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2014 Pilot Discussion

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USA320Pilot said:
What's an interesting display of UEL and hardcore USAPAian psychology is how the union's supporters attack the messenger versus the message. Why? They USAPAians cannot dispute the message or the facts.
It's truly a sad state, but interesting nonetheless, because the USAPAians and their supporters fear the messenger.  
Moving forward there are 3 compelling points:
1. USAPA has brought on the Pyrrhic victory:
2. USAPA = Judicial Estoppel, which = Pyrrhic Victory or a UJEPV.
3. At least we know APA is taking US out of USAPA. Or APA = USAPA minus US.
Yeah, well....it's kinda like if you were out working in the yard. Your wife gets an important phone call and needs to get the info to you. She sends your 10 yr old son out to find you and give you the message. Along the way, he runs into his sister and they talk for a few minutes. Next he pets the dog for a few minutes.....then he runs into Grandpa and talks for a few minutes. By the time he gets to his Dad, he tells a bunch of skewed up facts that are far from the truth.....and obviously in the boys own perspective. 
Tell me, how do you trust the info? 
Your info is always preceded by "I think, IMO, obviously the facts are, a pilot told me", etc....
You're not even much of a messenger.
USA320Pilot said:
For those knew to Demagoguery in politics Demagogues are rabble rousers who are “political leaders in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, fears, prejudices, and ignorance of the lower classes in order to gain power and promote political motives. Demagogues usually oppose deliberation and advocate immediate, violent action to address a national crisis; they accuse moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness.
Which makes you King of the Demagogues Chip.
mrbreeze said:
  Posts get a bit long when the game is chess or checkers, and you are at the tiddly winks level.
Everything that you post, Chip, is about you and just how smart you think you are. You just like to see yourself in type. Your belief that you have a 140 IQ is way off.....more like an 80. Go back, just in the last month, and read your posts with the open mind of just how many times you use the words, "I, in my opinion, I believe, I was right, etc. Your posts are not about substance......they are only about you and your misplaced ego.
You nailed it Breeze!  Couldn't have said it better.
USA320Pilot said:
USAPA Pension Investigation Committee Update: June 20, 2014
Today, June 20, 2014, 16 months after the February 2013 trial, Judge Frederic Scullin issued a decision in favor of the PBGC, and dismissed our claim that the PBGC breached its fiduciary duties as the statutory trustee of our failed pension plan.
Obviously another pissed off senile old man who couldn't grasp the virtue of USAPA's argument. 
How much has this wild goose chase cost us?
Four million dollars?
traderjake said:
Obviously another pissed off senile old man who couldn't grasp the virtue of USAPA's argument. 
How much has this wild goose chase cost us?
Four million dollars?
Coming to a social security, 401k, 17.5 trillion dollar debt theater near you.
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Sweet !

Now, if the rest of you would please refrain from quoting the entire missive - that would be great.

Thx in advance.
traderjake said:
Obviously another pissed off senile old man who couldn't grasp the virtue of USAPA's argument. 
How much has this wild goose chase cost us?
Four million dollars?
Sad how so many are not willing to even try. Thank god they were not around in WWII. 
end_of_alpa said:
Coming to a social security, 401k, 17.5 trillion dollar debt theater near you.
By the time Obama leaves, out Nat debt will have doubled during his time in office. Buying votes is expensive!
nevergiveup said:
By the time Obama leaves, out Nat debt will have doubled during his time in office. Buying votes is expensive!
Buying votes is indeed expensive.  Just look at the Reagan years, where Ronnie wrote enough bad checks to double the national debt at that time, and he got elected on "smaller government."  Talk about buying votes!
Bush II, of course, ran two incredibly expensive wars totally off the budget, so his economic impact looks "not so bad."  And then there's the Bush II economic bailout of the under-regulated banking industry (a Republic led effort) whose bills also came after he left office.  Obama, of course, now has to pay Bush's bills and he gets blamed.
Typical "reagonomics" bullchit.

DOH contract, payrate snapback, and pension investigation. 
Some people also believe they can fly without an airplane.
nevergiveup said:
Sad how so many are not willing to even try.
Maybe if we had  limited our efforts to things based in reality, like the 3% payraises, we would have been more successful.
nycbusdriver said:
Buying votes is indeed expensive.  Just look at the Reagan years, where Ronnie wrote enough bad checks to double the national debt at that time, and he got elected on "smaller government."  Talk about buying votes!
Bush II, of course, ran two incredibly expensive wars totally off the budget, so his economic impact looks "not so bad."  And then there's the Bush II economic bailout of the under-regulated banking industry (a Republic led effort) whose bills also came after he left office.  Obama, of course, now has to pay Bush's bills and he gets blamed.
Typical "reagonomics" bullchit.
I only noted a time frame. Buying votes has always been part of politics dating  far previous to Reagan. It works until bankruptcy, then revolution, dictatorship, followed by another revolution, ect. ect. ect. The good news is that you and I will be dead....probably.
snapthis said:
 Obama....all hat and no cattle
A group of people thought it would be wonderful to have an african american as president. Joy filled the land as their racist agenda was fulfilled. They took someone unqualified and used him to show how wonderful they were. Black, white, male, female, democrat, republican, I could car less. Just put in someone that can fulfill the needs of the position.
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