charlie Brown said:
We have either 9 or 10 articles T/a,d. Not just those you listed. But no big issues yet. Probably the biggest we are working on so far is grievance procedure and representation. Which is a big issue. But to those that are never in trouble, then you could probably care less about it. I understand that people get restless, but we have maybe 40 + articles to go through and get done whether people like them or not. The majority can probably name maybe 10 articles if that, that they really care about. But, we have to deal with them all in negotiations. The team is ready to work on any article the company is ready to tackle. Unfortunately most of the ones that people care most about will come toward the end. That's just how the company has always handled negotiations.
I know there's a lot of articles and they all need discussed.
Here's my beef.
In 2003 it took all of 56 days (2/4/03 - 3/31/03) from the first meeting between the company and ALL unionized groups at AA to reach TAs on the massive rewriting of all of our contracts.
There were no scheduling conflicts , they negotiated 7 DAYS A WEEK.
Again, that was ALL Unionized groups at the same time.
Now, of course the company was losing $5 million a day at the time.
Today, the company is doing at least 5 times better making roughly $22 million a day.
I believe we DESERVE the same urgency of negotiations now, that we had then.
No, that doesn't mean I want my raise and the hell with everything else.
It means, we expect the best deal we can get as soon as we can get it, not when the company decides when to schedule something.
The many weeks that have gone by without negotiating is a slap in the face to all of membership.
Get to the table, stay at the table , until it's done.
You can also remind the company, during those frantic 56 days back in 2003, all of the unions were also very busy in Washington DC lobbying Congress to give relief to the airlines for all the added security costs and fees.
56 days for the largest rewrite in our lifetimes.
I believe the company and the NC can do better than what's transpired so far, history tells us so.