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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Phoenix said:
In fairness we have to admit that PHL has the most confusing jetway sinage in the history of jetways. Not only are they in idiotic locations some are lit and some are not, so night arrivals are even more misleading.

But, just like the CLT moving sidewalks, it will never be fixed.
1) SO!? Whatchur point? You got a problem with that? Dis is Philly!...Fuggedaboudit. 😉
2) Be "reasonable" there as well. That's obviously just for job security. Seriously; what other explanation can even be suggested?
P.S. In all fairness; Philly's signage stops somewhat short of this:
EastUS1 said:
My honest hope is that the most ignorant, arrogant and at least at present, hopelessly naive of them will be blessed with sufficient good fortune to never encounter a situation that'd test them. Consider just the TOGA-was-the-magic-answer-for-1549 crowd, with a presumed safe landing at an airport resulting. How many of those sorts of great minds would've become smoking holes if actually placed in those same circumstances? "My ego is bigger than yours" might be sometimes sustainable for encounters with other individuals, but never against Mother Nature and the laws of physics.
"My ego is bigger than yours" might be sometimes sustainable for encounters with other individuals, but never against Mother Nature and the laws of physics.
I'm a bit curious about the minus votes, so this must again be asked. Would some "spartan ace" kindly take us all through a step-by-step explanation of just exactly what s/he would've done differently in command of 1549?...Or are minus votes and a suggested "TOGA Party" truly representative of "you'se" very best mental and "professional" efforts there? 😉
No worries. Few with any sense would wish to go on permanent record as complete fools. Standing by for yet more mindlessly minus votes.
Umm...only moments after posting that few with any sense would wish to go on permanent record as complete fools; my obvious error hit me: 
A320 Driver said:
It's just a minority of them.
Breeze, come on now. You have been told that west pilots don't make mistakes. They would have gone to TOGA and landed safely at JFK, if they were flying 1549.They never would have a hard landing in MEX, run into a jetway at LAS, or run through so much hail in PHL that the both windshields, wing slats and horizontal stabs had to be replaced.
Get you story straight.
Hope777 said:
Breeze...You made a Statement, Post the Flight Number for all to see.
Unable...it's against the rules. I have had my butt chewed for that very thing.....will not do it.
Today, it assigned Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr. to the case. This is the same Judge that presided over the Company’s injunction lawsuit against USAPA for their illegal work action in 2011. Judge Conrad denied USAPA's Motion to Vacate the Permanent Injunction in June of this year.
 October 21, 2014 Leonidas Update
 As mentioned in our previous update, on September 16, 2014 USAPA filed a Complaint for Declatory Judgement with the Superior Court of North Carolina, naming Leonidas and West pilot Roger Velez as Defendants. USAPA is asking the court for declarations stating that:

1. “The National Officers' decision to defer dissolution upon USAPA's loss of NMB certification was within their constitutional authority and consistent with the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws”

2. “The National Officers' decision to defer distribution of assets to its members upon USAPA's loss of NMB certification was within their constitutional authority and consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws”

On October 16, 2014, our legal counsel filed a “Notice of Removal” in the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, asking to have the case moved to Federal Court based on diversity grounds, since neither defendant nor any of the managers of Leonidas are North Carolina residents as well as on federal law question issues, since issues pertaining to the Railway Labor Act (RLA) and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) are triggered by the complaint. You can read the document here. Some of you might remember this District Court as the venue that heard the Cactus 18 RICO lawsuit initiated by USAPA in 2008.

We expect USAPA to file a “motion to remand” soon, asking the case to be remanded back to state court. While waiting for USAPA to do so, our counsel will be filing responsive pleadings on behalf of both defendants in Federal Court this week. The pleadings being filed are technical documents under the various rules of procedure and should be considered routine. Until USAPA files its motion to demand and has it granted, the Federal Court has jurisdiction over the matter. Today, it assigned Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr. to the case. This is the same Judge that presided over the Company’s injunction lawsuit against USAPA for their illegal work action in 2011. Judge Conrad denied USAPA's Motion to Vacate the Permanent Injunction in June of this year.

In our appeal of Addington II, the responsive pleadings from both Airways and USAPA are due in the 9th Circuit next week, Barring any schedule changes, our response to these pleadings will be due in late November. All documents will be available soon after being filed in the legal library on the cactuspilot.com website.

As we deal with yet another USAPA attempt to delay the smooth completion of the merger, and move toward the start of the Preliminary Arbitration hearing in December we realize that many of you have questions. We are happy to announce another “Meet and Greet” on November 3 from 3PM to 6PM at the Crown Plaza, 4300 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034 where both legal counsel and merger counsel will be in attendance. We have arranged for free parking and there is shuttle van service from the airport. Additional information will be forthcoming soon.

After 8 years, we are nearing the final battle. This is no time to let our guard down. We might be part of the New American and members of the APA, but we are as alone today as we were in 2008. Your support and determination is what has gotten us to this point, and your support and determination is what will get us across the finish line. If you haven’t done so, please go to www.thepushforjustice.com and sign up.

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Leonidas, LLC
snapthis said:
Today, it assigned Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr. to the case. This is the same Judge that presided over the Company’s injunction lawsuit against USAPA for their illegal work action in 2011. Judge Conrad denied USAPA's Motion to Vacate the Permanent Injunction in June of this year.
I certainly do hope folks from the APA read and become properly impressed with your fine bunch both asserting that your fellow pilots performed an "illegal work action" and your current cheerleeding for the judge that ruled against the whole pilot group, of which, like it or not, the west is a part of. It's notable, while "you'se" are flashing pom poms to support an injunction against your "fellow pilots" as well as yourselves, that "the Company's"/management's obviously worth a Capital C in what laughably passes for your "minds." Why is that?
"We might be part of the New American and members of the APA, but we are as alone today as we were in 2008."  Finally figured that out, did you? Well, you've got that right, and there's no need to feel surprised there. After all; who would reasonably want any part of you self-destructive, sabotage-loving fools?
EastUS1 said:
I certainly do hope folks from the APA read and become properly impressed with your fine bunch both asserting that your fellow pilots performed an "illegal work action" and your current cheerleeding for the judge that ruled against the whole pilot group, of which, like it or not, the west is a part of.
"We might be part of the New American and members of the APA, but we are as alone today as we were in 2008."  Finally figured that out, did you? Well, you've got that right, and there's no need to feel surprised there. After all; who would reasonably want any part of you self-destructive, sabotage-loving fools?
Was it Leonidas who compelled USAPA to write the following notice? It was Judge Conrad's assertion and ruling. The self-destruction was earned by USAPA.
In July 2011, US Airways filed a complaint against USAPA alleging USAPA had violated and was violating the Railway Labor Act (“RLA”) by, among other things, engaging in a concerted effort to interfere with US Airways’ airline operations, including but not limited to a slowdown, work stoppage, strike, sick-out, work to rule campaign, and other concerted refusals to perform normal pilot operations. At the time it filed the complaint, US Airways sought a preliminary injunction to prevent USAPA from engaging in the acts and conduct alleged in the complaint. After a full evidentiary hearing conducted on August 19 and 22, 2011, by decision and order dated September 28, 2011, the Court found there was evidence sufficient to meet the legal burden that USAPA had engaged in actions that violated the RLA.
The September 28, 2011 order specifically enjoins USAPA and its members, agents, and employees, and any persons and organizations acting in concert with, through, or under it, or by and through its order, from violating the status quo provisions of the Railway Labor Act and from permitting, instigating, authorizing, encouraging, participating in, approving, or continuing any interference with Plaintiff’s airline operations, including, but not limited to, any slowdown, strike, work stoppage, sick-out, work to rule campaign, or any concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations in violation of the RLA. This order continues in effect unless and until modified by the Court.
All US Airways pilots are instructed to fully perform their normal working schedules and practices.
All US Airways pilots who are engaging in a concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations are directed to cease and desist from any concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations, by engaging in acts including but not limited to slow taxiing, writing up all maintenance items, calling in fatigued, delaying flights, refusing to answer a call from the scheduling, refusing to fly an aircraft that meets the requirements for flight, or refusing to accept voluntary or overtime flying, and to cease and desist all exhortations or communications encouraging same.
USAPA will take all steps and measures to comply with the letter and spirit of the Court’s order and instructs and directs all US Airways pilots to do the same. Any and all acts and conduct in violation of this Order may subject individuals and those acting in concert with them to punishment under the contempt powers of the Court.
A copy of the order issued by the Court is shown below.

September 28, 2011​
The Court . . . HEREBY ORDERS:
1. USAPA and its members, agents, and employees, and all persons and organizations acting by, in concert with, through, or under it, or by and through its order, are enjoined from permitting, instigating, authorizing, encouraging, participating in, approving, or continuing any interference with Plaintiff’s airline operations, including, but not limited to, any slowdown, strike, work stoppage, sick-out, work to rule campaign, or any concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations in violation of the RLA, pending a hearing on the permanent injunction.
2. USAPA shall take all reasonable steps within its power to prevent the aforesaid actions and to refrain from continuing the aforesaid actions if commenced, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Instructing all pilots represented by USAPA and employed by Plaintiff to resume their normal working schedule and practices and providing Plaintiff a copy of all such instructions;
b. Notifying all pilots represented by USAPA and employed by Plaintiff, by the most expeditious means possible, of the issuance, contents, and meaning of this Preliminary Injunction and providing Plaintiff a copy of all such notices;
c. Including in such notice a directive from USAPA to US Airways’s pilots who are engaging in a concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations, including but not limited to, slow taxiing, writing up all maintenance items, calling in fatigued, delaying flights, refusing to answer a call from the scheduling, refusing to fly an aircraft that meets the requirements for flight, or refusing to accept voluntary or overtime flying, to cease and desist all such activity and to cease and desist all exhortations or communications encouraging same.
d. Posting the notice described above on Defendant USAPA’s internet websites and providing Plaintiff a copy of the notices;
e. Including the contents of such notice on any and all recorded telephone hotlines under control of USAPA, until such time as the Court has acted on Plaintiff’s Motion for a Permanent Injunction, and providing Plaintiff a copy of all such messages; and
f. Distributing the contents of such notice through all non-public communication systems maintained by USAPA, including any telephone trees, text message lists, pilot-to-pilot communication systems, or similar systems, and providing Plaintiff a copy of the notices.
3. USAPA is prohibited from including in such notices (or distributing contemporaneously with such notices) any statements that are intended or could reasonably be interpreted to mean that pilots should continue to engage in the previously-described conduct notwithstanding the Preliminary Injunction.
4. USAPA shall report to the Court by 5 p.m. on October 4, 2011, by sworn affidavit, the methods used to effect the notice described above to all USAPA-represented pilots, and furnish to the Court copies of all notices required to be furnished to the Plaintiff under the Court’s Order.
snapthis said:
Was it Leonidas who compelled USAPA to write the following notice? It was Judge Conrad's assertion and ruling. The self-destruction was earned by USAPA.
Nice try. Kindly just explain all the continuing cheerleading from the west in favor of the injunction then. Good luck with impressing the APA with your actions and attitude there.
"We might be part of the New American and members of the APA, but we are as alone today as we were in 2008."  Justly so, but please stop all the whining and whimpering...you're almost bringing me to tears here.
EastUS1 said:
Nice try. Kindly just explain all the continuing cheerleading from the west in favor of the injunction then. Good luck with impressing the APA with your actions and attitude there.
You can explain how the self-inflicted shot in the foot by USAPA in 2011 has anything to do with the APA.
snapthis said:
You can explain how the self-inflicted shot in the foot by USAPA in 2011 has anything to do with the APA.
Oh! I see now. What you're trying to say is that the inherent nobility of your group, that to this day busy yourselves cheerleading for an injunction against both your "fellow pilots" and yourselves in the process, for what you gleefully term "an illegal job action" will brightly shine though and be clearly understood by the APA people...who no doubt, all respectfully Capitilize the very word Company as well. Good luck with that, as well as all your other fantasies.
Heck!...I'm only surprised they haven't already both handed you your nic fantasy on a platter and immediately commissioned monuments in every domicle to your "army".....Instead, we tragically hear the splashing of so many "spartan" tears. "We might be part of the New American and members of the APA, but we are as alone today as we were in 2008." What a truly cruel and unjust world this is.
No worries. Never ponder the obvious idiocy of your actions and history or how any others might view them. Just have yourselves another feel-good moment and buy some more $675 ties:  http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
snapthis said:
Today, it assigned Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr. to the case. This is the same Judge that presided over the Company’s injunction lawsuit against USAPA for their illegal work action in 2011. Judge Conrad denied USAPA's Motion to Vacate the Permanent Injunction in June of this year.
 October 21, 2014 Leonidas Update
We are happy to announce another “Meet and Greet” on November 3 from 3PM to 6PM at the Crown Plaza, 4300 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034 where both legal counsel and merger counsel will be in attendance. We have arranged for free parking
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Leonidas, LLC
Free parking.

The sum total of all the Spartans have accomplished.
Freighterguynow said:
Free parking.

The sum total of all the Spartans have accomplished.
And not even free parking in "seniority"...Oh!...The horror! The humanity!...The "injustice" of it all!
snapthis said:
September 28, 2011​
The Court . . . HEREBY ORDERS:
1. USAPA and its members, agents, and employees, and all persons and organizations acting by, in concert with, through, or under it, or by and through its order, are enjoined from permitting,......work to rule campaign, or any concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations in violation of the RLA, pending a hearing on the permanent injunction.
All US Airways pilots who are engaging in a concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations are directed to cease and desist from any concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations, by engaging in acts including but not limited to slow taxiing, writing up all maintenance items, calling in fatigued, delaying flights, refusing to answer a call from the scheduling, refusing to fly an aircraft that meets the requirements for flight, or refusing to accept voluntary or overtime flying,
For any in the APA that missed any part of this; the following is what's being enthusiastically supported by "sparta": Don't dare "work to rule", as in follow the contract at all. Let the good judge determine what "normal pilot operations" are, or even should be, as well as what speed anyone should taxi at of course. Let none ever even dare engage in "writing up all maintenance items", since no one should ever concern themselves with the mechanical health of any aircraft, after all. I can only suppose that permission from the court should be sought before daring to even write up inoperative fire detection/suppression systems...? No more "calling in fatigued" either! We must have nothing but supermen and women at the controls of our aircraft, that never suffer even the slightest fatigue. Note that "refusing to answer a call from the scheduling" doesn't even address days off, or ANY conditions that should allow anyone to not be glued to their phones 24-7/365.
My personal favorties though, have to be with "refusing to fly an aircraft that meets the requirements for flight, or refusing to accept voluntary or overtime flying," It's axiomatic that some ignorant lawyer in a robe is far better qualified than any of us to determine just what constitutes "an aircraft the meets the requirements for flight", after all, but can anyone even begin to explain how "refusing to accept voluntary...flying" makes ANY sense, even at the most basic levels of the definitional meaning of words? Did hizzhonor skip grade school the day the word Voluntary was covered in vocabulary class?
Yes indeed folks...just let the judge shake-the-stick since he's clearly got it and no pilot should ever have it. Such is the "wisdom" of the west people gloatingly supporting the injunction, and this is all a "good thing" somehow? Just what sort of supposed "pilots" ANYWHERE, for ANY reason, could ever even imagine it to be a "good thing"?....Words just fail me with such utterly complete fools.
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