Pi brat said:
It's funny how some west pilots scream and whine about fairness, justice and doing the right thing, but only follow the rules when it suits them.
How about coming out to Phoenix defend USAPA's version of fairness imposed on West pilots on July 21st.....
Now that would be funny.
Phoenix Domicile Update
July 8, 2014
PHX Domicile Meeting Notice
Attention PHX Pilots of both USAPA and APA,
We will be conducting a PHX Domicile Meeting on Monday, July 21, at the Phoenix DoubleTree Airport, from 1000-1400.
We are still working on the Agenda, but here is the tentative list of speakers and Agenda items.
USAPA Officers Gary Hummel, Steve Smyser, Rob Streble
NAC Chairman Dean Colello and NAC member Ken Holmes, with APA Negotiator David Brown (and Benefits Manager Sherry Taylor)
USAPA FAR 117 Specialist and Scheduling Chairman Les Edwards
USAPA Safety Committee (Chairman Don Underwood)
USAPA PBS/Pairing Subject Matter Expert Dennis Glauner
USAPA General Counsel Brian ODwyer
P4P Committee Members (Tentative)
Agenda: Reports from Domicile Representatives, Q&A, Domicile Resolutions
American Airlines Senior Flight Operations and Flight Operations Managers have been invited, and as of now, it seems that scheduling conflicts may not allow them to attend.
USAPA Merger Counsel Pat Szymanski has been invited, and as of now, we have no commitment.
Hope to see you there,
John, Dave and Eric