with your sorts personally.
Anyway...Yawn...the sunrise awaits..as does the Pitts..and NO digusting AWA pissant will get in the way of the sunrise;, nor the early morning joy of actual flight) Admittedly not fair to you and your Alpo sorts = actual flight's akin to sunlight on vampires😉

To quote another, typically hypocritical jerkoff punk from AWA = "Peace"...and if you believe that...I've got this bridge...😉 FYI little AWA youngsters/punks= If this whole thing burns down...I'll still wake up to Pitts sunrises aplenty...how'll you punks do? 😉

Oops..don't want to harm your sense of security with your "Righteous Positon"...that you wish to steal DECADES from my junior bros/sis's with.
I can't believe Doug would waste his time with a reply. You're right it is hilarious. But what is so tragic Doug is laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks for the post. I think it would have been better served with its own thread.
Cool..I hope that she's still at the "magical" age so you can "see" the world through her new eyes. :up: DO ALWAYS keep the good sense/wisdom to enjoy/experience evey moment...it passes FAR too soon, cliche...but for a proper reason.

Can't wait for her first Halloween and Christmas.

Frankly?...You're a fine argument for just "burning this place down"...as are your fine cast of AWA supporters. Good luck to all you punks.

Grampy, you sound like that old guy that sits on the porch, talks to himself and is the butt of the neighborhood kids' jokes.

Nice try on the Jim B....I'm not wasted, I'm just finally, totally ready to fully draw sword, and "you punks' give little choice on such it seems. If the future to come requires/enables my "vote" to help burn AWA to non-existence?= You've now got it sweetheart. If such takes burning USelessAirways down too? = Fine. I don't need this job...it'd seem that your youngster sorts do😉

I don't need it either. I'll always find something else to support my family. If you're not afraid to work, the money will be there. If it makes you feel better though, have at it.

BTW: A fine action of diplomacy is to fully insult potential "partners"...you've/and your AWA crowd of halfwit/young punk/utterly clueless/never fought/really never done anything clowns, have more than suceeded on these boards

Really. I seem to recall the first shots being fired by your fellow east pilots. The day the award was announced, we were nothing but thiefs, scum, and PoS out to steal your seats. But hey, I guess we line pilots being nothing but "halfwit/young punk/utterly clueless/never fought/really never done anything clowns" deserved that lashing.

..and DO give us all a call out east when you're able to steal our seats

Or I could just tell you after you raise my gear. 😉

Realize that I waste time on this board out of pure entertainment lately.

I think that's what most of us do here. Its a fun sport pulling each other's chains, isn't it?

...citing whatever BS makes you comfortable at the moment.

Sounds like an east tactic to me.

..and NO digusting AWA pissant will get in the way of the sunrise

Ya, its nice not to have to hear an east guy cry/moan about how he was robbed. That is getting old.

I've got a number of friends at UAL that dealt with you easties and its pretty consistent. You guys are bunch of spoiled/elitist jerkoffs with a perpetual entitlement attitude. I thought it was especially classy the way you guys kept telling the UAL pilots how nice it was going to be flying the 400's. Were you one of those jerks? I hope not.

Anyway, now that reality has hit and you guys are realizing that spoiled kids don't always get what they want, you guys decide to have yourselves a tantrum and "burn the place down."

Ya, the epitomy of class.

So please, stuff the "hypocritical jerkoff punk

And as for the "...that you wish to steal DECADES from my junior bros/sis's with." - no one stole anything. Nicolau's decision was fair. It only the east that thinks otherwise - but then what anyone expect.

Enjoy your flight grampy.

And lay off the anger - it has a tendency to make you old people incontinent.
Check out Doug's letter to USA320Pilot.

Frickin' hilarious!!!!!



If his new strategy is to track down all of Cxxx's inaccuracies and misinformation and try to correct them, Doug is creating an endless amount of work for himself.
From Dougs letter to Cxxx:

Next, I definitely did not say that the Company “budgeted $122 million at this time (for pilot contract improvements)â€. Our budget contains nothing close to that amount because we built it at the beginning of 2007, when we were hopeful that we could reach a joint pilot contract for much less than our current offer. Back in May, in an effort to energize the joint negotiations and get to a joint contract, we put an offer on the table that we believe is extremely fair. This proposal is so expensive to the Company that we were required to disclose to investors our estimated increase in annual expenses back in May, right after we offered it. We estimated that it would increase our expenses by $122 million per year. That, as I said, is much more than we “budgeted†and we’re not willing to spend it if it doesn’t result in pulling our team closer together. My quote on the call was consistent with this message – in response to a question I simply confirmed that our proposal “as we disclosed, would increase the Company’s expenses by $122 millionâ€
Next, I definitely did not say that the Company “budgeted $122 million at this time (for pilot contract improvements)â€. Our budget contains nothing close to that amount because we built it at the beginning of 2007, when we were hopeful that we could reach a joint pilot contract for much less than our current offer. Back in May, in an effort to energize the joint negotiations and get to a joint contract, we put an offer on the table that we believe is extremely fair. This proposal is so expensive to the Company that we were required to disclose to investors our estimated increase in annual expenses back in May, right after we offered it. We estimated that it would increase our expenses by $122 million per year. That, as I said, is much more than we “budgeted†and we’re not willing to spend it if it doesn’t result in pulling our team closer together. My quote on the call was consistent with this message – in response to a question I simply confirmed that our proposal “as we disclosed, would increase the Company’s expenses by $122 millionâ€

It's a beautiful thing to be able to pick out only one part and comment on it.

I know it's only semantics He said/she said etc. It really doesn't matter when taken out of context. Just because Doug didn't say the exact quotes Cxxx referenced doesn't mean it didn't happen in some form. Check out the pilot video on the crew news in CLT for June. Scott in his intro said the exact same figure of $122 million. Coincidence? Doubtful. Budgeted? Who cares. Out of Context? Who cares again. Inadequate? TOTALLY!!

Let's say for the sake of argument, ALPA is capable of restarting the JNC process. All Doug and Jerry Glass have to do is keep in mind the fractured unity and they can drive wedges between us for as long as they want. Offering just enough to get a minimum majority to get a new CBA/LOA to pass. Just like the fractured unity in the east since '89. With a few exception years, we've had 18 years of one concession after the other. Each one signed off on by ALPA National. Like Hank Duffy, Randy Babbitt, Duane Woerth and now John Prater.

Why even bother? It will just be more of the same.

Why not get really progressive? New Company, New Union. Especially a union that has our best interests as a basic tenet.
AWA Pilot Email....Hummmm?

[Regardless of what our MEC attempts to hide, U-Turn will keep attempting the ferret out the truth, because without the truth, there can be no union democracy. If you don’t want to know the truth, if you can’t handle the truth, or if you are just bored with the truth, then we encourage you to just hit the “unsubscribe†link to U-Turn…like a grand total of five pilots have done in the past eight months! But if you want to know the truth, here it is…and it ain’t all that pretty. The truth is out there, for those who seek.]

Anyone who thinks that the East is actually not following the letter and the spirit of the EC Resolutions and the Rice Committee…you’ve been reading too many Johnnie Mac Hotlines and listening to too many conference calls. The East is in full compliance with the EC Resolutions. Don’t think for a second that they aren’t. In fact, despite his attempt to play down his involvement at the MEC’s Rice Committee “Open House†last week, ALPA’s number two attorney Bruce York (Director of Representation) is actively engaged in keeping the East in line:

Additionally, on July 24, Bruce York, director of ALPA's Representation Department, and Capt. Rice met with the US Airways MEC. The discussion focused on the Executive Council’s recent resolution, which calls on all parties to explore solutions that may lead to a merged agreement, umbrella agreements, or multiple agreements.

DATE LINE: PHX, August 22, 2007…There’s a whole lot of negoatiatin’ going on. From our usual reliable sources (certain low people who claim to know even lower people in very high places), we hear that the Rice Bowl (Rice Committee) is in town negotiating with both JNCs. Negotiating what, one might ask. In the words of the EC Resolution, in its orders to the Rice Bowl, negotiating:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Committee continue to assist the MECs and JNC in achieving the goal of developing consensual approaches that promote mutual career protection and mutual success, as part of achieving acceptable collective bargaining outcomes that improve pay, benefits, work rules and job security for both pilot groups, and…

In other words, the two JNCs (and MEC officers) are doing an internal ALPA-to-ALPA version of IBB. Because if we/they don’t participate in the Rice Bowl:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in the absence of full cooperation with the process for achieving consensual solutions, the President, in consultation with the Committee, develop other procedures for solutions that will best fulfill our union's representation responsibilities, and…

COMPLY or DIE! That is the message from Herndon.

We at the Mighty U-Turn have to ask the obvious repetitive questions: WHY the clandestine negotiations? WHY isn’t our MEC telling us what is going on? WHY all the secrecy?

Certainly, ALPA Executive Council Resolutions don’t have to be complied with in secret. While we understand that negotiation content needs to be kept confidential, why all the secrecy over the fact that negotiations are going on? WHAT does our MEC have to hide? If they are so adamant about our position on Nicolau, why negotiate at all? Well, maybe because negotiations are REQUIRED by ALPA Resolution. Negotiating away the Nicolau Award? That’s probably a good enough reason for secrecy. Or is it? Don’t we all have the right to know what is going on?

So what is being negotiated? From the West side of the fence (ouch, bad choice of words), certainly the Nicolau Award can’t be negotiated away. From the East side, unless the “Nic†is dumbed down, there’s no point in their negotiating, either. So what gives? What is the grand plan?

West JNC Negotiator Extraordinaire Doug Dotter (we would have to assume on the advice of the MEC…no one in his right mind would be doing this on his own) appears willing to discuss (or is actually discussing) building a few fences as long as the “Nic†isn’t rejected. Now isn’t that a contradiction. Build a fence and you dumb down the “Nic.†But then again, aren’t BOTH MECs tied to the ALPA Executive Council Resolution to develop:

consensual approaches that promote mutual career protection and mutual success?

We await the MEC’s explanation of what is actually going on…AND their explanation of all the secrecy.

Your humble purveyors of the truth: The Mighty U-Turn
US Airways BOS F/O Rep. Update - August 23, 2007

BOS Pilots,

And so our Pay Parity Campaign begins:


Chairman's Message, Thursday, Aug. 23, 2007

"Your MEC is eager to deliver the message personally to management that we won't tolerate pay discrimination. On Thursday, September 6th, in conjunction with the Labor Day holiday week, your MEC and MEC officers will be conducting informational picketing in front of US Airways headquarters in Tempe . If you'd like to come join us, you're more than welcome, and we'll be getting more details to you soon."


As you've heard from John Prater's road show, the Executive Council is not going to overturn the Nicolau award, and neither are they going to release it, instead counting on the Rice Committee to accomplish what may be a mission impossible.

Tell you what. I'm tired of asking, and I'm tired of waiting. It's time to do what Unions do best, and that's take the fight to management.

Come help us.

In Solidarity,

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