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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Posted Today, 11:04 AM


""""To those interested in getting dues returned from the decertified union, Kristen Day is leading the investigation.
Info from: District Director Craig Neel
He said his offices and staff have been inundated with requests for investigation of USAPA now that they are no longer the agent. His investigator, Kristen Day, will be taking the lead in any investigation. Here is here contact information:......................"""""""
There is a declaratory judgment filed by USAPA in court, regarding their right to use union funds after decertification.  Kristen has no choice but to wait for a court ruling. 
The arbitrators will decide if the west gets a seat at the table, this would be a decision that was already decided in court by a DFR and declaratory judgment.  All the west butter knife rattling is comical.  The west pilots are spectators at the present time.
flyingskier said:
The company will add flying where they think they can make money. MIA TLV with the connections south thru the hub will do very well. PHL TLV does very well. If we go into the TLV NYC market we will be competing against 2 United 777's to EWR and a Delta 747 to JFK. That will be a challenge.Any new flights (other than CLE) out of PHX? Didn't think so..Skier
The kids in the desert are going nowhere. Things are getting pretty bad when you start making up imaginary 767 flying.
Next Liberty tie you see, ask them why they turned down the Nic
luvthe9 said:
The kids in the desert are going nowhere. Things are getting pretty bad when you start making up imaginary 767 flying.
Next Liberty tie you see, ask them why they turned down the Nic
I just smile and wave to the tie. I was just awarded my November block, thanks to the west choosing to stay on the Island in PHX.. I got off Thanksgiving week from Tuesday thru Sunday. Thank you west for another holiday weekend off.

Long live the tie!

Claxon said:

""""To those interested in getting dues returned from the decertified union, Kristen Day is leading the investigation.
There is a declaratory judgment filed by USAPA in court, regarding their right to use union funds after decertification.  Kristen has no choice but to wait for a court ruling. 
The arbitrators will decide if the west gets a seat at the table, this would be a decision that was already decided in court by a DFR and declaratory judgment.  All the west butter knife rattling is comical.  The west pilots are spectators at the present time.
I wonder if the West doesn't get a seat, will they want their money back? It will then be USAPA's responsibility to represent the West in the SLI. Of course USAPA would have to use the same method they use for the East Seniority list, number of pilots, planes, bases. etc. brought to the merger...
Would the West just rather US negotiate with the APA over the AA and East list and then say to the APA, and here is the West list... Whatever you think... ?
And Hey, maybe we'll see a new permanent bid out tomorrow... It's that time of the month again... 🙂
algflyr said:
And Hey, maybe we'll see a new permanent bid out tomorrow... It's that time of the month again... 🙂
Next East bid will be for February, should publish the end of October. Minimum of 60 group two captains and 30 wide body Captains..

prechilill said:
A ramper sez what?
Kindly expand on that a bit princess. In exactly what ways do you imagine yourself a "better person" and why? Because mommy bought you a "pilot's" license and, probably only through hiring quotas, you barely managed the great feat of landing a job at the lowest rent excuse for an airline? This should be good for some serious chuckles. 😉
P.S. Don't be at all bashful here. Anyone who imagines herself "worthy" of magically embued, super-"seniority" alone must needs have some amazing personal attributes and life accomplishments to offer. So what are they? 🙂
prechilill said:
A ramper sez what?
excuse me  there sugar you miffed no 330 flying into PHX to sniff the seat? would you like me to post a pic of one for you to take care of your needs with?
flyingskier said:
Next East bid will be for February, should publish the end of October. Minimum of 60 group two captains and 30 wide body Captains..Skier
The West kids were offered the Nic, and it would have been in use right now. For the life of me I will never understand why they let a 2004 hire with a year or two on the property destroy their careers.
luvthe9 said:
Well, Cupcake can stop by for a sniff.

Right after luvthe9 quits repeating the same stupid stuff.
Seat sniffing, never heard that one before.
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