cltrat said:
it's the same old same old Hawkhunter, westies get all giddy on their predictions of what will happen then said predictions miss(again) then they disappear like a cockroach with the light on. You would think by this time they would just lay low and if something good did actually happen then dog the hell out of you guys.
Look what just jumped off the cargo of the rapidly expanding train station in CLT. A rat.
I was looking for a hawkpus who has this fascination with urine. I did not see his usual pissy posts on the AA forums. All I saw was the continuing of the pounding on KV. They aren't buying the Eastholes line of whine.
You continue to try and rewrite history to you liking. We had $5BILLION going into BK and over 6 coming out. This was a BK or convenience, not necessity. That is why we, the pilots of AA, came out smelling like a rose. The shareholders were NOT left out in the cold, they got a lot of value for holding onto their stock.
The economy was on an upswing.
The AMR bankruptcy was done for one reason: LUMP SUM
If you do the math, AMR was going to be liable for around $10Billion in CASH the next 5 years because the age 65 rule was coming to the forefront. It was going to happen about 6 years ago, but they got the Congress to change age 60 to age 65. There is a push to change to 67 now.
You know very little of our history and how things worked and would have worked out. You like to rewrite it to sound like LUS was thriving. It was not. AmWest did get outside financing, LUS could not.
It was NOT APA's seniority practices that caused McCaskill Bond, it was the complete stapling of TWA F/As to the bottom of the APFA list. Not anything to do with APA.
In 2005, the economy was beginning to slide. USAir was again in trouble. Parker, and his den of thieves (financiers) came in and salvaged your airline AFTER you gave away your pension, benefits and PAY. Big time. If you had of stayed independent to 2008, you probably would not be in existence now (with the sight of hind, 20-20).
Your calm statements, similar to TWA, that "all was well, we will be fine on our own" are just self-effacing bluster trying to distract the reality: You were on the verge of collapse. TWA was going into BK once more, and they deal was that the same day they went to BK, AMR and Carty took over, but could step away from contracts not favorable (such as the Icahn ticket deal), similar to what they tried to do to us in 2013. Luckily, the courts, the unions and the shareholders all saw thru this facade and we are where we are today directly due to APA's involvement and insistence. (Thanks once again, Capt. David Bates)
You are getting to the point that readers will scroll past you since you are a bit of a broken record, changing only slightly to try and counter the comments being made at you from both the west and LAA.
We LAA guys/gals are not against you. But you are firmly against the AmWest pilots. That has to stop.
This seniority integration is going to arbitration. You, legacy USAPA members, are seeing to that. And you have already intimated that you will sue if you don't get DOH, or LOS, or stapled to the top of all lists, or whatever you claim at any given moment.
I guess we may as well set aside a few court dates. The only difference is, YOU will be paying dues to fight YOURSELF in court, similar to what you made the AmWest Leonidas group of FELLOW PILOTS do for all these years. And you accomplished NOTHING except the loss of your own income. Good job.
Now back to your regular schedule programming..