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2014 Pilot Discussion

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EastUS1 said:
Sigh...Grow up kid, and prep yourself for unfolding events that, once again, won't fit your fantasies. Seven plus years and "you'se" yet have no clue? No matter. You'll likely live regardless.
"There is no negotiating with terrorists, it only empowers them and the hostage taking never ends." Well...as a "soldier" in the "army of leonidas"; I'm sure you've personally killed many enemies of Freedom and the USA, so I won't even address that...save only for an additionally enhanced suggestion to grow up...or should I just remain overly AWEd by your gym membership?
Sure, Ace Capt Commander....whatever. Run along and challenge yourself to a game of Asteroids.
CactusPilot1 said:
You helped yourselves while the courts kicked the can. I hope you enjoyed all those pirated upgrades while it lasted because times are a changin.
The upgrades all belong to us, remember you brought nothing to this merge we had to GIVE you around 27% of our flying to keep you kids going. What will you tell the APA you have to offer, get real son, you'll wait your turn like everyone else. The APA knows your history of being "good union pilots".
CactusPilot1 said:
Sure, Ace Capt Commander....whatever. Run along and challenge yourself to a game of Asteroids.
Sigh!..No need for "a game of Asteroids". My recreational flying wager's always open, should "you'se" ever grow a pair/spine/whatever. 😉 PM if interested, pretended "pilot." 🙂 Playstation games not included....Sorry kid.
luvthe9 said:
The upgrades all belong to us, remember you brought nothing to this merge we had to GIVE you around 27% of our flying to keep you kids going. What will you tell the APA you have to offer, get real son, you'll wait your turn like everyone else. The APA knows your history of being "good union pilots".
You can get out of my seat now. Picture time is over.View attachment 10453
CactusPilot1 said:
There is no negotiating with terrorists, it only empowers them and the hostage taking never ends.
Food for thought:
Avoid the pepperoni at the salad bar. I did not know losing weight added years, I thought it had the opposite effect, CB. Lab rats who ate too much aged faster. Maybe the diet came too late.
You helped yourselves while the courts kicked the can. I hope you enjoyed all those pirated upgrades while it lasted because times are a changin.
What can you say to a moron who was offered the Nic, but only had to wait a few years to get it, then loses it because he was too stupid to consider airline consolidation?
Then he calls you a terrorist.
Sounds absurd, but you cannot make this stuff up.
Claxon said:
What can you say to a moron who was offered the Nic, but only had to wait a few years to get it, then loses it because he was too stupid to consider airline consolidation?
Then he calls you a terrorist.
Sounds absurd, but you cannot make this stuff up.
Corporate Terrorist
1. Corporate terrorism are crimes committed to create more consumers. Such as fraud, the spread of misleading propaganda, and bribing politicians to pass bills that force people into become consumers.

I've seen it all with the likes of you and your LUV.
CactusPilot1 said:
You can get out of my seat now. Picture time is over.
Indeed. "You'se" clearly evidence all the wisdom needed for command of an aircraft, well, not even command of yourself, actually.
Claxon said:
What can you say to a moron who was offered the Nic, but only had to wait a few years to get it, then loses it because he was too stupid to consider airline consolidation?
Then he calls you a terrorist.
Sounds absurd, but you cannot make this stuff up.

What about it Cactus?
CactusPilot1 said:
Corporate Terrorist
What so quickly happened to actual terrorists? Did you realize yourself just far too ridiculous in such references? Perhaps there's small hope for "you'se" yet kid.
CactusPilot1 said:
Corporate Terrorist
1. Corporate terrorism are crimes committed to create more consumers. Such as fraud, the spread of misleading propaganda, and bribing politicians to pass bills that force people into become consumers.
I've seen it all with the likes of you and your LUV.
Such a cry baby, but still you can lift my gear any time, can't wait to fly with you kids.
EastUS1 said:
Indeed. "You'se" clearly evidence all the wisdom needed for command of an aircraft, well, not even command of yourself, actually.
AWE...did Sullly steal your glory? Do you need attention?
Play with your girlfriends here. I'm getting bored.
CactusPilot1 said:
AWE...did Sullly steal your glory? Do you need attention?
Play with your girlfriends here. I'm getting bored.
OUCH! That hurts! I'd hoped "you'se" were to become one of my girlfriends....sniffle. 😉
OK, OK guys...I'm no pedophile, so that that was just a joke. 🙂
"I'm getting bored." Then PM for wager details at "you'se" earliest convenience "pilot." You wouldn't be "bored"....although I probably would be.
Shake things up a bit around here. Be the very first "spartan" to have his/her flying ability documented for all the world to see on the net! Just imagine how AWA-some it'd be for YOU to totally humiliate an evil "easthole" aloft, for quite literally all the world to see? "You'se" are a "spartan" and necessarily Ace Pilot, after all....Aren't you? What's, even possibly, holding "you'se" back? 🙂
CactusPilot1 said:
You can get out of my seat now. Picture time is over.
Bet you Bart would have been smart enough to take the NIC when we offered it to you, yea he looks like one of you smartest pilots.
CactusPilot1 said:
Corporate Terrorist
1. Corporate terrorism are crimes committed to create more consumers. Such as fraud, the spread of misleading propaganda, and bribing politicians to pass bills that force people into become consumers.
I've seen it all with the likes of you and your LUV.
Look in the mirror west pilot. Fact: you were offered the Nic with a reasonable time constraint. That time would have now passed. You would have the Nic.
You passed on the deal. Your airline was transacted. You gambled, you lost.
Face the unpleasant truth. You, screwed the pooch.
Fortunately, unlike Res Judicata, you will not be asked by a Federal agency if you actually did- and fail the test.
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