traderjake said:
Does his Mom make you clean the chicken bones out of the basement when the two of you are done posting?
I appears I must repeat even the most obvious and reasonable questions and observations: All that's achieved by suggesting surrender at this point is to further prove yourselves complete fools. How are any in the east at all, in ANY way suffering from the current proceedings? How would/could any possibly benefit from ingeniously throwing themselves helplessly under the wheels of the APA bus at this point? Well...unless your fantasies of Mom and chicken bones should somehow serve in reply...?
Is it magically now NOT the case that you cheered on chip's efforts at preventing a recall of the existing usapa leadership? Did you not heartily brag about your "success" therein? Is it truly now the case that it's even possible for either or both of you to be whining about the results of your proud efforts?....Seriously? Sigh!....I've seen far less cross-threaded material presented in even Scottish Regiments' kilts. 😉
Perhaps we should indulge in a purely practical moment: Exactly WHAT actual course of action are you and chip espousing here, and what even remotely possible gains, would/even-possibly-could supposedly result from acceptance of your perverse "philosophy"?