I remember that now.
When I was scooping the local......lol
I see a lot of frustration with the recent mergers and such and its hard to deal with but that's life under the RLA and the way they play the game in contract neg's.
That's about all we had to deal with daily for some 10 or more years. It costs about 400 million to go through BK and I remember under Seth, we only had 200 million for quite some time and then its liquidation time, that went on for a couple years....if we would have had any kind of fart, that would have been it.
You give back and hope and give again and see the same stupid crap all over again. It takes a toll. In PIT alone, I could name an easy dozen who took the suicide route in those days....it was quite disheartening to say the least.
In 2004/2005 being told to sit and read the paper because you needed VP approval to install a $30,000 PRSOV on an engine or repair a nose cowl......after all those years of give backs.
That's when I had enough.
I sincerely hope all concerned fair better today than we did. Good luck.