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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Well it looks like Freund, Vasin and Payne have gotten their feathers ruffled in the ensuing West battle to have a place. Freund got testy several times especially at the end about the time when the arbitrator bit back.

Objections sustained several times and the stupid litany about what Nelson wrote 6 years ago and somehow has any redeeming value of "hostility" now that Ron is a rep speaks volumes to the direction this is already going. Wilder thinks extremely well on his feet. Seham was the same way. Obviously very experienced litigators both.

Payne and Vasin's wining come across as petty. Wilder pointed that line of reasoning out early and often. Freund is certainly entertaining but he knows he has an uphill battle and is trying to score early points with "air jabs". No damage but they sure look good (to his "clients).

Mean ole "East pilots" voted out ALPA and voted in USAPA.

This should be finished by Wednesday evening. Ferguson up next today. I am really looking forward to the ensuing smack down if yesterday's transcript is any indication.
Piedmont1984 said:
"Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!"

Louis Tully - Ghostbusters 2
Enough, I say enough, gentlemen! Let us but send for Brother Maynard, that he may read from the "Book of Armaments", from which we gain righteous knowledge of what the counting shall be, and thereafter provide for us "The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch" and let there then be an ending to all this. 😉 Monty Python and the Holy Grail material, obviously.
end_of_alpa said:
Well it looks like Freund, Vasin and Payne have gotten their feathers ruffled in the ensuing West battle to have a place. Freund got testy several times especially at the end about the time when the arbitrator bit back.
Objections sustained several times and the stupid litany about what Nelson wrote 6 years ago and somehow has any redeeming value of "hostility" now that Ron is a rep speaks volumes to the direction this is already going. Wilder thinks extremely well on his feet. Seham was the same way. Obviously very experienced litigators both.
Payne and Vasin's wining come across as petty. Wilder pointed that line of reasoning out early and often. Freund is certainly entertaining but he knows he has an uphill battle and is trying to score early points with "air jabs". No damage but they sure look good (to his "clients).
Mean ole "East pilots" voted out ALPA and voted in USAPA.
This should be finished by Wednesday evening. Ferguson up next today. I am really looking forward to the ensuing smack down if yesterday's transcript is any indication.
There's that "Supreme Confidence " that has cost you so dearly!
traderjake said:
He who sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail...Proverbs 22:8 (RSV)
"He who shall go forth and use Daddy's connections to take a career away from a better qualified but less righteous candidate will reap more bucks, and I sayeth to thee to take care of Number1, and to hell with the chump who lost out on his deserved position.  So it shall be."
....The archives of Alex Jones
end_of_alpa said:
Well it looks like Freund, Vasin and Payne have gotten their feathers ruffled in the ensuing West battle to have a place. Freund got testy several times especially at the end about the time when the arbitrator bit back.

Objections sustained several times and the stupid litany about what Nelson wrote 6 years ago and somehow has any redeeming value of "hostility" now that Ron is a rep speaks volumes to the direction this is already going. Wilder thinks extremely well on his feet. Seham was the same way. Obviously very experienced litigators both.

Payne and Vasin's wining come across as petty. Wilder pointed that line of reasoning out early and often. Freund is certainly entertaining but he knows he has an uphill battle and is trying to score early points with "air jabs". No damage but they sure look good (to his "clients).

Mean ole "East pilots" voted out ALPA and voted in USAPA.

This should be finished by Wednesday evening. Ferguson up next today. I am really looking forward to the ensuing smack down if yesterday's transcript is any indication.
Ahhh, yes Freund understands the importance of "craft or class" in the MB statute... and so repeatedly brought the point that the West witnesses were part of the "West Class"...
My only question to the Freundster.... Was the Judge Wake/Silver "certified West class" ever certified by the NMB or subject to the RLA?  
A performance truly deserving the GONG.   Were the Liberty Neckties in the audience in a perfect formation?  
end_of_alpa said:
Well it looks like Freund, Vasin and Payne have gotten their feathers ruffled in the ensuing West battle to have a place. Freund got testy several times especially at the end about the time when the arbitrator bit back.
Objections sustained several times and the stupid litany about what Nelson wrote 6 years ago and somehow has any redeeming value of "hostility" now that Ron is a rep speaks volumes to the direction this is already going. Wilder thinks extremely well on his feet. Seham was the same way. Obviously very experienced litigators both.
Payne and Vasin's wining come across as petty. Wilder pointed that line of reasoning out early and often. Freund is certainly entertaining but he knows he has an uphill battle and is trying to score early points with "air jabs". No damage but they sure look good (to his "clients).
Mean ole "East pilots" voted out ALPA and voted in USAPA.
This should be finished by Wednesday evening. Ferguson up next today. I am really looking forward to the ensuing smack down if yesterday's transcript is any indication.

Q. Did you regard that as a hostile act by USAPA against its members?
MR. WILDER: Objection.
It's a lawsuit. What's the relevance of his interpretation of it?
MR. FREUND: You know, the heart of -- let me be clear.
We don't think this case turns on
ultimately on the question of whether USAPA can or can't represent the West Pilots in this upcoming seniority integration, but it does turn on APA's understanding of the universe. And I think that question bears quite nicely on it.
ARBITRATOR JAVITS: It goes to his understanding, perception of the lawsuit, its purpose.
I will allow it. Go ahead
Q. Did you regard that as a hostile act by USAPA to its members?
A. I would regard it as an attempt to intimidate, people attempting to act pursuant to
 their Title I LMRA (phonetic) rights. I would
 regard it as an attempt to bankrupt our legal
 efforts. I would attempt -- I would regard it as
 something that's deplorable that a labor union would
 use --
 MR. WILDER: Objection.
 THE WITNESS: -- members' dues money to
 file against its own members.
 MR. WILDER: Are we getting on our soapbox
 ARBITRATOR JAVITS: It's his impression.
 Go ahead.

Looks like just the opposite of how you portray it.
This is really how the Ron Nelson email was handled.
The smack down was going the other way.

MR. WILDER: He held no position then. The position they are relying on, he assumed six years later. It's not even any position that identified in this or yet elicited that he was even part of the USAPA organizing effort.
I don't see the relevance of it.
ARBITRATOR JAVITS: I don't know if it has a great deal -- the Board is not going to necessarily project from this one reaction by a single pilot to impute his views to the entire group. In the nature of the anecdotal -- the Board will put it in perspective.
MR. WILDER: Well, obviously the other
point, this is from seven-plus years ago. People don't change their mind is, of course, what this is intended to, I suppose ...
ARBITRATOR JAVITS: I think it's -- as I understand its intent, it's to display the reaction
of USAPA -- of the East Pilots to the Nicolau Award. And, again, I -- we understand this may be isolated comment, and we will put it in perspective, so we will accept it with that understanding.
Go ahead.

MR. FREUND: Thank you.
What's the over/under on how Long it takes the Former Bargaining Agent...an unincorporated LLC from NC to file a lawsuit in Federal Court when they lose this arbitration? My guess is the complaint is already drafted. I'll say it's filed with 48 hours after USCABAS loss.
Metroyet said:
What's the over/under on how Long it takes the Former Bargaining Agent...an unincorporated LLC from NC to file a lawsuit in Federal Court when they lose this arbitration? My guess is the complaint is already drafted. I'll say it's filed with 48 hours after USCABAS loss.
First....how can an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) be unincorporated?
Second....USAPA may very well appeal it if ti goes in that direction.  Why not?  They would be taking their cues from AOL in filing lawsuits which only delay things.
nycbusdriver said:
First....how can an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) be unincorporated?
Second....USAPA may very well appeal it if ti goes in that direction.  Why not?  They would be taking their cues from AOL in filing lawsuits which only delay things.
That's right. USAPA still has the MOU provision for federal court review.
Oh look! Take THAT company!


This is APA Communications Director Gregg Overman with the APA Information Hotline for Tuesday, Dec. 16.

APA BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING & JCBA UPDATE: The APA board of directors met in caucus this morning at APA headquarters and formally convened at 1 p.m. Central.

APA President CA Keith Wilson briefed the board on the preliminary arbitration this week in Washington, D.C., with opening arguments taking place yesterday. The preliminary arbitration will determine whether US Airways pilots have both East and West committees in the seniority integration process or one committee only.

CA Wilson also reported that if APA and management do not reach an agreement in the joint collective bargaining agreement negotiations and enter arbitration instead, the start date for the JCBA arbitration is currently set for March 9. Management has indicated they would prefer to begin the arbitration sooner, but thus far availability of the arbitrators has precluded an earlier start date.

The board spent the bulk of the afternoon in executive-session discussions with the APA Negotiating Committee and other subject-matter experts regarding next steps in the JCBA negotiations. The board recessed at 5 p.m. and will reconvene at 9 a.m. tomorrow.

This week's meeting is scheduled through Thursday, as reflected in the meeting agenda.

That's it for now. Thank you for checking this hotline.

The Board is in closed session because they're scared to come out and play. Big talk for job actions over the holidays by telephone. Maybe they are planning for 2019. I think they're playing "Texas hold em" at the union HQ. Executive session is another term for padding the paycheck for the holidays.
nycbusdriver said:
First....how can an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) be unincorporated?
Second....USAPA may very well appeal it if ti goes in that direction.  Why not?  They would be taking their cues from AOL in filing lawsuits which only delay things.
I'll let you google NC Corporate Commission yourself. I'm busy.
nycbusdriver said:
First....how can an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) be unincorporated?
It's business 101...
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a hybrid business entity having certain characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership or sole proprietorship (depending on how many owners there are). An LLC, although a business entity, is a type of unincorporated association and is not a corporation.
It's not a "limited liability corporation." There is some confusion about what the term "LLC" means. An LLC is a limited liability company,. It's not a corporation, and you don't incorporate a business as an LLC.
WNMECH said:
Q. Did you regard that as a hostile act by USAPA against its members?
MR. WILDER: Objection.
It's a lawsuit. What's the relevance of his interpretation of it?
MR. FREUND: You know, the heart of -- let me be clear.
We don't think this case turns on
ultimately on the question of whether USAPA can or can't represent the West Pilots in this upcoming seniority integration, but it does turn on APA's understanding of the universe. And I think that question bears quite nicely on it.
ARBITRATOR JAVITS: It goes to his understanding, perception of the lawsuit, its purpose.
I will allow it. Go ahead
Q. Did you regard that as a hostile act by USAPA to its members?
A. I would regard it as an attempt to intimidate, people attempting to act pursuant to
 their Title I LMRA (phonetic) rights. I would
 regard it as an attempt to bankrupt our legal
 efforts. I would attempt -- I would regard it as
 something that's deplorable that a labor union would
 use --
 MR. WILDER: Objection.
 THE WITNESS: -- members' dues money to
 file against its own members.
 MR. WILDER: Are we getting on our soapbox
 ARBITRATOR JAVITS: It's his impression.
 Go ahead.

Looks like just the opposite of how you portray it.
Wilder proved two important things courtesy of the West witnesses on the first day.. 1) the putative west merger committee is of dubious origen from a group that is not a premerger craft or class, and 2) the west group's only interest in having a committee is the Nic which is nothing to do with a unique interest in the merge of American and USAiways pilot groups pursuant to MB.
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