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2015 Fleet Service thread

charlie Brown said:
We have either 9 or 10 articles T/a,d. Not just those you listed. But no big issues yet. Probably the biggest we are working on so far is grievance procedure and representation. Which is a big issue. But to those that are never in trouble, then you could probably care less about it. I understand that people get restless, but we have maybe 40 + articles to go through and get done whether people like them or not. The majority can probably name maybe 10 articles if that, that they really care about. But, we have to deal with them all in negotiations. The team is ready to work on any article the company is ready to tackle. Unfortunately most of the ones that people care most about will come toward the end. That's just how the company has always handled negotiations.
its funny how when aa wanted pay cuts and benefit cuts they took a few weeks . To get it all done it's not getting done because both party's could care less the company's making money union is getting dues. excuses excuses from the association and company.
charlie Brown said:
We have either 9 or 10 articles T/a,d. Not just those you listed. But no big issues yet. Probably the biggest we are working on so far is grievance procedure and representation. Which is a big issue. But to those that are never in trouble, then you could probably care less about it. I understand that people get restless, but we have maybe 40 + articles to go through and get done whether people like them or not. The majority can probably name maybe 10 articles if that, that they really care about. But, we have to deal with them all in negotiations. The team is ready to work on any article the company is ready to tackle. Unfortunately most of the ones that people care most about will come toward the end. That's just how the company has always handled negotiations.
I know there's a lot of articles and they all need discussed.
Here's my beef.

In 2003 it took all of 56 days (2/4/03 - 3/31/03) from the first meeting between the company and ALL unionized groups at AA to reach TAs on the massive rewriting of all of our contracts.
There were no scheduling conflicts , they negotiated 7 DAYS A WEEK.
Again, that was ALL Unionized groups at the same time.

Now, of course the company was losing $5 million a day at the time.
Today, the company is doing at least 5 times better making roughly $22 million a day.

I believe we DESERVE the same urgency of negotiations now, that we had then.

No, that doesn't mean I want my raise and the hell with everything else.
It means, we expect the best deal we can get as soon as we can get it, not when the company decides when to schedule something.

The many weeks that have gone by without negotiating is a slap in the face to all of membership.
Get to the table, stay at the table , until it's done.

You can also remind the company, during those frantic 56 days back in 2003, all of the unions were also very busy in Washington DC lobbying Congress to give relief to the airlines for all the added security costs and fees.

56 days for the largest rewrite in our lifetimes.

I believe the company and the NC can do better than what's transpired so far, history tells us so.
Traymark said:
I know there's a lot of articles and they all need discussed.
Here's my beef.

In 2003 it took all of 56 days (2/4/03 - 3/31/03) from the first meeting between the company and ALL unionized groups at AA to reach TAs on the massive rewriting of all of our contracts.
There were no scheduling conflicts , they negotiated 7 DAYS A WEEK.
Again, that was ALL Unionized groups at the same time.

Now, of course the company was losing $5 million a day at the time.
Today, the company is doing at least 5 times better making roughly $22 million a day.

I believe we DESERVE the same urgency of negotiations now, that we had then.

No, that doesn't mean I want my raise and the hell with everything else.
It means, we expect the best deal we can get as soon as we can get it, not when the company decides when to schedule something.

The many weeks that have gone by without negotiating is a slap in the face to all of membership.
Get to the table, stay at the table , until it's done.

You can also remind the company, during those frantic 56 days back in 2003, all of the unions were also very busy in Washington DC lobbying Congress to give relief to the airlines for all the added security costs and fees.

56 days for the largest rewrite in our lifetimes.

I believe the company and the NC can do better than what's transpired so far, history tells us so.
Excellent comment Traymark.

I'd like to also add that I truly hope that our guys aren't going back and forth and nitpicking on very small items. I'll use two examples of items that maybe we don't all use everyday. The company gives out currently on the AA side free gloves and they use to have free dry cleaning of Uniforms. I rarely ever use gloves and never used the dry cleaning service. I wash my own Uniforms because it's faster and I am not looking to enter into a fashion contest at work anyway. Going up eventually to at least $29.00 per hour there are some very small items that I don't think need to be quibbled about.

There are some very big upcoming issues that are probably going to take some time to agree to. Take for instance Medical. On the IAM side the Part Timers pay double the rate compared to Full Timers. Is that going to continue to stand and will it be an issue that can create some divide in both the room and with the Company? TWU doesn't do that and I also don't see it in the new CBA signed by the Agents.

The issue of Part Timers itself can wind up being a long process?

SCOPE. Jobs and Station staffing? How long can that wind up taking?

Jobs of course are extremely important but how much will our possible demands on those issues "Maybe" take away from the final outcome speaking about wages? I personally believe we should be the one's to begin to raise the bar again for the industry but we'd be fooling ourselves to think the Company is not going to talk about what their competitors do. What's going to happen with these limited issue talks happening over at UAL for Fleet? Rumors are floating in the air. Will what SWA Fleet just agree to, have any effect on our talks? Should they have any effect?  
Good points traymark and WeAAsles. I'm pretty sure you both are LAA since you speak about the 2003. I'm LUS myself, so I wasn't around for the 56 day event, however have 34 years with LUS Inhave been through 2 bankruptcies and I know what you mean. I could try to explain the differences between the 2, but it wouldn't make you feel any better about things. I can only tell you that the negotiating team is ready to meet as often as we can. We also are ready to tackle any of the larger issues the company agrees to negotiate. But it takes two sides to negotiate. Yes the company plays games in stalling, hoping that the membership gets restless for the money and will settle. I've seen it many times before. If we were in regular section 6 talks then we could go to the mediation board and declare a impass. Unfortunately these talks aren't under section 6. Again we are ready to go wherever and whenever we need to. All I can tell you guys is the top dogs for this company now comes from the LUS side. This is pretty normal on how they negotiate. I don't like it any more than any of you, but I will not accept just any pos the company offers, just to get an agreement.
charlie Brown said:
Good points traymark and WeAAsles. I'm pretty sure you both are LAA since you speak about the 2003. I'm LUS myself, so I wasn't around for the 56 day event, however have 34 years with LUS Inhave been through 2 bankruptcies and I know what you mean. I could try to explain the differences between the 2, but it wouldn't make you feel any better about things. I can only tell you that the negotiating team is ready to meet as often as we can. We also are ready to tackle any of the larger issues the company agrees to negotiate. But it takes two sides to negotiate. Yes the company plays games in stalling, hoping that the membership gets restless for the money and will settle. I've seen it many times before. If we were in regular section 6 talks then we could go to the mediation board and declare a impass. Unfortunately these talks aren't under section 6. Again we are ready to go wherever and whenever we need to. All I can tell you guys is the top dogs for this company now comes from the LUS side. This is pretty normal on how they negotiate. I don't like it any more than any of you, but I will not accept just any pos the company offers, just to get an agreement.
CB I think it's the official updates that cause a little confusion among the membership, especially with the old FB crowd. They see updates about Uniforms and Bulletin Boards twice and think you guys are taking weeks on those issues and not working on anything else.

The Bulletin Board issue in particular was a personal kick to find out only took about 20 minutes between you guys and between another 30 to 40 minutes for the Conpany to respond and TA.

Any chance on the next "official" update we can get something a little more in depth so people aren't getting insane notions that you guys are just sitting around twittling your thumbs?

I wrote a suggestion on the Association FB page for maybe a tally of items TA'd, being discussed and TBD. The CWA did that for the agents and I thought it was very helpful in keeping up with the progress.
Maintenance side finally got it and put out a detailed update.
WeAAsles said:
CB I think it's the official updates that cause a little confusion among the membership, especially with the old FB crowd. They see updates about Uniforms and Bulletin Boards twice and think you guys are taking weeks on those issues and not working on anything else.
The Bulletin Board issue in particular was a personal kick to find out only took about 20 minutes between you guys and between another 30 to 40 minutes for the Conpany to respond and TA.
Any chance on the next "official" update we can get something a little more in depth so people aren't getting insane notions that you guys are just sitting around twittling your thumbs?
I wrote a suggestion on the Association FB page for maybe a tally of items TA'd, being discussed and TBD. The CWA did that for the agents and I thought it was very helpful in keeping up with the progress.
I will definitely bring it up to the team about a more detailed briefing on everything we are working on, whether it is a T/a or not.
charlie Brown said:
I will definitely bring it up to the team about a more detailed briefing on everything we are working on, whether it is a T/a or not.
Cool. Hey and I doubt you'll get the chance when you're in NY but if you do and you get into Manhatten. Cozy Soup and Burger on 8th street and Broadway. Great burgers and award winning soups. The pea soup was my personal fav.

You can also get your hair cut at Astor across the street. (Oh nevermind) lol.
CB   I really wish you and the rest of the negoiating team all the best of luck in dealing with those cronies and hope you all get us the best contract     the profits speak   no reason to have to lose any jobs    Now with that said Do you foresee any kind timetable as to when (spring, summer,etc) we may see any kind of TA   I realize its early on in the negoiations but there are large number of folks in my station asking me for updates and so far Ive told them no new updates
robbedagain said:
CB   I really wish you and the rest of the negoiating team all the best of luck in dealing with those cronies and hope you all get us the best contract     the profits speak   no reason to have to lose any jobs    Now with that said Do you foresee any kind timetable as to when (spring, summer,etc) we may see any kind of TA   I realize its early on in the negoiations but there are large number of folks in my station asking me for updates and so far Ive told them no new updates
Robbed asking that question is probably like asking the dude to pick a Football pool box? Too many different scenarios probably to guess?

But CB my Birthday is May 4 (hint hint) I know you don't have to even comment on that date.
WeAAsles said:
Cool. Hey and I doubt you'll get the chance when you're in NY but if you do and you get into Manhatten. Cozy Soup and Burger on 8th street and Broadway. Great burgers and award winning soups. The pea soup was my personal fav.
You can also get your hair cut at Astor across the street. (Oh nevermind) lol.
I like good burgers and soup. Thanks. And yea, real funny on the hair.
robbedagain said:
CB   I really wish you and the rest of the negoiating team all the best of luck in dealing with those cronies and hope you all get us the best contract     the profits speak   no reason to have to lose any jobs    Now with that said Do you foresee any kind timetable as to when (spring, summer,etc) we may see any kind of TA   I realize its early on in the negoiations but there are large number of folks in my station asking me for updates and so far Ive told them no new updates
I can't really say. We have this week off and then 3 weeks in a row. I think if during those 3 weeks we can get into some bigger issues, then we might can get it done rather quickly. Company keeps saying they want to, but so far that's just words. I guess it just depends on what people call quick. And if you want you can send me your email address. I send out a email briefing every week or every other week. I always try to give the latest on negotiations. I'll be glad to put you on it if you want.
Tad's steak in the city has great t-bones and not expensive.
charlie Brown said:
I like good burgers and soup. Thanks. And yea, real funny on the hair.
Don't feel so bad. I cut my own now. Not enough on the crown worth blowing my own cash on anymore.

I miss the 80's and hair down past my shoulders. Oh well.
charlie Brown said:
I can't really say. We have this week off and then 3 weeks in a row. I think if during those 3 weeks we can get into some bigger issues, then we might can get it done rather quickly. Company keeps saying they want to, but so far that's just words. I guess it just depends on what people call quick. And if you want you can send me your email address. I send out a email briefing every week or every other week. I always try to give the latest on negotiations. I'll be glad to put you on it if you want.
Uh you do know where that's going to end up again right?

Everyone ok with that now?

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