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2014 Pilot Discussion

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traderjake said:
Does his Mom make you clean the chicken bones out of the basement when the two of you are done posting?
I appears I must repeat even the most obvious and reasonable questions and observations:  All that's achieved by suggesting surrender at this point is to further prove yourselves complete fools. How are any in the east at all, in ANY way suffering from the current proceedings? How would/could any possibly benefit from ingeniously throwing themselves helplessly under the wheels of the APA bus at this point? Well...unless your fantasies of Mom and chicken bones should somehow serve in reply...?
Is it magically now NOT the case that you cheered on chip's efforts at preventing a recall of the existing usapa leadership? Did you not heartily brag about your "success" therein? Is it truly now the case that it's even possible for either or both of you to be whining about the results of your proud efforts?....Seriously? Sigh!....I've seen far less cross-threaded material presented in even Scottish Regiments' kilts. 😉
Perhaps we should indulge in a purely practical moment: Exactly WHAT actual course of action are you and chip espousing here, and what even remotely possible gains, would/even-possibly-could supposedly result from acceptance of your perverse "philosophy"?
luvthe9 said:
.....we both support the junior people 110%.
Indeed. The rest of any even supposed argument on these boards has ever been and remains pure BS. Indolent "spartan" narcissists seeking to selfishly disregard the worked years of others, purely for their personal gain, simply aren't much cause for honest sympathy. Their incredibly infantile fantasies of immeasurable self-worth and just-plain-greed have self-confined them to PHX.  Whom of any even marginally moral nature should now care in the very least?
P.S. Isn't it far past time for yet another "spartan's" lecture to all concerned on "karma"? 😉
traderjake said:
Does his Mom make you clean the chicken bones off  the basement floor when the two of you are done posting?
Not at all, we're big boys that can clean up after ourselves and believe it or not get our own airline job without it being GIVEN by our pappy.
EastUS1 said:
P.S. Isn't it far past time for yet another "spartan's" lecture to all concerned on "karma"? 😉
. I myself was hoping for another great video or song from Cat 3 productions, unless he is already in custody for the threats to the President on his Facebook page, everything they have put up has been documented.
luvthe9 said:
. I myself was hoping for another great video or song from Cat 3 productions, unless he is already in custody for the threats to the President on his Facebook page, everything they have put up has been documented.
That's Waaay overboard imo.  You want "Big Brother" to do your "fighting" for you?
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—
and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
No one's yet quoted any actual "threats" to the pimp-in-chief...umm..."President", and I'd be the very last one to EVER wish to curtail Freedom of Speech in anyone's expression. Having raised a right hand and sworn an Oath; I'd necessarily, physically defend even such blatantly un-American, pathetic and utterly spineless little swine as we now see infesting the Oval Orifice, but I can certainly sympathize with any/all others' sentiments regarding the "worth" of such creatures. Such sentiments hardly constitute any "threats", nor do mine. Wishing for any "Big Brother" assault on any who disagree and simply express themselves disgusts me. Free men properly deal with each other directly....Period!
If you wish to demonstrate "T Bone's" rampant immaturity; you need look no farther than the following, but wishing for guv-mint thugs to take interest is disgusting to my thinking. Again: Free men properly deal with each other directly....Period!
EastUS1 said:
That's Waaay overboard imo. No one's yet quoted any actual "threats" to the pimp-in-chief...umm..."President", and I'd be the very last one to EVER wish to curtail Freedom of Speech in anyone's expression. Having raised a right hand and sworn an Oath; I'd necessarily, physically defend even such blatantly un-American, pathetic and utterly spineless little swine as we now see infesting the Oval Orifice, but I can certainly sympathize with any/all others' sentiments regarding the "worth" of such creatures. Such sentiments hardly constitute any "threats", nor do mine. Wishing for any "Big Brother" assault on any who disagree and simply express themselves disgusts me. Free men properly deal with each other directly....Period!
If you wish to demonstrate "T Bone's" rampant immaturity; you need look no farther than the following, but wishing for guv-mint thugs to take interest is disgusting to my thinking:
. East, you don't keep up like we do which is alright, T Bone on his Facebook page made a threat against the President which was taken down fairly quickly, he will for sure get a visit from Secret Service and will no longer be an FFDO when this is all said and done, so please don't reprimand me for things you do not know about. This guy is a mental case.
luvthe9 said:
. East, you don't keep up like we do which is Alright, T Bone on his Facebook page made a threat against the President which was taken down fairly quickly, he will for sure get a visit from Secret Service and will no longer be an FFDO when this is all said and done, so please don't reprimand me for thing you do not know about. This guy is a mental case.
"so please don't reprimand me for thing you do not know about." Fully fair. Let's not forget that we're all, first and foremost, American citizens here, and far bigger issues with "Big Brother" are at stake than this petty seniority squabble.  "made a threat against the President"..? Quote it for us all here then...?
"Tbone" is a well-demonstrated, infantile idiot with clinically interesting issues, but hardly one who seems any threat to national security imo.
EastUS1 said:
"so please don't reprimand me for thing you do not know about." Fully fair. Let's not forget that we're all, first and foremost, American citizens here, and far bigger issues with "Big Brother" are at stake than this petty seniority squabble.  "made a threat against the President"..? Quote it for us all here then...?
"Tbone" is a well-demonstrated, infantile idiot with clinically interesting issues, but hardly one who seems any threat to national security imo.
See post 8816 and 8833 for a idea, that's the cleaned up version.
luvthe9 said:
See post 8816 and 8833 for a idea, that's the cleaned up version.
I've never had much time for any "cleaned up version" of anything. If he indeed "made a threat against the President"..? Quote it for us all here then...? The very LAST thing I'd EVER think appropriate for ANY citizen is have "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" happen to them. 😉
Whatever my manifest differences with, and even utter disgust for west "spartans" with their imaginary little "army", and themselves somehow, magically being mighty "soldiers"/"battle"-tested-"knights" and even "dire wolves"?....Well...there are proper lines to be drawn. "T bone" has clearly stayed in a state of arrested development, but that hardly makes him any "threat" to the president's life. I've found no clinical basis whatsoever to ever assume his ramblings/videos/whatever to be at all more substantial than those of a petulant teenager just blowing off steam. He's harmless, and hardly anyone I'd seek to loose any dogs on.
However much of a complete joke I see most of them as supposedly fellow "pilots"; they ARE fellow Americans, and calling upon "Big Brother" in this instance is entirely unwarranted.
traderjake said:
I going to go with #2.
Its official.  
Leonidas put all of their proceeds from The Liberty Tie (Tie #1) on a bet for California Chrome.  All the money is lost.
Tie #2 is now being designed.  You won't have to wait long to "go with #2". 😀
Phoenix said:
Its official.  
Leonidas put all of their proceeds from The Liberty Tie (Tie #1) on a bet for California Chrome.  All the money is lost.
Tie #2 is now being designed.  You won't have to wait long to "go with #2". 😀
Let me guess. It will have some perverted version of the Colors as background, with "Integrity Matters" printed atop, and the George Washington monument below, with the phrases "This is sparta!"..."We're all real patriots!" and "Yeah!...It's really THAT big!..Just ask us!" on the bottom?...Perhaps all more appropriately done with crayons this time? 😉
luvthe9 said:
T Bone .... This guy is a mental case.
No argument. Where we differ is in both the degree and any possible "threat" resulting from his embracing a "life" of perpetual adolescence. I think he's harmless, and really not smart enough to be otherwise, even if he wished.
traderjake said:
Does his Mom make you clean the chicken bones off  the basement floor when the two of you are done posting?
No, the only cleaning is of the west legal team. They are used to getting their clocks cleaned regularly.
EastUS1 said:
I've never had much time for any "cleaned up version" of anything. If he indeed "made a threat against the President"..? Quote it for us all here then...? The very LAST thing I'd EVER think appropriate for ANY citizen is have "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" happen to them. 😉
Whatever my manifest differences with, and even utter disgust for west "spartans" with their imaginary little "army", and themselves somehow, magically being mighty "soldiers"/"battle"-tested-"knights" and even "dire wolves"?....Well...there are proper lines to be drawn. "T bone" has clearly stayed in a state of arrested development, but that hardly makes him any "threat" to the president's life. I've found no clinical basis whatsoever to ever assume his ramblings/videos/whatever to be at all more substantial than those of a petulant teenager just blowing off steam. He's harmless, and hardly anyone I'd seek to loose any dogs on.
However much of a complete joke I see most of them as supposedly fellow "pilots"; they ARE fellow Americans, and calling upon "Big Brother" in this instance is entirely unwarranted.
Anger is the author and star of numerous west videos, rife with lies. I post them at every opportunity to expose him and his lies.
He publicly stated an absolutely disgusting attack on the POTUS, stating he should be " taken out and hung". Now matter, it was something he should be called on.
He has removed it. Just as he removed his disgusting picture and comments about two east pilots in the PHL incident.
Just stating the facts, so his lies will be countered at every opportunity.
His disciple Traitor is fine with all of it. He is part of their propaganda machine, spearheaded by Brice LeCarre.
Claxon said:
Anger is the author and star of numerous west videos, rife with lies. I post them at every opportunity to expose him and his lies.
He publicly stated an absolutely disgusting attack on the POTUS, stating he should be " taken out and hung".
No question on the first line. Anger's many times over proved himself an adolescent buffoon. Per the second? "Wishful thinking" in Fantasyland harms no one, nor constitutes any actionable "threat". The current POTUS completely disgusts me as well, and is imo, an entirely spineless excuse for even a "man", much less Commander in Chief, a gross indictment of the American people's supposed worth and "intelligence", and is not even the poorest possible impersonation of any actual "American" himself. That hardly means any "threat" to the pathetic creature, nor can I even imagine "T bone's" nonsense to constitute such either.
I'd honor my Oath to physically defend even such a sorry creature as now infests the White House, but that hardly means I, or ANYONE should EVER be, in ANY way restricted or sanctioned for voicing opinions. See listings under The First Amendment for clarification if you need to. A "disgusting attack on the POTUS, stating he should be " taken out and hung" is therein covered methinks. Some/any directly expressed plan for doing such himself might constitute a "threat" on Anger's part, but not just nonsensical venting. You gentlemen are completely wrong in pursuing such nonsense. Anger's just an eternal teenager. He was merely letting off some "spartan" steam. He's every bit as much a "threat" to the POTUS or anyone else as is an average orange in the crisper drawer.
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