snapthis said:
Mover" along? Nevermind stupidity the incompetence...
"Nevermind stupidity the incompetence..."...? Seriously? Do ever even proof read your own drooling nonsense?
Yeah Ok, so despite the "private schools" "youse" are just a dysfunctional illiterate? See listings under personal problems. P.S. Mighty "spartans" totally bore me. My even clinical interest is since exhausted/research done. Isn't there even one of "you'se" pathetic little "knight"/"dire wolf"/whatever wimps up for even a purely recreational flying wager?
🙂 PM if any such "champion" can be found in AWA's/The "army of leonidas" knee-pad-wearing-licker/locker of supposed "Pilots"...? This all may be coming to an eventual close, but there's still time for some fun..."soldiers"?
How 'bout "youse" snapthis? You've no shortage of a big mouth....But nothing else?...Not even a spine? C'mon supposed "man"...ain't "you'se" at least a pretended "spartan"?...Or at the very, very least, a pretended "Pilot"?
Seriously snapthis: How do "you'se" pathetic little "spartan" punks/"men" even live with yourselves? Don't "you'se" have to at least face makeup mirrors to put on your lipstick, makeup, eye shadow and eyelash enhancements?
C'mon snap: "man up"...? Here's "you'se" chance to at least pretend yourself a "Pilot"...? Impress us all...?
😉 PM for wager terms and mutually agreeable conditions. Mine are fairly generous, in that I reasonably assume "you'se" both a wimp and pathetic excuse for a "person/Pilot".
Prove me wrong, for "you'se" financial gain, the chance to become a worldwide AWA celebrity "ace" from soundly defeating a frail old eastie. Video of "you'se" victory to agreeably be posted on the internet, and of course...for the "honor" of "sparta"!
🙂 PM if "you'se" ever grow any semblance of a pair/spine...."pylut"
😉 No apologies for all the iaughing/sneering emoticons. They seem most appropriate whenever dealing with your kind of "man" and "pylut".
I've never fought against the awesome likes of mighty "spartans", so it should be a complete cake-walk for "you'se"....?