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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Total Employee Disbursements $3,403,231

O'Dwyer & Bernstien, LLP
Total Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer $3,133,119

No wonder we had the highest dues in the industry.

Nice job idiots. Did you ever get a contract? Nope.

Let the APA show the airways pilots how it's done.
EastCheats said:
Total Employee Disbursements $3,403,231
O'Dwyer & Bernstien, LLP
Total Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer $3,133,119
No wonder we had the highest dues in the industry.
Nice job idiots. Did you ever get a contract? Nope.
Let the APA show the airways pilots how it's done.
APA and USAPA disclose their accounting books.

AOL books are sealed air-tight. If you buy a $675 you get no prospectus, accounting of receipts or expenses...the tie is yours to keep.
CactusPilot1 said:
Self-test time. Are you making progress? Are you regressing and repeating steps?

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Hawkhunter said:
Hey Catpiss, you have had much more practice please show me how. LMFAO
Hawkhunter said:
Hey Catpiss, you have had much more practice please show me how. LMFAO
Go to the Watercooler, loudmouth and see how I handle bad parents.

Run your mouth it in the crew van some day. Compliment my Liberty tie or my Cactus 18 shirt in the gym.


The Wow it's OK to beat up cops thread
Started by CactusPilot1, Aug 24 2014 09:52 AM

#51 CactusPilot1 Posted 26 August 2014 - 09:48 AM

0 warning points
25 Aug 2014

So...I'll bet you are one of those parents who's kid does no wrong. Like the teen who would speed up and down our street with no regard for the children walking home from the school bus. He made the mistake of nearly running me off the road. I followed him to his house rung the doorbell and his dad answered. The kid was standing behind his dad, laughing as I told the story. The father, rather than having the kid apologize, stuck his finger in my chest. The kid apologized as he saw his father in a compromised pretzel like position.

I never had a problem with that kid again.
Phoenix said:
Self-test time. Are you making progress? Are you regressing and repeating steps?
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
6) decertified

Cry me a river
CactusPilot1 said:
Answer the damn question. Which airline is going to retire or has retired their certificate with a better safety record?
1) America West Airlines
2) us airways
Two choices, that should make it easier for you.

No problem, AWA does however we all have to agree with Hawk.
CactusPilot1 said:
Answer the damn question. Which airline is going to retire or has retired their certificate with a better safety record?
1) America West Airlines
2) us airways
Two choices, that should make it easier for you.

No problem, AWA does however we all have to agree with Hawk.

Boy, you are sure into yourself today.
snapthis said:
This has nothing to do with what happened pre-USAPA. Your is trying to screw us to this day. Leonidas will be here long after USAPA LLC starts it's first fundraiser. You are interfering with the APA's right to be the only union on this property. Take responsibility that you have the responsibility to let the APA do it's job.
No we're not, no more than you are interfering with the east west SLI, but don't you worry about it will take it from here.

So why did you turn the NIC down, pretty dumb move, huh?
luvthe9 said:
No problem, AWA does however we all have to agree with Hawk.
Boy, you are sure into yourself today.
Like I care, BOY.

"As a reminder, we will be having a LAX domicile meeting this next Monday, 29 September at the LAX Hacienda Hotel. Doors open at 0930 and the meeting starts at 1030. Please see the 9/19 domicile blast for linked hotel and other information.

The primary purpose of this meeting is for us, APA members in good standing of the LAX domicile to exercise a very important aspect of union membership. We are being asked to review and vote to approve or not approve over 1100 potential new members of the former US Air PHX domicile into APA. It is not trite to say that your vote truly counts in exercising this membership responsibility."

I hope to see you and hawkpus.
Now catpiss chill out. Why would we want to go all the way to LAX just to see a bunch of scabs like you? I see enough of your AFOs walking through the terminal. I swear yesterday one of them pissed their pants when I said hi. Was that you Catpiss?
Just read your water cooler post. Is that a threat? You really are a tough dude man. I bet all 120lbs of you really look tough with that Liberty tie on! You are ready to lose it man, get help quick. Still LMFAO Scab. 
Hawkhunter said:
Now catpiss chill out. Why would we want to go all the way to LAX just to see a bunch of scabs like you? I see enough of your AFOs walking through the terminal. I swear yesterday one of them pissed their pants when I said hi. Was that you Catpiss?
I look forward to introducing myself, sitting there in your rocking chair in your Bojangles grease covered covered shirt with the buttons about to pop off. Sully- like mustache too right? Will you be taking off all your Usapacrap and putting all that AA bling to blend in?

I'd be embarrassed too.
Hawkhunter said:
Just read your water cooler post. Is that a threat? You really are a tough dude man. I bet all 120lbs of you really look tough with that Liberty tie on! You are ready to lose it man, get help quick. Still LMFAO Scab.
Did you notice when I wrote that post? Long before you showed up today, knucklehead.

6-1, 190 if you are measuring me up, hawkpus.
Freighterguynow said:
American Airlines lapel pin - check
American Airlines tie pin - check
American Airlines luggage tags - check
American Airlines ID lanyard - check
American Airlines license place holder - check
APA is my union luggage tags ( bonus for multiple tags per bag ) - check
OK applicant, good to go.
See, there goes the Usapacrap and yellow lanyards.

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