2014 Pilot Discussion

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TBONEJ4J said:
Thanks for posting that link.
A never furloughed July 1988 US Airways pilot going below an April 2005 America West pilot, case closed as to why the Nicolau award has yet to be anything other than the uncashed lottery ticket it is.
Seems on scanning the list that never furloughed US Airways pilots were generally made junior to America West pilots with 16 or 17 years less time in service.
Now I know that furloughed guys get thrown under the bus when ALPA is around, which is wrong, but throwing the never furloughed guys under the bus also... how can that be defended even by ALPA?
Again, thanks for posting the link to the list which Nicolau created. Those who really don't know just how off the mark he was can review it and see how untenable it is.
You're welcome. What else do you want to whine about?
snapthis said:
What else do you want to whine about?
Training department can't keep up with attrition on the east.  A330 F/Os (2000 hires) who have had their bid since April won't see class until at least November.  The motion upward is way too fast over here on the east, and those poor guys have to keep flying those old 767s and A320s while they wait for class.
Oh......wait a minute....
They're all getting A330 rates anyway.
Any A330 rates being paid on the line in PHX these days?  
What am I thinking?  Of course there are.  The east pilots holding A330 bids flying the little jets through PHX are getting those A330 rates.  They're the ones with the big grins and lack of a $675 tie.
snapthis said:
You're welcome. What else do you want to whine about?
Spin, YOU are by far are the biggest whiner on the board, the rest of your scab buddies know it's over and now want in on the growth and wide body flying, it's been long over however you can still buy another tie if it makes you feel better.

Fact.... AOL has ruined the careers of the west pilots, enjoy the downward spiral in PHX.
luvthe9 said:
Spin, YOU are by far are the biggest whiner on the board, the rest of your scab buddies know it's over and now want in on the growth and wide body flying, it's been long over however you can still buy another tie if it makes you feel better.
Fact.... AOL has ruined the careers of the west pilots, enjoy the downward spiral in PHX.
The APA sees Courtney as a buffoon.

1 : a ludicrous figure : clown 2 : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person

Fact: AOL has frustrated your efforts of cheating the West pilots.

Fact: SCS is going to lead to the APA as the bargaining agent, therefore.....
"when USAPA is no longer the certified representative, it must immediately stop participating in the seniority integration"

AWE... :lol:
Buh-bye USAPA

AWE :lol:

NMB agrees with American Airlines pilots that AA and US Airways are a ‘single transportation system’
By Terry Maxon

12:34 pm on August 8, 2014

The National Mediation Board ruled Friday that American Airlines and US Airways are a “single transportation system,” as the Allied Pilots Association had requested.

The designation is a key step in determining the collective bargaining representative for the pilots of the two airlines, expected to be the APA.

The Allied PIlots Association represents American’s 9,859 pilots. The US Airline Pilots Association, which opposed the ruling, represents 5,121 US Airways pilots.

In its findings, the NMB quoted the long list of steps that parent American Airlines Group has done to put the two airlines under common control since the carriers’ Dec. 9, 2013, merger.

“USAPA argues that the Carriers have not substantially integrated their operations. While conceding that integration has occurred at the corporate level, USAPA argues that the New American has not removed any public indicia of US Airways, that separate livery still exists, that separate websites continues, and that separate crew management computer systems in use and that many important terms and conditions of pilot employment remain separate with no established date for integration,” the NMB wrote in its decision.

“It is well-settled, however, that the Board’s criteria for substantial integration of operations do not require total integration of operations,” the ruling stated. “In this case, the integration may not be total but it is substantial.”

In a hotline message, APA said that it and any intervenor have 30 days, or until Sept. 7, “to file an application supported by a showing of interest” from at least 50 percent of the eligible members of a bargaining unit.

“APA has previously submitted evidence to the NMB that we represent approximately two-thirds of the combined pilot group,” APA said. “At the end of the 30-day period, the NMB will either certify APA as the bargaining agent for the pilots of American Airlines or call for an election between APA and no union.”

American Airlines spokesman Paul Flaningan noted that the NMB ruling was the latest action recognizing the carrier as a single transportation system.

“”With today’s ruling by the NMB, the momentum continues as we work to combine our two carriers,” Flaningan said. “In the past several weeks the NMB has ruled in favor of single carrier status with our passenger service, flight attendant and pilot workgroups. In addition, our fleet service and maintenance and related workgroups filed for single carrier status earlier this week.”

USAPA informed its members in a hotline after the NMB issued its decision, with details promised for later.

nevergiveup said:
Tried to use a paper upgrade for domestic travel to the west coast. Was told they are all electronic now. Think they will cash in the old ones?
Paper UpGrades are good until the end of the year.  To use a Paper Upgrade, you need to list in coach and then have the agent change your listing to F/C at the airport.  Then you could use the Paper Upgrade.
snapthis said:
Fact: AOL has frustrated your efforts of cheating the West pilots.

AWE... :lol:
Yea, your right we are all so fustrated over here on the east especialy with all the movement,  you know all those 1 year upgrades to captain and some new hires going into wide body aircraft. you keep right on going with your efforts to fustrate us. :lol:
"when USAPA is no longer the certified representative, it must immediately stop participating in the seniority integration"

Uh, wrong.

A judge can't overturn federal statutes in an order much less in "dicta". Also the MOU requires the premerger parties participation. APA will be the bargaining agent but NOT the SLI representative.
Inquiring minds want to know......did anyone ever tell this moron what happened to the "House of Stark"' whose flag is proudly flow on his tee????
Oh how fitting!!!!!!
nycbusdriver said:
Fact: USAPA really had not made any effort to "cheat West pilots."  They didn't have to.  AOL has done a magnificent job in cheating the West all by themselves!
:lol:  :lol:   :lol:   :lol:
So right AOL and Marty Harper have screwed the West pilots over, when will they learn.
snapthis said:
The APA sees Courtney as
Fact: AOL has frustrated your efforts of cheating the West pilots.
Fact: SCS is going to lead to the APA as the bargaining agent, therefore.....
"when USAPA is no longer the certified representative, it must immediately stop participating in the seniority integration"
AWE... :lol:
Dismissed - thanks for playn.
Barrister said:
Inquiring minds want to know......did anyone ever tell this moron what happened to the "House of Stark"' whose flag is proudly flow on his tee????
Oh how fitting!!!!!!
I don't know what will happen to the AOL, but the House of Stark is going to have its revenge.
snapthis said:
The APA sees Courtney as a buffoon.
1 : a ludicrous figure : clown 2 : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person
Fact: AOL has frustrated your efforts of cheating the West pilots.
Fact: SCS is going to lead to the APA as the bargaining agent, therefore.....
"when USAPA is no longer the certified representative, it must immediately stop participating in the seniority integration"
AWE... :lol:
I have to disagree with the participation in the seniority integration part. USAPA will absolutely represent the USAirways pilots in accordance with McCaskill Bond. Nobody believes the notion USAPA disappears. Not until the seniority process is complete.
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