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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nevergiveup said:
Greed caused them to lose it all. History again repeats itself.
I just luv this.........from the west pilots of course.

"Yes, the East offered the NIC. They just wanted to protect their retirement attrition, which stalled by the change in Age-60. Looking back, that offer must look like a home run to any West pilot right now,"

"According to our reports, on Day One of Wye River, Jeff Freund warned the West MEC that if USAPA won, the West risked losing everything. He urged reaching an agreement. He was gone on Day Two."

"Our former MEC and our union leadership played a very high stakes game of poker by not dealing at Wye River. Freund was right, we were risking everything..and right now, it looks like we lost. They need to take responsibility for that."

PS For you westies don't be surprised if a list comes out without going to MB.
nevergiveup said:
Greed caused them to lose it all. History again repeats itself.
It's your greed and playing into Parker's hands that has left this pilot group without a contract. USAPA is an embarrassment to the pilot profession. You provided benefits to management while denying a pilot contract. Your fake union earned it's place in history. I'll go out of my way to make sure the AA pilots understand your sullied legacy to unionism. See you on the CR's.

The Source of US Airways Profitability
US Airways today is competing vigorously and earning record profits. Executives of both airlines have repeatedly stated that they do not need this merger to succeed.
That quote was the total extent of financial analysis on US Airways released by the Department of Justice. In reality, much of this profitability at US Airways has been the artificial result of a battle between employee groups which has left pilot wages frozen for a decade.
The US Airways we know today is the result of a 2005 reverse merger between American West and US Airways which was then operating under bankruptcy protection for the second time in two years. Although referred to as a merger, it was effectively an acquisition by America West. In 2004, faced with a possible liquidation in bankruptcy, old US Airways pilots had agreed to a concessionary contract which reduced their pay by 21 percent and eliminated scheduled annual increases. Since both pilot groups were represented by the same union (ALPA, the Airline Pilots Association), seniority integration pursuant to the merger was to be carried out in accordance with existing ALPA policy. Binding arbitration was agreed to by both pilot groups, yielding a blended seniority list reflecting relative seniority among the former America West and US Airways pilots and the economic position of each airline. These two groups came to be referred to as West and East pilots respectively.
The East pilots refused to accept this seniority list produced by binding arbitration. In general East pilots had more years of service than West pilots, reflecting more than anything the age and growth or contraction of the two airlines. The East pilots, outnumbering the West pilots, ousted their union representation, formed a new collective bargaining unit, USAPA (US Airlines Pilot Association), and then rejected the arbitration results they had once agreed to. The alternative seniority plan put forward by USAPA placed the vast majority of West pilots at the bottom of the seniority ladder. Not surprisingly, litigation ensued, and continues to this day.

C Bonilla
EastCheats said:
It's your greed and playing into Parker's hands that has left this pilot group without a contract. USAPA is an embarrassment to the pilot profession. You provided benefits to management while denying a pilot contract. Your fake union earned it's place in history. I'll go out of my way to make sure the AA pilots understand your sullied legacy to unionism. See you on the CR's.

Hey son, tell us all why you did not take the NIC when it was offered to you, we all want to know, then tell us if your going to sue the APA when they do not even consider it. They are well aware of you boys.
cltrat said:
luv any mention on that forum on how they saved AA as well?
Hey rat. You just can't handle the fact that little ol America West purchased your garbage can POS airways.

A320 Driver said:
You're dillusional. Slotting by equipment will have the senior West pilot slotted in with the other 757 Captains. He will get some longevity credit. You are right about the panel putting the lists together as they see fit and every indication is they will do it along the same lines as United/Continental. It won't be anywhere near the NIC or DOH either.
Did the continental and United pilots go through Final and Binding arbitration before the second one? Did one party cross their fingers during the first thus creating a way back machine whereby the reality is re-written? Best of luck with that argument Scab.
CactusPilot1 said:
Hey rat. You just can't handle the fact that little ol America West purchased your garbage can POS airways.

Washington, D.C. 20549
On September 26, 2007, as part of the integration efforts following the merger of US Airways Group and America West Holdings Corporation (America West Holdings) in September 2005, America West Airlines, Inc. (AWA) surrendered its Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operating certificate. As a result, all mainline airline operations are now being conducted under US Airways FAA operating certificate. In connection with the combination of all mainline airline operations under one FAA operating certificate, US Airways Group contributed one hundred percent of its equity interest in America West Holdings to US Airways. As a result, America West Holdings and its wholly owned subsidiary AWA are now wholly owned subsidiaries of US Airways. In addition, AWA transferred substantially all of its assets and liabilities to US Airways. All off-balance sheet commitments of AWA were also transferred to US Airways. This transaction constituted a transfer of assets between entities under common control and was accounted for at historical cost.
Res Judicata said:
Did the continental and United pilots go through Final and Binding arbitration before the second one? Did one party cross their fingers during the first thus creating a way back machine whereby the reality is re-written? Best of luck with that argument Scab.
I bet APA doesn't let this kid in!
Res Judicata said:
Did the continental and United pilots go through Final and Binding arbitration before the second one? Did one party cross their fingers during the first thus creating a way back machine whereby the reality is re-written? Best of luck with that argument Scab.

Doyal, your confused you guys are the scabs.
Res Judicata said:
Did the continental and United pilots go through Final and Binding arbitration before the second one? Did one party cross their fingers during the first thus creating a way back machine whereby the reality is re-written? Best of luck with that argument Scab.
The more relevant questions:

1. Did they have a ratified MOU of nullity?
2. Did they have a Protocol Agreement of status quo?
3. I won't ask if they had special ties.
CactusPilot1 said:
Hey rat. You just can't handle the fact that little ol America West purchased your garbage can POS airways.

lol you're a joke Catpiss and a bad one at that. I believe you're the same jackass that was boldly predicting a couple of years ago how you were going to come to CLT triumphantly and buy a house in Davidson. well your  junior ass still isn't here and you never will be , so keep running that mouth and when your latest predictions go down the toilet like they always do you will disappear yet again like a cockroach with the light on.So run along now that duck schitt green AW320 with the American decal on it is waiting on you. I have a 330 to get out of here.Know what those are?
C BONILLA, EASTCHEATS, the AZ resident who served on John McCains run for the Whitehouse and on Mesa's Board? Diggin deep I would say, !
C BONILLA, EASTCHEATS, the AZ resident who served on John McCains run for the Whitehouse and on Mesa's Board? Diggin deep I would say, !
It's all they got, just a lot of hot air, the frustration is to much to handle for them, they made a bad choice following Ferguson and Koontz.
C BONILLA, EASTCHEATS, the AZ resident who served on John McCains run for the Whitehouse and on Mesa's Board? Diggin deep I would say, !
Most of the entitled New World Order west are spawn of Orenstein, or Transtates.
Their sense of entitlement is becoming apparent to the APA.
Mitch Vaselino, mail order attorney is schooling them.
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