Why do people who have been here all these years think that management give a rats behind what the pilots think about the way management runs things, or if the pilots think that good will is damaged?
As long as the profits are rolling in there is nothing they couldn't care less about than our feelings. The passengers you ask? Even less, remember we are all over paid prima donna's, and management did "offer" us industry best hourly rates!!!! They will not listen when you try to tell them about all contractual losses, as its complicated, takes thought, and again they don't care!
If we give up anything for an extra nickel, we will never get it back. Then when the next downturn happens and it will, terrorists, ebola, super bird flu, stock market crash, etc. They will claim poor us, furlough thousands, outsource more and then get the pay via another LOA like always, perhaps even through the courts.
We have record profits and we are only asking for industry standard stuff, all the while the usual suspects are claiming we need to give because its best. Are you kidding me?
There is a book called Confessions of a Union Buster, I wish more would read it, and apply what you learned to many individuals posting and quoted on these and other boards. We are in a multi Billion Dollar industry, and people have done a lot more for a lot less.
When a union leader starts justifying concessions during the best times ever for the airlines, you might what to look into possible motives.
Get ready for a deal (most likely done at the last minute) that isn't "that bad" and besides we get a raise. Then after the fact when pilots raise heck about the horrible worst in the industry work rules, you will hear..."But you guys wanted a deal"
This works over and over again, unless the pilots hold firm it will happen yet again.