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2015 AMT Discussion

OldGuy@AA said:
Many of us in TULE know very well that the numbers here will go down drastically.  Funny thing is that the association stated the ratio of TWU to IAM members would not change but all the cuts seem to be earmarked for TWU members and not IAM.  Could it be the IAM has made side deals with Chug-A-Lug Doug?  I'm guessing they have and will continue.  The screwing Jim Little gave us by forcing us into the association is getting worse all the time. Just hope we get our seniority rights back so I don't get a choice between JFK, LGA and ORD.
You should hope you get the IAM layoff protection rights. They are better than the TWU if they have the same as we did at NWA. You will be able to bump the junior person at any point in the system where you are qualified to perform the work. Not some juniority scheme that the TWU has.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You should hope you get the IAM layoff protection rights. They are better than the TWU if they have the same as we did at NWA. You will be able to bump the junior person at any point in the system where you are qualified to perform the work. Not some juniority scheme that the TWU has.
Funny you mention that......Don't the LUS IAM folks have job protection? Something the TWU has allowed to be negotiated away?
Glenn Quagmire said:
You should hope you get the IAM layoff protection rights. They are better than the TWU if they have the same as we did at NWA. You will be able to bump the junior person at any point in the system where you are qualified to perform the work. Not some juniority scheme that the TWU has.
This is the one thing , maybe the only thing I like from their contract.
Congratulations to the gate agents!
Meanwhile on the Association side we get...layoffs!
AA dropping in-house overhaul such as TAESL is not "trimming the fat." It is that LAA is now completeting the outsourcing of jobs that started under the IAM at UA and US and other unions in the industry to lower wage and foreign countries. The TWU held the line as long as they could. Calling highly skilled AMT jobs 'fat" is an insult and shows why many of us doubt the competence and skill of non-AMTs negotiating for M&R. You are adding fodder to the "dump the industrial union" mantra.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - A. Lincoln
Overspeed said:
AA dropping in-house overhaul such as TAESL is not "trimming the fat." It is that LAA is now completeting the outsourcing of jobs that started under the IAM at UA and US and other unions in the industry to lower wage and foreign countries. The TWU held the line as long as they could. Calling highly skilled AMT jobs 'fat" is an insult and shows why many of us doubt the competence and skill of non-AMTs negotiating for M&R. You are adding fodder to the "dump the industrial union" mantra.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - A. Lincoln
Well said. Now if only we can get the two sides together and start negotiations before more closings and layoffs are announced.
swamt said:
No disrespect, but where the hell you been?  The IAM is in charge for the first, what 2 years? Of course the TWU members will be wittled down first.  Side deals? You better believe it. More like "behind close door deals".  When Jim Little gave you guys the screwing by forcing you all into this association WITHOUT a vote should have been the first clue to get another union in and fire both the TWU and IAM at both carriers. You guys had your chances to replace them, and had a long, long time to get the cards in, but everyone believed what the unions were telling the membership that there would be a vote on this association while all along I was telling you guys that there would not be a vote and the TWU and IAM was going to push this #### thru without a vote and force upon all of you. I have no sympathy for you and your members. Like I have said from the get go, you guys will get what you deserve when you all let this crap happen to you, instead of getting off your a$$es and doing your own homework to validate everything the unions were telling you guys, and of course you all ignored all the warnings that myself as well as others were working so hard to warn you guys about. So sorry for being blunt, but, I don't want to hear it...
Union protection?  Not when you are represented by the 2 worst unions in the industry that constantly agree to everything the company always wants, C'mon man...
  Your continuous beating us over the head because Jim Little screwed us over is getting waaayyy old. The majority of mechs at legacy AA finally signed cards. By hook or crook{ IBTscam or Association scam} it is what it is for the time being. GO over to SWA forums and rant how you still dont have a new contract or how AMFA got out smarted with the IBT/TWU fraud. Do you really have to post "I told you so" to a group of people who knew EVEN etter than you the screwing we have and are to receive. We are living it so quit pouring salt in the wounds please.
The IAM never agreed to outsourcing, it took a CBA being abrogated in Chapter 11 for that to be accomplished, and you can thank the IBT who represented the mechanics at HP for the outsourcing, as they outsourced all their heavy.
The IAM was successful in 2008 to secure 50% of all billable hours in Heavy to must be done in-house.
No line can be farmed out, unlike your CBA at AA where they can farm out anything up to 35% of the maintenance budget and AA can go over that percentage if they choose.
Tell the whole store Overspeed, not half.
toroshark said:
  Your continuous beating us over the head because Jim Little screwed us over is getting waaayyy old. The majority of mechs at legacy AA finally signed cards. By hook or crook{ IBTscam or Association scam} it is what it is for the time being. GO over to SWA forums and rant how you still dont have a new contract or how AMFA got out smarted with the IBT/TWU fraud. Do you really have to post "I told you so" to a group of people who knew EVEN etter than you the screwing we have and are to receive. We are living it so quit pouring salt in the wounds please.
I usually agree with SWAAMT to, but the I told you so message is getting old, especially when his union is posting this message.  As much as I hate this association, at least they don't sound defeated yet like this memo.  Can you imagine what would happen if the association were to put this out at AA telling us to expect less once again, and not to use Delta wages as a measuring stick, but rather look at the overall package.  Seriously, why not want it all.


AMFA Members


National Executive Council


[SIZE=12pt]September [/SIZE]17, 2015


Delta Airlines Update

As most of you have heard by now, the AMTs at Delta Airlines are scheduled to receive a 14.5 percent pay raise in December of this year, which will increase their annual pay to around $94,000.  This will make the Delta AMTs the third highest paid AMT workgroup in the industry behind UPS and FedEx. While this is obviously great news for our craft and a reinforcement by a major corporation to the value of our services, we must not lose sight that our non-union contemporaries at Delta are “at will” employees. Your respective Negotiating Committee is aware of this change in our industry and rest assured this latest development will be equated into all future discussions.
Although higher industry hourly wages are undoubtedly beneficial to our craft, there is more to preserving our current standard of living than the hourly wage. The earning potential and job protections that our Collective Bargaining Agreements provide for far outweighs an hourly wage increase for the majority of our members. While basic math will prove this statement true, it takes far more than basic math to prove how important our earnings potential and job protections are to us and the livelihood of our families.
Please do not misinterpret this message as of course hourly wages are an extremely important piece of our overall package and will be adamantly fought for in negotiations. Just keep in mind that the gains we achieve in negotiations are contractual unlike the Delta raises that could be gone before they are realized.  Please continue to support AMFA and your Negotiating Committee as they bargain on your behalf.
Wow! That's inexcusable for a union or association to tell it's members to lower their expectations. Sounds like twu.
I am telling the whole truth. Fact is that US/IAM wages have now been brought up twice. First time was when the IAM got the first CBA after the merger and then again due to piggybacking on the TWU wage adjustment language both in a BK negotitated CBA. Better than the IAM "superior" CBAs you say were forced on the IAM in BK. IAM failures. The TWU scope language still has far more work done in-house (reference the fact there are no IAM/US AMTs doing engine overhauls and we are still doing CF6 and CFM overhauls in TUL) and that CBA was negotiated in BK. You claim the IAM langauge is better, the facts are getting in your way 700UW.
The fact that you would reference AMT jobs being lost as "trimming the fat" is a red flag in the IAM negotiating skills and concerns me as to their influence. AMFAinMiami has pointed out you are of a Stores background and you obviously are willing to trim out AMT "fat" to keep other jobs. Great! I am looking forward to the "superior" IAM negotiating skills that you reference in the two BK CBAs that US IAM members got shafted in as to the great deal teh Association will get us.
Maybe we should trim some IAM represented Stores "fat" soon...
before they can decide what fat to trim someone somewhere has to make a decision to meet, even after the communication workers and the ibt (maybe we should have signed ibt cards) got something accomplished. i still dont see anything happening for maintenance.
Boy all of you are truly oblivious to the fact that the playbook is evolving. Just think about it the company has now laid off just prior to negotiations thus gaining some yes voters by promising to save their jobs maybe even promising keep them closer to home. So how does this play out you ask well they continue this play with TUL PHX CLT you pick then this is where the TWU trains the IAM how to save dues payers (jobs) and give up money and benefits. And we get screwed as always. I really feel sorry for the new guys and those of you that thought we were going to not be screwed by the TWU again but I would love for them to prove me wrong.
Steve Goeyvaerts
A/C Maintenance SFO
700UW said:
The IAM never agreed to outsourcing, it took a CBA being abrogated in Chapter 11 for that to be accomplished, and you can thank the IBT who represented the mechanics at HP for the outsourcing, as they outsourced all their heavy.
The IAM was successful in 2008 to secure 50% of all billable hours in Heavy to must be done in-house.
No line can be farmed out, unlike your CBA at AA where they can farm out anything up to 35% of the maintenance budget and AA can go over that percentage if they choose.
Tell the whole store Overspeed, not half.
Thank you for that info. I will as usual forward it to the usual guys in charge.
dvlhog212 said:
Wow! That's inexcusable for a union or association to tell it's members to lower their expectations. Sounds like twu.
Did Bobby Gless get a job at SWA?

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