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2014 Pilot Discussion

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I think SpinThis realizes it's all over for AOL and the west pilots a lot of westies call in and ask how we can end this, start with you reps is the only way recall them if they do not respond to you. GROWTH! GROWTH! You can rescue yourselves of the "island". Don't let AOL damage your careers any further.
I realize that AOL has been around since..let's put it this way, California Chrome is already a winner for $10k well above your head..DAP, the ticket......Tune in soon. Don't delay, if you think it's a strategy it's a not, it's just being a dumbass.
Claxon said:
Very strange.
Look hard at that --6 ft acne scarred frame and wonder why you never got the prom queen.

I'm sure DP was yawning when you told him off a few years back. I know otherwise, Gwen told me. :lol:
Who was supposed to be monitoring your internet access to night?  
Did someone leave the password on the desk, or did you figure out how to skirt the parental controls software?  
snapthis said:

I realize that AOL has been around since..let's put it this way, California Chrome is already a winner for $10k well above your head..DAP, the ticket......Tune in soon. Don't delay, if you think it's a strategy it's a not, it's just being a dumbass.
Could snap be move2? 
snapthis said:

I realize that AOL has been around since..let's put it this way, California Chrome is already a winner for $10k well above your head..DAP, the ticket......Tune in soon. Don't delay, if you think it's a strategy it's a not, it's just being a dumbass.
Wow, that was really out there... No idea what it meant, but I'm sure you thought it sounded good... It really put us in our place Snap... 🙂
The State of the Union on an ISL: June 6, 2014

The May 31st the APA DCA Rep Update said "The APA has subsequently met with USAPA to discuss the protocols. There are attorneys and advisors present. They are trying their best to protect your (and USAPA pilots’) interests. They are being very careful. This slows the process. We believe we’ll have an agreement soon. The NMB could rule on our application for single carrier status within weeks or a couple of months." 

In its June 6th BPR Special Meeting Recap USAPA said, "APA has indicated that it does not expect to present a counter proposal on the proposed protocol agreement or other matters (union transition agreement and settlement agreement) that were sent to APA on April 29 until after the Court has ruled on the pending motions in the McCaskill-Bond Injunction action. As a result, there have been no negotiations among the parties concerning those proposals."

USAPA continued, "Judge Howell, who is the Judge in the McCaskill Bond Injunction action, may simply issue a decision on the motions or may decide to hold oral argument on the motions. If there is oral argument, we expect there to be a week to ten days’ notice before they are scheduled. There is no fixed deadline for Judge Howell to decide the motions but she is generally prompt in deciding matters before her."

Chip's comments: Unfortunately as I predicted APA has elected to ignore USAPA's new draft PA, UMTA, GA, and lawsuit settlement offer most likely because USAPA will not agree to a 3-way ISL arbitration as desired by APA and AAG. According to USAPA "there have been no negotiations among the parties concerning those proposals;" however, on May 20th (17 days ago) USAPA said, "As previously noted, proposals approved by the BPR (the proposed Protocol Agreement, proposed Union Merger Transition Agreement, and proposed Global Settlement Agreement) were passed to APA on April 29. APA has not yet responded, but the Merger Committee expects a counter proposal soon, possibly by the end of this week."

To me "no negotiations" means none, nada, zero, or zip negotiations between USAPA's 6-person full FPL MC (ALPA only had 3 pilots on everyone of their US Airways mergers and USAPA has twice the amount of full FPL pilots on their MC) and their APA counterparts. 

What happened to USAPA's prediction? Did we just witness USAPA's use of demagoguery, again? Is anybody else tired of witnessing the same actions over-and-over again and expecting a different result?

I don't think anybody should be surprised by APA's actions (ignoring USAPA, filing a counter lawsuit against USAPA, and APA's Reply motions) since we just learned through APA attorney Wesley Kennedy's Declaration that LCC, AMR, and APA have told USAPA since before the MOU was finalized that following SCC APA would legally represent all of us per the NMB, RLA, MOU, & MTA. However, without Kennedy's testimony under oath the pilots would not have known the SCC problem existed for the US Airways pilots because USAPA hid this information from the rank-and-file. 

It appears that USAPA continues to refuse to agree to management and APA's demand for a 3-way M-B ISL arbitration, if held, USAPA continues to commit Judicial Estoppel, and USAPA is waiting for either Judge Howell or the NMB through SCC to force a 3-way M-B arbitration on the US Airways' pilots. Why? Most likely as in the past because the union's hardliners do not want to accept responsibility and does not have the fortitude to make an unpopular decision that would upset the hard core DOH supporters.

At least US Airways' pilots now know who will make USAPA's next major SLI decision for the pilots: either a federal judge in the M-B lawsuit Injunction action, an arbitrator for MTA #5, or the NMB with a SCC order. How has this strategy of fighting to fight by committing a Judical Estoppel violation that has led to no agreements and then letting a third-party decide the US Airways pilots fate worked in the past? 
traderjake said:
You got Claxon all wrong.
He's a punk wanna be thug, and his fat friend eats chicken, not pizza.
Both of them are going to eat crow after this is all over.
algflyr said:
Wow, that was really out there... No idea what it meant, but I'm sure you thought it sounded good... It really put us in our place Snap... 🙂
Out there? I'll top it.

I'm comfortable with the cards I hold knowing that USAPA's days are numbered. This whole USAPA experiment has left me in a state, circa 1979..80

snapthis said:
Out there? I'll top it.

I'm comfortable with the cards I hold knowing that USAPA's days are numbered. This whole USAPA experiment has left me in a state, circa 1979..80

After the West MEC was eliminated, USAPA was unable to unilaterally compel a SLI solution for nearly a decade because, in your mind at least, AOL was successful in its threats and lawsuits about DFR... a dispute of a mere contract.....
Now you implicitly assume that APA will be able to expeditiously, and unilaterally impose an end to the SLI... even when there is a statute at question before the court...
A dispute about contracts vs. a dispute about a statute....  
Yes, a dispute about a statute may actually be resolved by the court a bit faster, but none the less arbitration will not commence until the courts have mandated the arbitration to begin pursuant to MB... and that my friend will include the court's order stipulating who will participate as well as when it will commence.  
IOW, single carrier status will not bring any resolution nor grant to APA any power to compel arbitration, as you implicitly assume.  The power to compel arbitration pursuant to MB resides only with the court.  We all will have to wait for the courts to compel arbitration unless APA and USAPA come to a negotiated agreement.  
P.S.  Don't believe any lies about planes having more than one single aisle in the middle.   Its a cruel joke.  All planes have a single aisle.  
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