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2014 Pilot Discussion

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He's been broke to go that low just like a little child, SpinThis go to your room and take a time out. PS, he's not Cleary but he is good though!
Sure...why don't you give your hole an ode?

Won't you?... In disgust.

Thank u


After God had finished the scab, and the union-buster, He created the Usapian.

Like a scab, the Usapian has no honor.

Like a union-buster, the Usapian has no loyalty.

A Usapian is a wretched thing to behold.

It slithers, for it has no spine.

It dwells in darkness; the cockroach its only friend.

It will not reveal itself, for it has no pride.

It flies no flag, for it has no allegiance.

A Usapian takes, but does not give.

It promises, but does not deliver.

It does unto others what it would not want done to itself.

A Usapian is the parasite that selfishly feeds and prospers within an industry the rest of us fought and sacrificed to make healthy.

It is a nervous, lonely, and paranoid creature who errs in its belief that professional status is a trait more important than personal integrity
snapthis said:
Sure...why don't you give your hole an ode?Won't you?... In disgust.Thank uODE TO A USAPIANAfter God had finished the scab, and the union-buster, He created the Usapian.Like a scab, the Usapian has no honor.Like a union-buster, the Usapian has no loyalty.A Usapian is a wretched thing to behold.It slithers, for it has no spine.It dwells in darkness; the cockroach its only friend.It will not reveal itself, for it has no pride.It flies no flag, for it has no allegiance.A Usapian takes, but does not give.It promises, but does not deliver.It does unto others what it would not want done to itself.A Usapian is the parasite that selfishly feeds and prospers within an industry the rest of us fought and sacrificed to make healthy.It is a nervous, lonely, and paranoid creature who errs in its belief that professional status is a trait more important than personal integrity
Nice try. Did any USAPA pilot in a base other than PHX ever fly in Australia?
No. But plenty of america west pilots did. And probably Snap.
Did you Snap?

SpinThis, here is you hero!

The America West presence will be felt there long after we all come home.
snapthis said:
There is no grey haired, bent over, down trodden, scab who would start a scab LLC.
Is that clear to Charlotte? Faux Phoenix?
I'm not sure what you mean... I agree there is no East pilot who could get away with starting a private company that sold $20 ties for $675.... At least not without opening up the books to show a record of all payouts.
luvthe9 said:
SpinThis, here is you hero!
Fancy that. An america west pilot in a scab recruitment video.
SNAPTHIS, your comments?
How is that same SCAB a Army of Leonidas member?
Integrity matters!
Claxon said:
Fancy that. An america west pilot in a scab recruitment video.
SNAPTHIS, your comments?
How is that same SCAB a Army of Leonidas member?
Integrity matters!
"The America West presence will be felt there long after we all come home."

He and many others will not qualify for the APA.
snapthis said:
I'm Tony and anybody who laughed at you for being that acne scarred littke dweeb who thinks they are important..anyway I don't give chit...You arestilladork.
Are you tryig to compensate for a short coming?
Ha, ha. He got to you. Maybe you really are Tony.
Phoenix said:
Ha, ha. He got to you. Maybe you really are Tony.
Tony is a loose cannon. Between his insane Cat 3 film attacks with Cap'n Aux, and his presidential threats- his is as unstable as Iranian President Ahmoud Amadejinedad.
Taliban Tony is more apt than Tony T Bone the Biker.
Most bikers draw the line on presidential attacks.
I think SpinThis realizes it's all over for AOL and the west pilots a lot of westies call in and ask how we can end this, start with you reps is the only way recall them if they do not respond to you. GROWTH! GROWTH! You can rescue yourselves of the "island". Don't let AOL damage your careers any further.
snapthis said:
Ferguson pulled $30K out of his pocket to start Leonidas ...
The founder of every private business probably put some of their own money on the line... Unless you have his ROI numbers you don't know jack... But if you paid him to get the Nic, your ROI numbers are public record.
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