No disrespect, but where the hell you been? The IAM is in charge for the first, what 2 years? Of course the TWU members will be wittled down first. Side deals? You better believe it. More like "behind close door deals". When Jim Little gave you guys the screwing by forcing you all into this association WITHOUT a vote should have been the first clue to get another union in and fire both the TWU and IAM at both carriers. You guys had your chances to replace them, and had a long, long time to get the cards in, but everyone believed what the unions were telling the membership that there would be a vote on this association while all along I was telling you guys that there would not be a vote and the TWU and IAM was going to push this #### thru without a vote and force upon all of you. I have no sympathy for you and your members. Like I have said from the get go, you guys will get what you deserve when you all let this crap happen to you, instead of getting off your a$$es and doing your own homework to validate everything the unions were telling you guys, and of course you all ignored all the warnings that myself as well as others were working so hard to warn you guys about. So sorry for being blunt, but, I don't want to hear it...
Union protection? Not when you are represented by the 2 worst unions in the industry that constantly agree to everything the company always wants, C'mon man...