Indeed, and if you don't like management's "interpretation"? = No problem. Just file yet another of the literally hundreds of grievances that already sound out as loudly trumpeted testimony to their "good faith" and "trustworthiness"....
Concise language, absolute specifics, even at all reasonably unquestionable and even remotely comprehensible and specific contract language?....Nonsense!...Who ever needs such "trivial" details to be pre-determined anyway? Cue Nancy Pelosi: "We have to pass it to find out what's in it." Just trust them and all will no doubt be well....after all; hasn't that always proved to be the case? 😉
"The Company proposes changing the “reasonably available” language to the “available promptly” which is the same language as in the Delta contract."...? This is NOT Delta's management we're dealing with, and not by even the longest of shots. When's the last time anyone saw Delta's president "proudly" presenting himself to the whole world in a purple wig and a tutu? If these "fine people" even approached Delta's management...well, we wouldn't even be having this conversation, nor any need for it, now would we?
The likes of this is the "character"-driven and highly "trustworthy"...umm..."management" you're dealing with people. Would any of you even honestly want to see your children/grandchildren left unsupervised and alone in room with them? Get a clue:
Sigh!....Good luck to all those with many years yet to go. If it comes to a vote; all must properly do as they see best.