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2014 Pilot Discussion

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erica, hand this stock certificate and your nic award to the APA pilots, see what value you can get out of it.
Claxon said:
erica, hand this stock certificate and your nic award to the APA pilots, see what value you can get out of it.
"Stock purchases required for employment with the airline"...? Seriously? Wow! I must admit that I've never heard THAT sort of laughable insanity during ANY interview, anywhere, ever. That must have been seen as the perfect formula for attracting only the "best and brightest",...Further words just fail me here...
fifidriver said:
The pilot in question apparently forgot that his reverser was inoperative until shortly after touchdown, and then in an apparent attempt to stow the inoperative lever only, inadvertently placed the thrust lever in question to the "climb" detent.
You're a bit overly fond of the words "apparently"/"apparent" and "inadvertantly".  That's akin to claiming to be only "apparently" pregnant, and that one "was just cleaning it when it inadvertantly went off."  Was, or was it not the case that both the aircraft was destroyed and passengers were injured through flagrantly obvious pilot error?  Was even just the aircraft it's self only "apparently" destroyed, or was it wrttten off completely? Part and parcel of the human condition is to be fallible and make mistakes. WHY does it seem so utterly impossible for the likes of "you'se" to ever admit to any? Clinically evaluated pathological liars generally suffer from such distress. If not cursed with that sad condition; what's your excuse?  "apparently"/"apparent" and "inadvertantly"? Kindly spare us all such childish nonsense.
Better yet: Was it or was it not the case that two of "sparta's" finest were pulled off a flight (thankfully, while still on the ground of course) for being obviously drunk? While it's clear that they were indeed "apparently" drunk, they also proved to be so. Should we all assume they were somehow, merely "inadvertantly" drunk, and just give them a pass?
"Your first problem is a lack of integrity."  Perhaps you could show some kindness there, since I've never found it even possible within myself to have proudly worn any purely-self-ascribed and utterly assinine "Integrity Matters" T-shirts. 😉
EastUS1 said:
You're a bit overly fond of the words "apparently"/"apparent" and "inadvertantly".
P.S. "fifidriver": While (purely for the sake of some good laughs) I'd still love nothing more than to hear a step-by-step explanation of exactly what YOU imagine you would have done better with Flt 1549, but anyone so clearly disposed to mindlessly undisciplined tap dancing and wholesale waffling certainly isn't a person I'd like to see in command during ANY "right-here/right-now/live-or-die" decision scenario...."apparently"/"apparent" and "inadvertantly"....Really?..Sigh.
fifidriver: "The aircraft exited the runway. The procedure was amended." How nice for "the procedure". The aircraft, on the other hand, was destroyed, and some passengers nonetheless injured. Perhaps a proper measure of our respective "integrity" lies in the fact that I'll NEVER make any lame excuses for anyone, east, west, whatever, nor certainly myself, if ever such happens to me...."apparently"/"apparent" and "inadvertantly"....Seriously?
crazystnic said:
That's what I read online... What a bunch of BS.. No culture change
Did anyone (except maybe the APA Board) really expect a culture change from the Tempe brain trust?
This really is about to become the "New American West Airlines", despite all the pretty talk to the contrary.
nycbusdriver said:
This really is about to become the "New American West Airlines", despite all the pretty talk to the contrary.

You are so right, We only have to blame ourselves for letting it happen, maybe the APA boys will wake up soon, sure be nice to see everyone stick together for once.
I have the answer how to handle Jerry Glass. All we have to do is unleash Catpiss. He will handle Glass with no problem because he is one tough dude. Just ask him!
nycbusdriver said:
Did anyone (except maybe the APA Board) really expect a culture change from the Tempe brain trust?
This really is about to become the "New American West Airlines", despite all the pretty talk to the contrary.
Talk is cheap. Their hiring Jerry Glass speaks volumes about their intentions to exploit any weakness in the pilot group. Managment could not have hired a more divisive individual at least on the East side of the house.

The lines are drawn ladies and gentlemen.
A320 Driver said:
Their hiring Jerry Glass speaks volumes about their intentions to exploit any weakness in the pilot group. Managment could not have hired a more divisive individual at least on the East side of the house..
It's not the same pilot group or company.  
A320 Driver said:
Talk is cheap. Their hiring Jerry Glass speaks volumes about their intentions to exploit any weakness in the pilot group. Managment could not have hired a more divisive individual at least on the East side of the house.

The lines are drawn ladies and gentlemen.
Parker is seeking yet another "perfect storm":  A divisive negotiator facing an even yet more divided pilot group.
The APA is about to face a situation unprecedented for them.  They've already made it clear from their maneuvering that they intend to be divisive in their dealings with the LUS pilots, who are already divided in the extreme among themselves.  Glass need not even worry about going for the low hanging fruit...it's all low hanging fruit unless the APA pulls off a miracle.
You guys can't help living in the past.
We don't work for a weak company anymore and we have a union who's biggest concern isn't stealing from one pilot to give to another.   
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