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2014 Pilot Discussion

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snapthis said:
Welcome APA.

PHX Domicile Meeting Agenda


Leonidas meet and greet:
As we deal with yet another USAPA attempt to delay the smooth completion of the merger, and move toward the start of the Preliminary Arbitration hearing in December we realize that many of you have questions. We are happy to announce another Meet and Greet on November 3 from 3PM to 6PM at the Crown Plaza, 4300 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034 where both legal counsel and merger counsel will be in attendance. We have arranged for free parking and there is shuttle van service from the airport. Additional information will be forthcoming soon.
Have Marty watch the latest video on wings.

The company says 3 seniority lists are to be merged under MBond.

Freighterguynow said:
Have Marty watch the latest video on wings.

The company says 3 seniority lists are to be merged under MBond.

Which video is that? Bunch of them on there these days.
snapthis said:
Welcome APA.

PHX Domicile Meeting Agenda

[SIZE=medium]Dear PHX Pilots,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]We look forward to seeing you at our first APA PHX domicile meeting on Monday, Nov 3. The meeting will be held from 1100 to 1430 at the PHX Airport DoubleTree Suites, located at 320 N 44th St. Phoenix, AZ 85008. The agenda will be as follows:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1100  -  Greetings/Opening Remarks[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]Scherff/Ferguson[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1115  -  Approval of New Member Applications[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]Scherff/Ferguson[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1130  -  APA National Update[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]President Keith Wilson[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1150  -  APA Government Affairs Committee Update[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]President Keith Wilson[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1200  -  MTA Section 20 and 21 Review[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]Jeff Koontz[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1230  -  Break[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1240  -  APA Negotiating Committee Briefing[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]Captain Ken Holmes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1300  -  APA Professional Standards Structure[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]John Scherff[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1315  -  APA Benefits Review[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]President Keith Wilson[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1345  -  Domicile Resolutions[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=medium]Scherff/Ferguson[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]1430  -  Adjourn[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]John and Eric[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Of course the APA meeting could not go over.  It had to stop at 14:30 because immediately thereafter (using APA moeny) the Leonidas meeting started.  See below from the Cactuspilot website of Oct. 24th.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Leonidas meet and greet:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]As we deal with yet another USAPA attempt to delay the smooth completion of the merger, and move toward the start of the Preliminary Arbitration hearing in December we realize that many of you have questions. We are happy to announce another Meet and Greet on November 3 from 3PM to 6PM at the Crown Plaza, 4300 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034 where both legal counsel and merger counsel will be in attendance. We have arranged for free parking and there is shuttle van service from the airport. Additional information will be forthcoming soon.[/SIZE]

Same place, 1/2 hour later....How convenient.  They spent USAPA money that way too I'll bet.
nycbusdriver said:
Parker is seeking yet another "perfect storm":  A divisive negotiator facing an even yet more divided pilot group.
The APA is about to face a situation unprecedented for them.  They've already made it clear from their maneuvering that they intend to be divisive in their dealings with the LUS pilots, who are already divided in the extreme among themselves.  Glass need not even worry about going for the low hanging fruit...it's all low hanging fruit unless the APA pulls off a miracle.
Pretty much...and, given all the elements in play; one's hard pressed to see any magic hat laying around from which a miracle could be pulled.
end_of_alpa said:
Here are some of the ADULT examples of APA pilots "whining" to the new management about what they should do:
"Soon the 30-day extension will expire and APA will likely be approached by management for another extension. There will need to be a gut check at that time. Should the APA Board refuse to offer another extension? Will management opt for the cost neutral arbitration? The arbitration route will officially signal the merger honeymoon between management and APA is wholeheartedly over. Unfortunately, the mistakes of Carty, Arpey, and Horton will be owned by the new management."
Indeed. I'd hope they were finally waking up, but that last bit about "the mistakes of Carty, Arpey, and Horton will be owned by the new management." sounds a clear warning that they've yet no real clue as to who/what the "new" management's true nature is.
EastUS1 said:
Indeed. I'd hope they were finally waking up, but that last bit about "the mistakes of Carty, Arpey, and Horton will be owned by the new management." sounds a clear warning that they've yet no real clue as to who/what the "new" management's true nature is.
snapthis said:
Welcome APA.

PHX Domicile Meeting Agenda

[SIZE=medium]Dear PHX Pilots,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]We look forward to seeing you at our first APA PHX domicile meeting on Monday, Nov 3. The meeting will be held from 1100 to 1430 at the PHX Airport DoubleTree Suites, located at 320 N 44th St. Phoenix, AZ 85008. The agenda will be as follows:[/SIZE].......................................

[SIZE=medium]John Scherff   Eric Ferguson[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Leonidas meet and greet:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]As we deal with yet another USAPA attempt to delay the smooth completion of the merger, and move toward the start of the Preliminary Arbitration hearing in December we realize that many of you have questions. We are happy to announce another Meet and Greet on November 3 from 3PM to 6PM at the Crown Plaza, 4300 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034 where both legal counsel and merger counsel will be in attendance. We have arranged for free parking and there is shuttle van service from the airport. Additional information will be forthcoming soon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]john scherff was a former america west airlines management pilot who went on a Us Airways Corporate company computer and copied personal identification information of all the East pilots.  scherff then delivered this to eric ferguson[/SIZE], a leader of the army of lyingitas.  schreff and ferguson's integrity threshold requirements are self serving
The west pilots will get to attend another Meet and Greek by their attorney's, how quintessential. 
Claxon said:
[SIZE=medium]john scherff was a former america west airlines management pilot who went on a Us Airways Corporate company computer and copied personal identification information of all the East pilots.  scherff then delivered this to eric ferguson[/SIZE], a leader of the army of lyingitas.  schreff and ferguson's integrity threshold requirements are self serving
The west pilots will get to attend another Meet and Greek by their attorney's, how quintessential. 
Meet and "Greek"... not that there is anything wrong with that..
Phoenix said:
Meet and "Greek"... not that there is anything wrong with that..
Really, attending this gathering with Marty should be labeled "Meek and Greek," because that is the best characterization of what is actually happening to the "Army."
"Please, sir!  May I have another"  (billable hour)
end_of_alpa said:
The company has EVERY RIGHT to the "posture" they have taken because they have a contract until 2019 because YOU GUYS VOTED FOR IT.  Just like LOA 93, just like ALPA and now, just like APA the pilots BLAME THE COMPANY!!!  And you guys think USAPA is the "blame" for your troubles.
Union pilots have broken mirrors with empty frames laying all over their house and they blame the company for breaking them.
You don't burn the house down for no good reason. We were off to a good start as a new company until we made record profits and someone in management decided it was time for another smackdown. I think the APA has a good idea what is at stake and what we are up against. We are all frustrated but I just joined the APA and I intend to give them every support. From the tone of the domicile letters, I think the word is out and the message is clear on the current state of negotiations.
A320 Driver said:
You don't burn the house down for no good reason. We were off to a good start as a new company until we made record profits and someone in management decided it was time for another smackdown. I think the APA has a good idea what is at stake and what we are up against. We are all frustrated but I just joined the APA and I intend to give them every support. From the tone of the domicile letters, I think the word is out and the message is clear on the current state of negotiations.
So I take it the "logic" is because the company made record profits it's their responsibility to reopen the contract and give us ....MORE?  It's a "smackdown" when they WON'T???  You think the APA has a "handle" on this.  Doesn't this refrain even SOUND familiar?  The APA is singing the same notes they always sing.  Just like ALPA.
end_of_alpa said:
So I take it the "logic" is because the company made record profits it's their responsibility to reopen the contract and give us ....MORE?  It's a "smackdown" when they WON'T???  You think the APA has a "handle" on this.  Doesn't this refrain even SOUND familiar?  The APA is singing the same notes they always sing.  Just like ALPA.
 I agree.  The best one can hope for is that "you get what you negotiate."  APA negotiated a TA that provides for a cost neutral JCBA without profi sharing.  That's what we will get unless the APA caves on the additional 5 seats for express.
Should we hold the line and fall on our swords over the 5 seats, and thereby save face with United and Delta pilot groups?  Forgetting for a moment our "obligation" to negotiate for United and Delta by holding the line on scope, what exactly is the impact of allowing the company to cram in those extra seats and increase the "sardine can" factor?  Why is 76 seats, and not 73 or 74, the "magic" number?
The APA needs to do a real analysis of how the company's demand for relief on these seats actually impacts the jobs of its members, and forget about protecting United and Delta pilots.  If indeed it is necessary to refuse the extra seats, then we need to accept the fact of an arbitrated cost-neutral JCBA and get over it.
Should the cost of fuel be factored into the 'cost neutral' equation? Should APA insist that the cost of fuel be considerd in the equation? What is the exact cost of the MTA/MOU anyway? Who makes that determination? Is it time for an updated cost analysis to be performed by a neutral third party? Is there such a thing as a "positive force majeure" in the form of lower than anticiapted fuel costs which render certain assumptions in the MTA unrealistic and works in favor of labor for a change?

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