Looking back at what we should or should not have voted on means nothing. All that matters is what we have today. Senior management has done a poor job of managing expectations. "Industry leading" is inclusive of pay rates but not exclusive of everything else. If their intention was to increase the pay and nothing else, that should have been the message from the get go. Now we have the pilot group and the Flight Attendants in uproar because we feel cheated based on the message that was being delivered by management. On top of that they hire Jerry Glass! There is no place good this can end up without a total capitulation by management, and that is not going to happen. If they don't walk away from negotiations today, I will be surprised. Where it goes from here is anybody's guess. Hail Marys, all or nothings and lines in the sand are not negotiations. Give and take, pulling each other across the table by the tie (figuratively) is negotiation. That is something neither side has done in a long time.