Tim Nelson
Worldport said:Hate to say it Tim but all the years out there I didn't think you had a conscience that's why I'm a little skeptical of you actually caring for the jetblue employees. I really think you are taking the DL contracting out of left field You are entitled to your opinion but I don't see it
I think if you really look at the case, I think you will find that my prediction and conclusion is not only a reasonable one that is well supported with case law and management trends, but my forecast of it is also likely.
However, although I may have presented the case, from my perspective, the case stands, regardless of my conscience.
Knowing the history of this campaign spanning at least 8 years, I can tell you that nobody strategized this JetBlue campaign from the beginning. When I was Director of Organizing for DL141, Tom Reagon, the JetBlue Campaign Creator, begged me to help him and approve DL141 going over to Jetblue. I told Tommy 8 years ago that the campaign would not only be unsuccessful but that it risked everyone's jobs. Remember, there was no cross utilization, only rampers. That's a big thing to consider when organizing a small company.
As an aside, Tommy's JetBlue campaign was approved by Roach, but my hunch was that Tommy's interest was personal, i.e., he lived in the Orlando area and wanted to stay home since Roach had him assigned to EWR on other campaigns.