2014 Pilot Discussion

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end_of_alpa said:
The case law is clear here.  The NMB, APA and AAL are the ONLY THREE PARTIES talking.  PERIOD.  The NMB has ".... suggested the parties engage in private mediation concerning the Protocol Agreement."
"The parties have agreed to this suggestion and have asked George Cohen, former head of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), to act as the mediator."...
I think you meant to write "USAPA, APA, and AAL"...
What does 11 Apr 2014 and 23 Jul 2014 have in common?  Answer:  The "parties involved" were USAPA and APA, but not the mighty Spartans.  
USA320Pilot said:
[SIZE=10pt]In my opinion, the Nicolau Award II is unfair, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] USAPA wants to introduce a DOH ISL proposal at the M-B table, which virtually staples the entire West SL to the bottom of the USAPA M-B proposal.[/SIZE]
First of all, what is Nicolau II? Was there a I? What is different between 1 and 2?
And staple the West? A pure DOH would have West pilots in the left seat of the 330 and 767 today! A DOH list would have West pilots in both seats on all equipment. And not just on reserve, many would be blockholders. A staple would mean they go at the bottom, have no left seat bids, especially widebodies, and all be on reserve... I think your staple theory is incorrect.
There USA320, a civilized response in a debate. No name calling... your turn...
Phoenix said:
I think you meant to write "USAPA, APA, and AAL"...
What does 11 Apr 2014 and 23 Jul 2014 have in common?  Answer:  The "parties involved" were USAPA and APA, but not the mighty Spartans.  
Yes, thank you.
USA320Pilot said:
You don't ask the right questions.
Why would Mr. Daniel Rainey, the Chief of Staff of the National Mediation Board, invite the "parties" to his office to discuss private mediation?  Why?
Listen up. I am going to tell you why.
Mr. Daniel Rainey didn't call just anyone up to his office for tea.... He called THREE PARTICULAR PARTIES to his office on 23 July 2014, for a PARTICULAR reason...  Which particular parties did he call?  The three parties are the addressees of the 11 April 2014 list of arbitrators that were issued by the NMB for MB Arbitration.  That list of arbitrators was issued under Mr. Rainey's direction, pursuant to the MB Statute, fulfilling the NMB obligation to do so, as persuasively shown by William Wilder (in his 28 Feb Letter), over the objections of both the APA and AAL.  The APA and AAL didn't want the list issued, and they don't want to use it.
Mr. Rainey's office meeting was a kind way of inquiring why the three recipients have not taken action on the NMB list.   Rainey's suggestion of private mediation is within his authority, but he cannot compel the parties to enter MB Arbitration.  The D.C. court can compel MB Arbitration with the 11 April list of arbitrators, if the three recipients of that list don't willingly use it.  
Make no mistake,  USAPA's lawyers understand the law correctly, and we are headed to MB Arbitration.  The participating parties will be those that Mr. Rainey has already legally included (but no others), as End Of ALPA pointed out.... or the legally included parties can willingly do something else (MB 13 B ).  
Uncle Bob told the APA to come up with something they can live with.
Now the APA has Uncle Daniel suggesting they come up with something they can live with.  
The three parties can all come to a willingly negotiated process, or any one party can demand the MB Process, and have full confidence that a court will compel it.  Mr. Rainey's choice to comply with the statute was an object lesson to all.  
Claxon said:
Then he is fired, and dramatically shifts his entire position. Is Munn owned? Perhaps. .

Yes, when Mike and Tracy got his job back for him that was one of the conditions for his reinstatement.
Cap'n Aux update!  Stop the presses!  The attention starved lad is at Oshkosh!  And it's all about him! 
This many selfies haven't been seen since the heyday of Anthony Weiner.  But what else can one expect from a page entitled, "Cap'n Aux, Public Figure."  I guess that is technically correct if you are one of the eleven verified purchasers of the groundbreaking novel, Code Name Dodger.
The weeks highlight?  Meeting his teenage "blog buddies."  Can you say grooming?  Yikes.
I was wondering what ever happened to Ames.


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dariencc said:
Cap'n Aux update!  Stop the presses!  The attention starved lad is at Oshkosh!  And it's all about him! 
This many selfies haven't been seen since the heyday of Anthony Weiner.  But what else can one expect from a page entitled, "Cap'n Aux, Public Figure."  I guess that is technically correct if you are one of the eleven verified purchasers of the groundbreaking novel, Code Name Dodger.
The weeks highlight?  Meeting his teenage "blog buddies."  Can you say grooming?  Yikes.
I was wondering what ever happened to Ames.
In all fairness to Ames; I've read no posted reasons to imagine him a worthless wimp.  Umm....per the delusional "cap'n aux" on the other hand, busying himself by impressing ignorant and gullible teenagers, but yet implicitly ready in picture #2 to don a P51 and doubtless take to the skies against the Luftwaffe's best...well, psychiatric care is available for such sorts these days. Seriously gentlemen; what sort of even the most hopeless narcissist and utterly pathetic excuse for a "pilot", could EVER imagine in even his wildest dreams, that his own face could ever successfully "photobomb"/upstage the beauty of a line of P51's? Sigh!..."that boy jess' aint' right". ;) I doubt that even chip, even with his finest-ever hair plugs ever, would try to upstage a single P51. :)
P.S. Just "love" the T-shirt-with-a-kid pic though. Is it just me that doesn't understand the whole "philosphy-through-T-shirts" thing?
dariencc said:
Cap'n Aux update!  Stop the presses!  The attention starved lad is at Oshkosh!  And it's all about him! 
This many selfies haven't been seen since the heyday of Anthony Weiner.  But what else can one expect from a page entitled, "Cap'n Aux, Public Figure."  I guess that is technically correct if you are one of the eleven verified purchasers of the groundbreaking novel, Code Name Dodger.
The weeks highlight?  Meeting his teenage "blog buddies."  Can you say grooming?  Yikes.
I was wondering what ever happened to Ames.
Did anyone take a close look at the matching blue T-shirts... "1,000,000 Pilots, the conversation starts here"...

Please tell me he isn't selling those on his blog. Please..
dariencc said:
The weeks highlight?  Meeting his teenage "blog buddies."
Well, "teenage "blog buddies" are the best that particular "spartan"/"many battles"-tested-"knight"...umm..."pilot" could ever hope for....
Phoenix said:
Did anyone take a close look at the matching blue T-shirts... "1,000,000 Pilots, the conversation starts here"...

Please tell me he isn't selling those on his blog. Please..
Cut that sad, sick kid some slack Phoenix. This is still America, and that poor thing's properly allowed to try and sell anything that's legal to sell. Perhaps a better notion would be to hope that nobody (over the age of 16 at most) is actually buying his pathetic BS.... ;) What's most troublesome here's to imagine youngsters ever forming any ideas of what a Pilot is/should be from that sick joke's infantile fantasies.....
dariencc said:
Cap'n Aux update!  Stop the presses!  The attention starved lad is at Oshkosh!  And it's all about him! 
This many selfies haven't been seen since the heyday of Anthony Weiner.  But what else can one expect from a page entitled, "Cap'n Aux, Public Figure."  I guess that is technically correct if you are one of the eleven verified purchasers of the groundbreaking novel, Code Name Dodger.
The weeks highlight?  Meeting his teenage "blog buddies."  Can you say grooming?  Yikes.
I was wondering what ever happened to Ames.
Commendable to spend time with youth, but how would aux like it if that young man became senior to him seventeen years later due to an airline seniority integration sponsored by alpa.  
It is the quintessential picture of the reason for a successful court win by USAPA
EastUS1 said:
Cut that sad, sick kid some slack Phoenix. This is still America, and that poor thing's properly allowed to try and sell anything that's legal to sell. Perhaps a better notion would be to hope that nobody (over the age of 16 at most) is actually buying his pathetic BS.... ;) What's most troublesome here's to imagine youngsters ever forming any ideas of what a Pilot is/should be from that sick joke's infantile fantasies.....
The "book" that the kid is holding is authored by none other than ours truly... "There I Wuz" on Amazon, etc.
Hey, don't knock it.  It doesn't cost $675.  
dariencc said:
Cap'n Aux update!  Stop the presses!  The attention starved lad is at Oshkosh!  And it's all about him! 
This many selfies haven't been seen since the heyday of Anthony Weiner.  But what else can one expect from a page entitled, "Cap'n Aux, Public Figure."  I guess that is technically correct if you are one of the eleven verified purchasers of the groundbreaking novel, Code Name Dodger.
The weeks highlight?  Meeting his teenage "blog buddies."  Can you say grooming?  Yikes.
I was wondering what ever happened to Ames.
Not to dare diminish some pathetic little "spartan" princess/"battle"-tested-"knight" fantasies with Oshkosh, but...well... Perhaps the presence of an actual Pilot might serve to lessen the predictably T-shirted-"cap'n aux" stench a bit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQcWoW1kJvs
P.S. "cap'n aux"; this is the part where "you'se" should again try to impress a few more gullible teenagers with your printed claims of having done "the most dangerous flying in the world", and don't forget to wear some T-shirts!....Words for such pathetic little "spartan" punks just fail me.....
algflyr said:
First of all, what is Nicolau II? Was there a I? What is different between 1 and 2?
And staple the West? A pure DOH would have West pilots in the left seat of the 330 and 767 today! A DOH list would have West pilots in both seats on all equipment. And not just on reserve, many would be blockholders. A staple would mean they go at the bottom, have no left seat bids, especially widebodies, and all be on reserve... I think your staple theory is incorrect.
There USA320, a civilized response in a debate. No name calling... your turn...
Nicolau I was the Trump Shuttle-US Airways ISL. Nicolau Award II was the AWA-US Airways ISL.
USAPA's DOH proposal placed about 85% of the AWA pilots at the bottom of the ISL with furloughed US Airways pilots senior to active AWA Captains.  
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