end_of_alpa said:Still can't read a 10-K or watch a Parker crew news, can you Dan. Anyway, it's over.
EoA...Don't tell them that sir! I've had an open wager against these pathetic little punks/pimples for nearly 7 years now!..and I'm pulling out all the stops now to try to get even one of these "spartan" punks to offer me some aerial amusement....You will just completely screw up any slight chance at even having their very "best" respond before this is all finished...although, given that it's been 7 years, it isn't likely that any of those laughable creatures will suddenly find themselves equipped with any semblance of a spine...So I guess no harm done from your end Brother.
C'mon "spartans"; of the 1700 or so mostly worthless-mommy-bought-my-ticket (at best) wimps: I know at least a half dozen of "you'se" have actually trained, street cred. What say we have some fun? 🙂 Nevermind your utterly pathetic, fellow "spartans", you know better than that....?