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2014 Pilot Discussion

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luvthe9 said:
How many of you west scabs were banned, never mind we know already.

I was/am guessing that the APA will adopt their actual scabs, simply for purposes of political expediency, but I'd love to be proved wrong there. Few creatures disgust me more than scabs.
EastUS1 said:
I was/am guessing that the APA will adopt their actual scabs, simply for purposes of political expediency, but I'd love to be proved wrong there. Few creatures disgust me more than scabs.
WOW! Even THAT got an immediate "minus vote"? What's that tell any/all readers about at least some of the west's take on actual scabs?
"Few creatures disgust me more than scabs." All "spartans" should now feel perfectly free to express their opinons as to why my sentiments there are "wrong"...? Anyone? Anyone at all?
Don't hide behind some nameless "minus vote." Tell me exactly how, where and why my notions on scabs are "wrong"?
CactusPilot1 said:
It's not an emotional decision to expect the same treatment for USAPASCABS.
Thank Love for drawing attention to the problem.
AWEsome job.
Please thank him for his role in the matter. JR owes him a chicken dinner.

So tell the rest of the boys how many scabs got rejected by the APA.
EastUS1 said:
I was/am guessing that the APA will adopt their actual scabs, simply for purposes of political expediency, but I'd love to be proved wrong there. Few creatures disgust me more than scabs.

"APA Constitution and Bylaws Article III 1.C. states: "No one shall be admitted for membership who has willfully acted as a strikebreaker pilot, or scab pilot, or who has secured or attempted to secure employment rights as a scab pilot during any duly authorized pilot strike."
CactusPilot1 said:
How many on your side did you throw under the bus to get your trophies?
None, I'm not affected by any of this however I fully support our junior guys, nice try though!
luvthe9 said:
"APA Constitution and Bylaws Article III 1.C. states: "No one shall be admitted for membership who has willfully acted as a strikebreaker pilot, or scab pilot, or who has secured or attempted to secure employment rights as a scab pilot during any duly authorized pilot strike."
Good enough in theory and script, but I'll wait and only now hope to see if they really mean it. If they're "ok" with adopting actual scabs, well...so much for any notions/fantasies of morality...
luvthe9 said:
Nice. Thanks for the necessary smile from that. 🙂
A suggestion for better things to do with money than buy idiotic ties, at least for any real, sky-and-history-loving, actual Pilots anywhere. The umm..."army of leonidas" is a microscopic and utterly insignificant fart-in-a-flaw in time, but the Nation's aerial history's well worth maintaining:  http://www.commemorativeairforce.org/
luvthe9 said:
None, I'm not affected by any of this however I fully support our junior guys, nice try though!
That would you and your fellow fuoughees trying to cheat pilots out of positions they held in 2005. U-opportunists can wait your turn. You're in your mid-40's, lose some of that weight you might keep your medical. Funny, I never see you in the gym.
CactusPilot1 said:
Funny, I never see you in the gym.
Ooh! Is that a "challenge" mighty "spartan"? I wouldn't dare even consider rising to that though, without at least a "varsity letter jacket" like snapthis's. 😉
The shortest pamphlet/even paragraph ever published: "Great Champion Sports Heroes of AWA." 🙂
As an arrogant, but doubtless mighty "spartan"; it goes without saying that you've some hugely impressive credentials to offer us all, that far exceed "you'se" mere membership in some gym. What are they? 😉
CactusPilot1 said:
That would you and your fellow fuoughees trying to cheat pilots out of positions they held in 2005. U-opportunists can wait your turn. You're in your mid-40's, lose some of that weight you might keep your medical. Funny, I never see you in the gym.
Wish I was back in my mid-40s, geez, "can't wait your turn" that's a joke right. You must be jealous Courtney has lost all the weight, think he's eating only salads. Tell us all again why you did not want the NIC when we offered it to you, I know it's killing you guys.

"Yes, the East offered the NIC. They just wanted to protect their retirement attrition, which stalled by the change in Age-60. Looking back, that offer must look like a home run to any West pilot right now,"

Wow you guys gave up so much money, could have been in our wide body's, upgrades and 1 year captains,, I would be mad at myself also for making a stupid decision.
luvthe9 said:
Wish I was back in my mid-40s, geez, ....
Ah....I dunno, luvthe9. What would you really do/have done all that much differently? The last couple decades have been mostly a lot of fun that I wouldn't want to have missed, and anyway: "Come on, you sons-o'-bitches! Do you want to live forever?" First Sergeant Daniel Daly, 73rd Machine Gun Company, to the men in his company prior to charging the Germans during the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I." Any even slight semblance of a warrior would've clearly seen the "logic" in that in earlier youth. 😉
Going back decades would make of us the however much different people that we then were. Everything in life, including life it's self has an expiration point, and it's always up to us to appreciate the miracle of the adventure and the amazing gift, even with all limitations.  If that's not sappy enough:
luvthe9 said:
Wish I was back in my mid-40s, geez, "can't wait your turn" that's a joke right. You must be jealous Courtney has lost all the weight, think he's eating only salads. Tell us all again why you did not want the NIC when we offered it to you, I know it's killing you guys.
"Yes, the East offered the NIC. They just wanted to protect their retirement attrition, which stalled by the change in Age-60. Looking back, that offer must look like a home run to any West pilot right now,"
Wow you guys gave up so much money, could have been in our wide body's, upgrades and 1 year captains,, I would be mad at myself also for making a stupid decision.
There is no negotiating with terrorists, it only empowers them and the hostage taking never ends.

Food for thought:
Avoid the pepperoni at the salad bar. I did not know losing weight added years, I thought it had the opposite effect, CB. Lab rats who ate too much aged faster. Maybe the diet came too late.

You helped yourselves while the courts kicked the can. I hope you enjoyed all those pirated upgrades while it lasted because times are a changin.
CactusPilot1 said:
You helped yourselves while the courts kicked the can. I hope you enjoyed all those pirated upgrades while it lasted because times are a changin.
Sigh...Grow up kid, and prep yourself for unfolding events that, once again, won't fit your fantasies. Seven plus years and "you'se" yet have no clue? No matter. You'll likely live regardless.
"There is no negotiating with terrorists, it only empowers them and the hostage taking never ends." Well...as a "soldier" in the "army of leonidas"; I'm sure you've personally killed many enemies of Freedom and the USA, so I won't even address that...save only for an additionally enhanced suggestion to grow up...or should I just remain overly AWEd by your gym membership?
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