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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Claxon said:
The American Pilots will not allow arbitrators decide their future seniority, they never have and never will.   There will be a mutual agreement with fences and restrictions.  The west may get to sit in on these meetings with an Airbus model and a cactus plant on their table.
I agree, things are moving along behind the scenes as the APA would like to avoid MB.

Let's not tell this to Traitor
Res Judicata said:
The arbitration panel will assemble those lists any way they damn well please. Hence the apoplectic Schitt fit you scabs have continually thrown over the prospect of having to face the panel with an unrestricted west class. You will be begging for the Nic when this is over. Just remember to STFU, pay your dues, and be a good Union pilot.
Doyal why do you continue to make yourself look stupid, however I think we all agree you excel at it. Tell us all again about your polygraph. How soon before you sue the APA?
luvthe9 said:
Doyal why do you continue to make yourself look stupid, however I think we all agree you excel at it. Tell us all again about your polygraph. How soon before you sue the APA?
"I just wanted to serve my country and make my family proud." How soon before THAT ever happens? One can only imagine how truly "proud" the family must be of an only supposedly "adult,"  imaginary "spartan" in some Fantasyland "army"....heroically "fighting" for the noble goal of usurping the worked-years of others. Oh well, whatever "works" for even some truly twisted people, I suppose...
"...why do you continue to make yourself look stupid." You make the perhaps overly-generous assumption that any other course of action was/is even possible....Just sayin'.
A320 Driver said:
You're dillusional. Slotting by equipment will have the senior West pilot slotted in with the other 757 Captains. He will get some longevity credit. You are right about the panel putting the lists together as they see fit and every indication is they will do it along the same lines as United/Continental. It won't be anywhere near the NIC or DOH either.
It's possible that the West wouldn't even get credit for having 757s
Remember all those years when they themselves placed no premium on flying it
Didn't it pay the same as a 737?? Just asking!
A320 Driver said:
You may be right about that for the most part, but there will still be items to arbitrate because an agreement lacks plausible deniability. The only way to be truly bullet proof is to let the panel decide a major part of it. That's my opinion anyway.
I would differ with that, in that I don't believe a panel deciding "a major part of it" would necessarily be needed.  I'd respectfully submit that, under the umbrella of M-Bond, that it'd be theoretically possible for the larger part of an agreement to be made, and then essentially "blessed" with the fed law over the remainder via arbitration, and thus the essential whole overall from a legal perspective. This is purely speculative on my part, and whether the union personalities and legal staffs involved can manage to achieve anything of the sort's yet to be seen.
Barrister said:
It's possible that the West wouldn't even get credit for having 757s
Remember all those years when they themselves placed no premium on flying it
Didn't it pay the same as a 737?? Just asking!
Indeed, and all contestants should seem reasonably wary of the whole "process."  I'll offer the obvious observation that any arbitration apparently amounts to nothing more than a whimsical "crap shoot." "It's possible" always being the damning element.  While the APA people have never had to deal with such; it'd still both surprise and somewhat disappoint if they're not cognizant of that.
The west pilots are busy on the APA forum making fools of themselves.  mitch vasolino is touting his "legal expertise" while calling the East pilots scumbags.  mitch is telling the APA pilots that the west pilots will present the nic as their list and is reminding them of their DFR responsibilities.  chester  pounding  szmal is also selling the nic and informed the American pilots that the East pilots have no moral compass. 
Same stuff, different forum.  west saved the East.  They are naively providing APA their futile upcoming strategy, mistakenly believing American pilots are their new best friends.
Claxon, did you and love just discover the route map in the magazine in the seat back? If you look really hard you might find a SkyMall catalog.
Claxon said:
The west pilots are busy on the APA forum making fools of themselves.  mitch vasolino is touting his "legal expertise" while calling the East pilots scumbags.  mitch is telling the APA pilots that the west pilots will present the nic as their list and is reminding them of their DFR responsibilities.  chester  pounding  szmal is also selling the nic and informed the American pilots that the East pilots have no moral compass. 
Same stuff, different forum.  west saved the East.  They are naively providing APA their futile upcoming strategy, mistakenly believing American pilots are their new best friends.
Interesting that the West mouthpieces are trying to sell their idea of the NIC on the forum. They are anything but confident that they can pull this off. It's the Hail Mary pass for them and their lawyers. Two federal courts stated it does NOT have to be the NIC in separate DFR suits. The NIC lived only in the transition agreement and that was trumped as stated in the MOU which became the MTA. It's over and they are about to go down the same path we went down with DOH or nothing. Per the Protocol Agreement, they will use the list effective last December 9th. I believe two members of the arbitration panel were there for United/Continental. It's all about economics...CURRENT economics. They will get credit for the 8 or so 757s that they were flying at the same payrate as East and American. Same for the A320s etc. If their legal team is as good as they say they are, they have made the powers that be at AOL aware of the risks vs. rewards and a choice has been made to "go for it". I suppose that is all they have left after all the money they spent. They will try to blame USAPA for not negotiating a contract that would have been put up for a vote. They will try to discount the numerous public statements made by management to the effect that they saw no need for negotiations until the NIC debacle was settled (very convienient and lucrative for the company).
The NIC is a major step backwards in reordering the current lists. It has no place in the current paradigm except in the minds of those that want nothing else. This will be settled and we will move on. Notice the only ones in this 3 group process that are literally agonizing over it's outcome is the West. You cannot argue successfully with fanaticism. When their argument deteriorates to more threatened DFRs and calling us "scumbags"' it tells me there is little left in their bag of tricks to present to an arbitration panel. It's lonely in PHX and it's likely to stay that way.
CactusPilot1 said:
Claxon, did you and love just discover the route map in the magazine in the seat back? If you look really hard you might find a SkyMall catalog.
Thought you might like it, nice change from all your cartoons!

Please keep up your "cause" on the APA board we are all in disbelief at the crap your boys are posting but keep it up I'm sure it's helping.
AWE Dog said:
Yup, Save Dave could be junior to a 2013 hire, he would lose 8 years LOS. Stil not as bad as the NiC on the east. As soon as you get away from DOH, any thing is possible, as we have seen.........
Reminds one of the Japanese in the final days of WW2. The west pilots are lead by an extremely junior f/o and greedy lawyer. The denial and misperception that the Nic is still attainable leads the zealots on to a very predictable loss. The Liberty ties resemble the colors of the kamikaze group.
Their Leonidas propaganda machine now lists 767 s on their flying. Res Judicata and Cactuspilot1 reduced to nothing but blather. If denied the terms "scab, schitt, scumbag," they would be literally unable to speak.
All indicative of a very bad ending.
Claxon said:
Reminds one of the Japanese in the final days of WW2. The west pilots are lead by an extremely junior f/o and greedy lawyer. The denial and misperception that the Nic is still attainable leads the zealots on to a very predictable loss. The Liberty ties resemble the colors of the kamikaze group.
Their Leonidas propaganda machine now lists 767 s on their flying. Res Judicata and Cactuspilot1 reduced to nothing but blather. If denied the terms "scab, schitt, scumbag," they would be literally unable to speak.
All indicative of a very bad ending.
Greed caused them to lose it all. History again repeats itself. 
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