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2014 Pilot Discussion

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CactusPilot1 said:
There is a sign for dorks like you who come up a bit short in life.


120", go fast! 
snapthis said:
He is right..it's being discussed and the bills are being dismissed. Good luck getting a dime.

Just got a bill from USAPA! Bill last month shows good standing, this one shows bad standing!! WTF?? Anyone else getting this??
got one too and I've been on LTD for over two years....screw'm
 Not a chance in hell I'll be paying it
Aren't they our former bargaining agent?
Got one too. F them!

Not a chance will I pay.
I have been out on furlough since 2008 with no plans to return soon. I don't think they will be seeing this money from me.
USAPA no longer has any standing to collect dues money.
I know we're I am sending my hard working cash... Not to USAPA
put return to sender,but wrote .....GO _______ YOURSELVES!!!.........
I will trade my refund to see these low lifes in prison stripes!!
By the way, calling the USAPA folks low lifes is an insult to low lifes everywhere!
Bold and quite a collection of deadbeats. Deadbeats are bold until they need a decent credit report to obtain something they need. Then their lack of payment to their bargaining agent and the consequences of non payment (arrears) bites them in the rear.
They will pay up. Bet on it.
And then it will take many phone calls to someone who might just not answer, and many months to clear up.
Just remember the name Streble when your credit is as bunged up as your Leonidas dream.

What's in your wallet west pilots? A bad credit report! You did it to yourselves!
Claxon said:
Bold and quite a collection of deadbeats. Deadbeats are bold until they need a decent credit report to obtain something they need. Then their lack of payment to their bargaining agent and the consequences of non payment (arrears) bites them in the rear.
They will pay up. Bet on it.
And then it will take many phone calls to someone who might just not answer, and many months to clear up.
Just remember the name Streble when your credit is as bunged up as your Leonidas dream.
Human train wreck Johnny Jerkov knows all about bad credit.  A personal bankruptcy filing jolted his self esteem, and that bitter divorce sent him over the edge.  
Now he sits at home in his tattered F/O uniform and urges others not to pay their bills.  Misery loves company. 
CactusPilot1 said:
Ucrapa no longer has the ability to threaten termination for dues extortion.
Would the FAKE and DECERTIFIED union prefer large or small bills?
Another gross miscalculation by the masters of miscalculation.
Pay up deadbeats. Pay in full. Streble will love pulling the trigger and hammering you on your credit rating. Higher rates for mortgages, financing, college loans, car payments, etc.
you will pay. One way or another.
dariencc said:
Human train wreck Johnny Jerkov knows all about bad credit.  A personal bankruptcy filing jolted his self esteem, and that bitter divorce sent him over the edge.  
Now he sits at home in his tattered F/O uniform and urges others not to pay their bills.  Misery loves company.
JJ is in a world of hurt.
Claxon said:
Bold and quite a collection of deadbeats. Deadbeats are bold until they need a decent credit report to obtain something they need. Then their lack of payment to their bargaining agent and the consequences of non payment (arrears) bites them in the rear.
They will pay up. Bet on it.
And then it will take many phone calls to someone who might just not answer, and many months to clear up.
Just remember the name Streble when your credit is as bunged up as your Leonidas dream.
What's in your wallet west pilots? A bad credit report! You did it to yourselves!
You were the original ALPA non-dues paying deadbeats late 2007 until April 2008. You'll be begging for money again after Leonidas drains your LLC of funds. Take it to collections, I can tell you it's already been discussed and you can pound sand or rocks for that matter because the West is pursuing a criminal investigation. Expect someone other than Streble to look at the books. I can assure you your cheating ways will not be rewarded. The Nic is very much alive. You can bet you'll see it again. It's the calm before the storm again. You'd better start your own fund drive like you did in 2007. What's in your wallet? Dig deep.

Subject: "The Calm Before The Storm..."

Mark King here, the interim USAPA treasurer with an update to our loyal members. I know most of your are patiently waiting for something to happen..anything..that will accelerate USAPA to its destiny as your new union. The Federal Government works in mysterious ways. The NMB process was not only sidetracked by the Holidays, but also by ALPA National's angst over our Single Carrier status. I believe the NMB will have the issues sorted out in days, rather than weeks..and we will soon find ourselves in what could only be called a "particle acceleration chamber " of activity.....an actual election to determine who will represent you for the rest of your careers. When the election is called, the full force of ALPA and its funds will be upon us. Remember, our pilots alone pay over 30K per day in ALPA dues.

For the last six months I have continued the drumbeat that each pilot needs to donate at least $200 our cause. Over 3000 of you turned in a card. 2/3 of you have sent nothing, nada, zip in the way of moneys. Our volunteers are working for free. Many won't even cash their expense checks, much less even claim them in the first place. From $200 cell phone bills, to office supplies, to you name it...this volunteer group is carrying the water for this pilot group. We are doing this because we believe in USAPA, and we believe we can win the election. I have backed off a bit during the last month on fundraising...the usual suspects keep donating, and the rest of you sit idly by hoping for the latest bit of USAPA news.

Now is the time to donate. I have said many times I am uncomfortable asking for moneys. Not any more. If you see me, in the crewroom, in the jetway, or in a crew van...I will be asking you point blank if you support this cause..and I will be asking for a donation. I expect every volunteer in this organization to do the same, and I expect every pilot to look to the other seat in the cockpit and ask the question..have you sent money to USAPA? EVERY pilot is sending ALPA a nice donation twice a month. When the election is called, each pilot will be able to vote his heart and intelligence on who will represent this pilot group going forward. Your vote will be your little secret..as it should be. But from here forward, just as I will always know who sent in a card...a record, win or lose the election, will always be kept of who really supported this effort. There was a logical reason for every pilot to send in his or her card. I believe there is a logical reason to send in a donation..even if you are still on the fence. At least give this group of volunteers a chance to show you our stuff...we have a very competent and efficient union on the way for you...but if we are swamped with legal fees and the like during the heat of the battle..we will have no choice other than to simply stop our efforts cold if we run out of moneys. Let there be no doubt..the day USAPA takes office we will be more than ready to represent you, with the full force of union dues and lines of credit. But up until that day, that wonderful day, we are dependent upon donations.

Many pilots are already in the $1000 club..in fact one pilot just wrote us a check for $4500. One of our C/Os is challenging each F/O he works with to donate..then he donates double their amount! Many pilots have easily given their $200 through monthly donations of $25 or $50..and that has really worked great. No more. I need your money NOW. The battle is days away and I simply don't have time to wait 6 months for your donation to be complete. If you really believe in our cause, like I do..then beg, borrow or steal and come up with a donation. This is no longer a spectator event, and I want so see a couple of thousand of you pony up.

This is it folks. Our time is short. We need more funds.
Looks like over on the C&R board, they are schooling Marcio on their attitude on seniority and DOH for the jumpseat.
I thought you west guys had the APA boys all in your back pocket? They were gonna save the Nic and give you there upgrades, cause you deserve them..... There takin away your ability to get to work. Is that because your seniority is gonna be so good..... Wow, looks like DOH means something to the APA....

Just some observations........
EastCheats said:
You were the original ALPA non-dues paying deadbeats late 2007 until April 2008. You'll be begging for money again after Leonidas drains your LLC of funds. Take it to collections, I can tell you it's already been discussed and you can pound sand or rocks for that matter because the West is pursuing a criminal investigation. Expect someone other than Streble to look at the books. I can assure you your cheating ways will not be rewarded. The Nic is very much alive. You can bet you'll see it again. It's the calm before the storm again. You'd better start your own fund drive like you did in 2007. What's in your wallet? Dig deep.
Surprisingly, you left out "Final and binding...It's OVER! Get used to it!", "This is sparta!", and of course "You won't even get 200 cards!" 😉
EastCheats said:
You were the original ALPA non-dues paying deadbeats late 2007 until April 2008.
That's exactly the way it happened in 2007. It's good to look back see how some predictions turned out.
Posted by Phoenix on 24 January 2008 - 05:23 PM in US Airways

I am not in any official capacity with USAPA but it isn't too hard to make some obvious observations..

USAPA would never tell you to "pound sand" as they are the consummate professionals. Even Council 90 seems to have eluded to that with an expression of appreciation.

1. Evidently so. If they should be elected they will receive the dues that ALPA gets, and going forward it looks like they will have lower costs. (I know some say that USAPA won't be any different than ALPA, and in the following sense I will agree: the cycle of all governments is fairly common throughout history. A revolution occurs when the perception of the status quo of a government has devolved to an unbearable injustice that motivates members of the society to revolt and replace it with a reasonable government. A new government replaces it and the cycle of devolving back to a corrupt government resumes. So sure, USAPA will be just like ALPA... a good union for decades that will eventually need to be replaced. Hopefully that eventuality will occur years after our children retire.)

Things did not work out as expected, the stadium is empty, yet Phoenix is still on the sidelines, with his pom poms to this day.

View attachment 10493
"I am not in any official capacity with USAPA but it isn't too hard to make some obvious observations.."
USAPA will be just like ALPA... a good union for decades that will eventually need to be replaced. Hopefully that eventuality will occur years after our children retire.)"
im back..!! said:
Looks like over on the C&R board, they are schooling Marcio on their attitude on seniority and DOH for the jumpseat.
I thought you west guys had the APA boys all in your back pocket? They were gonna save the Nic and give you there upgrades, cause you deserve them..... There takin away your ability to get to work. Is that because your seniority is gonna be so good..... Wow, looks like DOH means something to the APA....

Just some observations........
How many LAA pilots have posted in favor of a DOH SLI?
snapthis said:
That's exactly the way it happened in 2007. It's good to look back see how some predictions turned out.
Posted by Phoenix on 24 January 2008 - 05:23 PM in US Airways
 I am not in any official capacity with USAPA but it isn't too hard to make some obvious observations..
 USAPA would never tell you to "pound sand" as they are the consummate professionals. Even Council 90 seems to have eluded to that with an expression of appreciation.
1. Evidently so. If they should be elected they will receive the dues that ALPA gets, and going forward it looks like they will have lower costs. (I know some say that USAPA won't be any different than ALPA, and in the following sense I will agree: the cycle of all governments is fairly common throughout history. A revolution occurs when the perception of the status quo of a government has devolved to an unbearable injustice that motivates members of the society to revolt and replace it with a reasonable government. A new government replaces it and the cycle of devolving back to a corrupt government resumes. So sure, USAPA will be just like ALPA... a good union for decades that will eventually need to be replaced. Hopefully that eventuality will occur years after our children retire.)

Things did not work out as expected, the stadium is empty, yet Phoenix is still on the sidelines, with his pom poms to this day.
"I am not in any official capacity with USAPA but it isn't too hard to make some obvious observations.."
USAPA will be just like ALPA... a good union for decades that will eventually need to be replaced. Hopefully that eventuality will occur years after our children retire.)"
It warms my heart that you are a disciple of mine, and pay such close attention.

Remember two phrases:

1."status quo" and
2. "employment data".
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