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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Claxon said:
Spinthis is pretty much the last Spartan standing. The rest figured it out.
Its tough to be the last one standing and even harder to hide the fact that you are indeed the last one standing....  a sure sign that one has arrived at the last stand..... hooves crossed.  Yep. Hooves crossed.  Its the tell tale sign. 
snapthis said:
I'm tired of the mediocre....
Speaking of being tired of the mediocre: The bulk of "you'se" mighty-mommy-bought-me-my-"pilot"-ticket-"spartans" could have NEVER, even in "you'se" wildest, wet dreams, have ever imagined "you'se" selves being hired into the world's largest airline..which "you'se" were NOT btw. The very best your sorry selves could ever manage was that lowest-of-the-low AWA. "You'se" are pathetic little wimps that won't even accept recreational flying challenges for 7 years now, yet fantasize your pathetic selves "soldiers" in some mighty "army", that could ever only exist purely within Fantasyland. The ONLY thing such complete village idiots are even good for is a source of either utter contempt of hearty laughter. Consider "you'se" selves lucky that you're even good for the laughter. 🙂
Wager's always open. PM if interested. 😉 Failing that? Just go buy some more ties and keep desperately trying to impress "you'se" selves with, well merely "you'se" selves. 😉  http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
algflyr said:
It's funny how this has evolved. Originally, the West had the career expectation of being the ruler of PHX with their A-319's and 320's. Then the merger happened with US Airways and they wanted all the higher paying positions on the East flying the widebodies. Well they didn't get that. Then the merger with American was thrust upon them and now they seem to want even more. 
At this point, even a true date of hire integration with American would put them in a much better position than the Nic ever would as a stand-alone US/AWE merged carrier. If they could get their wish and never have merged with US Airways, they would have NEVER been in a position to merge with another carrier such as American and become the largest airline in the entire world. 
Absent the US Airways merger, had they survived, AWE  would have been right in line with jetblue and Spirit. 
Now, even with a DOH integration and the American merger, they now have an expectation much more vast than they EVER dreamed!
With a DOH integration, they can now reasonably expect to fly A-330's, A-350's, B-787's and B-777's, or even be the top dog in PHX... I doubt that could EVER even be dreamed of as an expectation prior to the merger with US Airways. So, they now have another lottery ticket (that will cash this time), but it's still not enough...
The current agreement that will add wide body protections for american pilots is punitive to former america west pilots.  america west pilots did not bring wide bodies to the table, they will not be able to bring doggy bags containing wide bodies when they exit the buffet line.
bret butler was correct, the west will have to apply to China Air soon for a wide body seat.
Bill Brasky said:
Does anybody have any more info on what has been agreed to, at least by our side?
I'd very much like to see that myself.
algflyr said:
Absent the US Airways America West merger, had they survived, AWE USAirways would have been right in line with jetblue and Spirit. 
I fixed it for you.
Claxon said:
The current agreement that will add wide body protections for american pilots is punitive to former america west pilots.  america west pilots did not bring wide bodies to the table, they will not be able to bring doggy bags containing wide bodies when they exit the buffet line.
bret butler was correct, the west will have to apply to China Air soon for a wide body seat.
i see no inherent security to be had there, since even China Air may have SOME semblance of hiring standards....while AWA clearly didn't.
"According to Article XIII Section C.3. of the APA Constitution and Bylaws, "an affirmative vote of a majority of the active members in good standing shall be required for passage of a referendum ballot." Because the number of votes that indicated YES ACCEPTED did not equal a majority of the 8,069 active APA members in good standing, the referendum did not pass."
aloof is fool spelled backwards. 
The west pilot "leaders" created a witch hunt of the east pilots. The west pilots brought the East pilots broom back to their feeble leaders. The west pilots have found out that the west leaders were good men but bad leaders. 
I recommend the west pilots watch the crying Wolf fable, before they consider DFR 3.  The fable vs the feeble.
Phoenix said:
I'm sorry I didn't read it. 
At the beginning of this most recent exchange with my kind colleague, the infamous Snap, I suggested of him that "He doth protest too much"... yet he seems to be intent on ratcheting up his rejoinders with exponential verbosity.   :blink:  I'm thinking he was trained as a lawyer... I didn't say he passed the bar... but anyone can stay in private school for as long as you are willing to pay the tuition, and your sponsor donates to the endowment.   😀
You miss the mark on something that's been greatly troubling me of late sir....Given that they've, the mighty "spartan army" issued a "liberty" tie, with even some disgustingly disrespectful semblance of our very Nation's Colors involved, well...I've been left wondering about Almighty God's eventual/anytime Judgment of me as even a hopefully decent man, but yet perhaps not any semblance of an American "Patriot", since I've not bought one...and I so very much do remember all those many "ace pilots" of the "patriotic spartan squadrons" filling the skies over America's enemy at the time....Perhaps a mere $675 is cheaply paid so's to redeem one's very soul...? 🙂
Umm...Actual deeds (or complete "spartan" lack of) in anyone's life be clearly damned: Do you think I might spiritually slip by if I just invest in a "dire wolf" or "Integrity Matters" T-shirt?....Or head out to buy myself a "Larry Potta wizard's" wand instead? 😉
Phoenix said:
A negotiated settlement is always an alternative to the Statute... I find it hard to imagine a case where the APA gains anything by agreeing to MB arbitration, or by negotiating anything different (until the very last minute).  
Delay, delay, delay, makes Jack and Jill a happy couple.  
No argument Brother, but I'll stay any contentment 'till after seeing the specific verbiage of what's been apparently agreed to. I "trust" Mr. Hummel far less distance than the cliche ability to throw an elephant upwards....
EastUS1 said:
Umm...Actual deeds (or complete "spartan" lack of) in anyone's life be clearly damned: Do you think I might spiritually slip by if I just invest in a "dire wolf" or "Integrity Matters" T-shirt?....Or head out to buy myself a "Larry Potta wizard's" wand instead? 😉
P.S. Mighty "spartans" totally bore me. My even clinical interest is since exhausted/research done. Isn't there even one of "you'se" pathetic little "knight"/"dire wolf"/whatever wimps up for even a purely recreational flying wager? 🙂 PM if any such "champion" can be found in AWA's/The "army of leonidas" knee-pad-wearing-licker/locker of supposed "Pilots"...?  This all may be coming to an eventual close, but there's still time for some fun..."soldiers"? 😉
How 'bout "youse" snapthis? You've no shortage of a big mouth....But nothing else?...Not even a spine?  C'mon supposed "man"...ain't "you'se" at least a pretended "spartan"?...Or at the very, very least, a pretended "Pilot"? 🙂
Seriously snapthis: How do "you'se" pathetic little "spartan" punks/"men" even live with yourselves? Don't "you'se" have to at least face makeup mirrors to put on your lipstick, makeup, eye shadow and eyelash enhancements? 😉
P.S. Whew! I thought I was really in for trouble, checking back in, and about to lose at least 5 grand and be totally humiliated for the whole world to see on video, but "thankfully"...no mighty "spartan ace" has sent any PM. I must needs just count my blessings, I suppose....? Of course, come tomorrow; my doom/youtube/personal humiliation/loss of funds/etc may be imminent...? 🙂
PM at your pleasure, little "spartan" pimples....
snapthis said:
Mover" along? Nevermind stupidity the incompetence...
"Nevermind stupidity the incompetence..."...? Seriously? Do ever even proof read your own drooling nonsense?
Yeah Ok, so despite the "private schools" "youse" are just a dysfunctional illiterate? See listings under personal problems. P.S. Mighty "spartans" totally bore me. My even clinical interest is since exhausted/research done. Isn't there even one of "you'se" pathetic little "knight"/"dire wolf"/whatever wimps up for even a purely recreational flying wager? 🙂 PM if any such "champion" can be found in AWA's/The "army of leonidas" knee-pad-wearing-licker/locker of supposed "Pilots"...?  This all may be coming to an eventual close, but there's still time for some fun..."soldiers"? 😉
How 'bout "youse" snapthis? You've no shortage of a big mouth....But nothing else?...Not even a spine?  C'mon supposed "man"...ain't "you'se" at least a pretended "spartan"?...Or at the very, very least, a pretended "Pilot"? 🙂
Seriously snapthis: How do "you'se" pathetic little "spartan" punks/"men" even live with yourselves? Don't "you'se" have to at least face makeup mirrors to put on your lipstick, makeup, eye shadow and eyelash enhancements? 😉
C'mon snap: "man up"...? Here's "you'se" chance to at least pretend yourself a "Pilot"...?  Impress us all...? 😉 PM for wager terms and mutually agreeable conditions. Mine are fairly generous, in that I reasonably assume "you'se" both a wimp and pathetic excuse for a "person/Pilot". 🙂
Prove me wrong, for "you'se" financial gain, the chance to become a worldwide AWA celebrity "ace" from soundly defeating a frail old eastie. Video of "you'se" victory to agreeably be posted on the internet, and of course...for the "honor" of "sparta"! 🙂 PM if "you'se" ever grow any semblance of a pair/spine...."pylut" 😉 No apologies for all the iaughing/sneering emoticons. They seem most appropriate whenever dealing with your kind of "man" and "pylut". 🙂
I've never fought against the awesome likes of mighty "spartans", so it should be a complete cake-walk for "you'se"....?
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