No no no both supporters will be appointed to the international!Buck said:There is a rumor that all pro Association users of this forum are being moved back to their Mechanic or Fleet Service jobs they were originally hired to do....
Buck said:
Again, sorry for the blunt statement. And I am truly sorry to hear what you guys are going thru and have to deal with. However, with that said, I don't mean to direct my comments to "all" of AA's mechs, but more to all the TWU lovers and believers who always believe what they hear (from their union) and never do any of their own research to get the truth to anything the union is telling them. Trust me I do know how many cards were signed by the AA mechanics, and yes it was a majority. And I did, as well as others, tried to warn the AA guys exactly what the TWU, IAM, ibt, and the co would do to kill the card drive and they were successful in doing so. I even warned about the AA co and the teamsters working together to file in record timing the list of eligible members to the NMB (within 4 hrs) unheard of. And BTW, I never posted "I told you so".toroshark said:Your continuous beating us over the head because Jim Little screwed us over is getting waaayyy old. The majority of mechs at legacy AA finally signed cards. By hook or crook{ IBTscam or Association scam} it is what it is for the time being. GO over to SWA forums and rant how you still dont have a new contract or how AMFA got out smarted with the IBT/TWU fraud. Do you really have to post "I told you so" to a group of people who knew EVEN etter than you the screwing we have and are to receive. We are living it so quit pouring salt in the wounds please.
This memo is pointing out to not JUST look at pay increases. That language (work rules and such) is just as important if not more than the dollar signs that the co is putting out, and the airlines use this tactic to buy off the membership for the work rules they want changed, which could and usually is a higher concession to the members over the pay rate increases. In other words LOOK at the entire package, compute the entire package, and then come to the final decision, simple math folks. Again, sorry for the blunt statement, but I still stand behind what I posted, and I am sorry if the truth hurts, and I in no way was pouring salt in your wounds...ASSociation Clown said:I usually agree with SWAAMT to, but the I told you so message is getting old, especially when his union is posting this message. As much as I hate this association, at least they don't sound defeated yet like this memo. Can you imagine what would happen if the association were to put this out at AA telling us to expect less once again, and not to use Delta wages as a measuring stick, but rather look at the overall package. Seriously, why not want it all.
AMFA Members
National Executive Council
[SIZE=12pt]September [/SIZE]17, 2015
Delta Airlines Update
As most of you have heard by now, the AMTs at Delta Airlines are scheduled to receive a 14.5 percent pay raise in December of this year, which will increase their annual pay to around $94,000. This will make the Delta AMTs the third highest paid AMT workgroup in the industry behind UPS and FedEx. While this is obviously great news for our craft and a reinforcement by a major corporation to the value of our services, we must not lose sight that our non-union contemporaries at Delta are “at will” employees. Your respective Negotiating Committee is aware of this change in our industry and rest assured this latest development will be equated into all future discussions.
Although higher industry hourly wages are undoubtedly beneficial to our craft, there is more to preserving our current standard of living than the hourly wage. The earning potential and job protections that our Collective Bargaining Agreements provide for far outweighs an hourly wage increase for the majority of our members. While basic math will prove this statement true, it takes far more than basic math to prove how important our earnings potential and job protections are to us and the livelihood of our families.
Please do not misinterpret this message as of course hourly wages are an extremely important piece of our overall package and will be adamantly fought for in negotiations. Just keep in mind that the gains we achieve in negotiations are contractual unlike the Delta raises that could be gone before they are realized. Please continue to support AMFA and your Negotiating Committee as they bargain on your behalf.
Yea, a completely new union got a TA for a previously unrepresented group. Meanwhile, our long established bargaining representatives sit on they're collective arses while the membership continues working under a BK agreement as the company makes record breaking profits.Rogallo said:"We made good progress this week............."
Why cant the ASS work over the weekend to get this done? I would imagine even the ASS supporters are finding it difficult to defend them nowdfw gen said: