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2014 Pilot Discussion

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West pilots dump AOL, now they have lied to you all along and have cost you a lot of money.

APA is the enemy not the east group. AOL is finished. The APA is playing the west pilots as did Ferguson and Koontz, don't be fooled again.
snapthis said:
Hey Eastie....
Don't forget to put the cigar out before the meeting.
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to Courtney is coincidental.....
That big boy will be on the 330 long before any westies will,while you all rot in PHX, wake up westies.
DFR 2 (west plaintiff, USAPA defendant) transcripts 2013
Q = USAPA attorney Silverman
A  (witness)=  Ashfin Iranpour america west pilot.
Q. Sir, do you know a man by the name of Mitch Vasin?
A. How could I not? Of course.
Q. Isn't it true that Mr. Vasin has, from time to time,
expressed views that are at issue or divergent witness
issues --
THE COURT: Sustained. We're not going there.
Q. Sir, in an e-mail exchange in October of 2012, did you say
that Mr. Vasin should be subject to extraordinary rendition?

A. I believe I did, yes.
MR. SILVERMAN: Could we have Exhibit 302, please.
Q. Do you see this e-mail, sir?
A. I sure do.
Q. Is it from you?
A. Yes, it is. 03:38:42

Q. Okay. Do you see where it says I believe an extraordinary
rendition is appropriate in this case.

A. I sure do. I wrote it.
Q. And who are you saying should be extraordinarily
renditioned, sir?
A. I believe, according to the subject of the e-mail, that
would be Mitch Vasin.

Q. And was that because Mitch Vasin expressed views divergent
from views that you believed?
A. I would have to read the entire e-mail to see exactly what
that threat was possible.
Q. Okay.
MR. SILVERMAN: Okay. With the Court's permission --
THE COURT: Sure. Go ahead.
COURTROOM DEPUTY: Do you need to see the exhibit?
THE WITNESS: Perhaps, yes, because I would like to
see the last page.
MR. SILVERMAN: It's up on the screen now.
THE WITNESS: Okay. I think I know what the subject
of the e-mail is.
Q. And are you suggesting that he be subject to extraordinary
rendition because he expressed views that were different than
views that you held, sir?
THE WITNESS: Pardon me, Your Honor.
Mr. Silverman, it's disingenuous of you to try and
pull something out --
THE COURT: Let me stop you for a moment. Either
answer the questions yes or no or give him the answer that
he -- that you believe you can -- that is accurate. But don't
argue with the question.
THE WITNESS: My apologies.
It was a joke.
THE COURT: We're not here for jokes either.
Go ahead.
Q. What had Mr. Vasin done to elicit this kind of response
from you, sir?
A. I believe what he had done was to suggest that we go to a
three-way arbitration or a to perhaps retain a different
attorney to try and reach some kind of a -- or participate in a
three-way arbitration basically I think is I recall it.
Q. He expressed a view that you didn't agree with; is that
A. Yes, absolutely.
Q. And that was why you made that comment; is that correct?
A. Yeah.
extraordinary rendition n
  1. the process by which a country seizes a person assumed to be involved in terrorist activity and then transports him or her for interrogation to a country where due process of law is unlikely to be respected
DFR 2 transcripts 2013
Q =  USAPA attorney Silverman
A = Ashfin Iranpour america west pilot
Q. Directing your attention to Exhibit 301, sir -- I'm sorry,
Is this an e-mail that you wrote to Mr. Stockdell, 03:41:42
among others, on October 31, 2012, sir?
A. It is.
Q. And do you see there that you -- first line on the
subject: The timing of the meet and greet couldn't be any
better. This is when we need to hammer home the point that the
wanna-be morons, Mitch and cronies -- and, Judge, I apologize
for the unredacted offensive language in the rest of this which
I won't read.
Mr. Iranpour, did you write this e-mail?
A. Yes, I did.
Q. And did you write this e-mail because, like the prior
e-mail we saw, Mr. Vasin had expressed views divergent from
A. Yes.
Q. Exhibit 304, e-mail dated March 2013.
Is this an e-mail that you wrote to Mr. Bollmeier,
among others, sir?
A. It is.
Q. Directing your attention to where it says: Anything but
the Nic can be damned whatever the consequence. You know where
else you'll find this? Every group that has ever sought to
terrorize another group, regardless of what the basis of
third-party beliefs may be.
Do you see, that sir?
A. I do. 03:43:10

Q. And you were writing this about Mr. Vasin and others?
A. I was writing this about a USAPA update I believe or
something or an e-mail from an East pilot. This was not -- I
don't believe Mitch Vasin ever said anything about the NIC.
MR. SILVERMAN: I have no further questions, Judge.
Claxon said:

Ironically, Iranpour says he would not be facing a layoff early next year if he had accepted a recall offer in summer 2007 from the new US Airways and headed back East to fly.
Iranpour, who turns 39 Tuesday, admits his America West seniority is better than his old US Airways seniority under a merged seniority list drawn up by a federal arbitrator and believed by the America West pilots to binding.
Q. Directing your attention to where it says: Anything but the Nic can be damned whatever the consequence.
So he'd essentially rather be furloughed and whining for the nic than to be productively working. There folks, we see the faulty "judgment" of a 100% full-blown opportunist at work. Oh well. Speaking of "ironically"; he'd be in great shape on the east, had he taken the recall, but perhaps both his astute "spartan" prescience and sage understanding of the true "value" of "career expectations" failed him...? Sigh!...I guess those tricky and wholly arbitrary "snapshots in time" are a bit treacherous after all.
"Anything but the Nic can be damned whatever the consequence." I can only hope that all in PHX are happy with the "whatever the consequence" part nowadays. "You'se" both demanded and got exactly that for yourselves. Enjoy.
snapthis said:
Hey Eastie....
Don't forget to put the cigar out before the meeting.
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to Courtney is coincidental.....
Your Harley is only different from your Hoover by the location of the dirt bag.
Did not "ALPA" have a restriction in 1 of their 4 failed merger policies (revised to fit their agenda at the time) that a pilot could not jump ahead of himself on a combined list ? Maybe Mr. IRANPOUR should change his name  ICHOOSEPOOR.  MM!
Claxon said:
Laid-off pilots: Go to end of list
Nov. 9, 2008 12:00 AMThe Arizona Republic

Afshin Iranpour has been laid off once by US Airways, after 9/11. Now he's scheduled to go through it again.
The big difference this time, He's a pilot for the former America West, the airline that merged with his ex-employer in 2005.
That gives him a unique perspective - and strong opinions- about the issues behind the bitter battle. He is one of six pilots who filed a lawsuit against the airline's new union and the company in September to stop the furloughs and find the new pilots' union guilty of not fairly representing the former America West pilots.
Iranpour, who joined America West in 2004, doesn't think it's fair that any of the pilots on furlough from the old US Airways at the time of the merger and since recalled get to leapfrog America West pilots such as himself under certain seniority systems.
Ironically, Iranpour says he would not be facing a layoff early next year if he had accepted a recall offer in summer 2007 from the new US Airways and headed back East to fly. He had been gone from the old US Airways for six years at that point, but the layoffs were governed by date of hire of the pilot per each airline's existing contract.
"I never ever believed that I had a right to come in as a furloughed employee who hadn't contributed anything to the company for years, to come in and bump so many guys on the West that have been working here full time for the past six years," he said.
Iranpour, who turns 39 Tuesday, admits his America West seniority is better than his old US Airways seniority under a merged seniority list drawn up by a federal arbitrator and believed by the America West pilots to binding.
He said he is fundamentally opposed to a combined list that puts US Airways workers out of a job at the time of the merger ahead of America West pilots.
"We took on the risks, and I think we should get the rewards," he said.
The arbitrator generally agreed with his and others' stance about the furloughed workers and put them at the bottom of the seniority list.
Iranpour finds it incredulous that pilots from the old US Airways are trying to overturn that decision through the new union. He said it was a no-brainer for the East pilots to push for date of hire at the outset of arbitration because their airline is so much older than America West.
"But for them to stick to it all the way through, and then after arbitration to try and fight it and throw it out, is just mind-boggling to me," he said.

Could of, would of, should of, we all make choices in our lives and have to deal with the consequences of those decisions. Welcome to the way the world works. The guy I feel sorry for is the one who got furloughed, subsequently became a Captain at SWA and then "chose" to accept a recall at USAirways.

In this case, I have a feeling that things are going to work out just fine for this pilot over the next twenty or so years of the rest of his career, assuming of course that he gets off the "island" he has "chosen" to be on.

Under no circumstances should he have been allowed to end up ahead of a 17 year working East pilot because of his individual decisions, however poor they may have turned out to have been.

As it stands now, he will most likely end up in the left seat of a wide body after I am long dead and buried, what's the rush?

snapthis said:
While I'm riding, you're blowing. :lol:
Reality check Spinthis Tony, it's been long over you were taken by Ferguson and Koontz. We all know you must feel very stupid fact is your side could be on wide body's and sharing the upgrades.

The APA wants to staple ALL of us you better realize that, they are not you friend.
snapthis said:
While I'm riding, you're blowing. :lol:

Right into your face!!

"According to our reports, on Day One of Wye River, Jeff Freund warned the West MEC that if USAPA won, the West risked losing everything. He urged reaching an agreement. He was gone on Day Two. We wont address his motivation for leaving. As Jeff Freund observed in his rebuttal to the East MEC lawsuit, the NIC was not in stone."
luvthe9 said:
Reality check
The APA wants to staple ALL of us you better realize that, they are not you friend.
Part of the reality check noted and addressed in a recent Leonidas update:

"APA has thus far presented no real reason for West pilots to support it other than not USAPA. Whether intended or not, West pilots have been misled by false propaganda and ambiguous commitments before. We are rightfully leery and skeptical of representations made by any union (or management) and our trust and support must be earned."
snapthis said:
West pilots have been misled by false propaganda and ambiguous commitments before. "
Your so right, we all know that Ferguson and Koontz lied to the west pilots, you were all taken by their false promises. Make no mistake the APA wants us both on the bottom, they are not your friends. Dump those AOL bums now!!!

Like it or not we are in this together.
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