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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nycbusdriver said:
I was content knowing that, despite the relatively smaller payrate, I still enjoyed the job and the people I work with.  I was happy to accept that LOA 93 rate knowing that in doing so I was supporting my junior colleagues who had given so much in their own careers in order to "keep the USPig flying" and were trying holding off a further rape of their careers at the hands of a senile old fool who was more intent on spite than on fairness.
Amen Brother! We'll go out of all this at least feeling properly clean. Had all of this been totally "sold out": Could we have bought another rental property, boat, whatever, or a spare Corvette/etc?...Yeah..but at what spiritual cost? Hey, I sold out people I've worked with for decades for a measly few bucks...so idiotic "spartans" could take their rightful places? NO THANKS! I'm good with sleeping well at night, as are you.
"I still enjoyed the job and the people I work with. " Not to mention the fine view out of the office window...which I will truly miss, when this is over. I generally "brief" that the view, and the true privelege of working with great people in front and in the cabin, is what yet keeps me here.
EastUS1 said:
Amen Brother! We'll go out of all this at least feeling properly clean. Had all of this been totally "sold out": Could we have bought another rental property, whatever, or a spare Corvette/etc?...Yeah..but at what spiritual cost? I'm good with sleeping well at night, as are you.
"I still enjoyed the job and the people I work with. " Not to mention the fine view out of the office window...which I will truly miss, when this is over.
I'm on the other side of this, but I can appreciate what you guys are saying. I always did think that angry FO term was bullshit, it ran a whole lot deeper than that. That term was merely self deception on our part. I don't agree with all the moves made, but I get it.

This whole sordid affair is just sad. We'd get along just fine otherwise. I've taken a few airplanes from east guys now, we're all the same species.
lynyrdskynyrd said:
I'm on the other side of this, but I can appreciate what you guys are saying. I always did think that angry FO term was bullshit, it ran a whole lot deeper than that. That term was merely self deception on our part. I don't agree with all the moves made, but I get it.

This whole sordid affair is just sad. We'd get along just fine otherwise. I've taken a few airplanes from east guys now, we're all the same species.
Indeed LS. You've long known my thinking from past posts. I'd have wished nothing of this sort of sad mess to have ever happened to any of us. We're all of us, just workers of the same class and craft...and all merely human beings...I just don't have any time for self-styled "spartan"...umm..."soldiers", tie-wearing "heros",  and all the generally incredible horse crap that's been presented.
No offense LS, but spin me this kind of infantile BS into ANYthing I could EVER possibly even begin to pretend to "respect". I wouldn't even wipe my dog's arse off on such spineless nitwits....So what was I ever supposed to do with all that BS? Clinical interest is one thing, but "you'se" supposed "pilots" won't even accept recreational flying wagers....WTF's up with THAT? In full and fairest honesty: I've NEVER seen the likes of such pathetic wimps in my life!
nycbusdriver said:
I have been totally content through these 35 years knowing I am wealthy with the respect and friendship of my professional colleagues.
Traitor will never ever have that!
lynyrdskynyrd said:
He probably has more than you think. He shoots straight and consistently, I imagine that carries a degree of respect in and of itself.
Guess again.
lynyrdskynyrd said:
He probably has more than you think. He shoots straight and consistently, I imagine that carries a degree of respect in and of itself.
Yea, "shoots straight and consistently" into the back of his fellow coworkers.
lynyrdskynyrd said:
He probably has more than you think. He shoots straight and consistently, I imagine that carries a degree of respect in and of itself.
Having known and flown with his father, from comments made I suspect (and ONLY suspect) that had his father still been active at the airline he would be at total odds with his son over this issue.
They say the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.  In this case, that could not be less true.
nycbusdriver said:
Having known and flown with his father, from comments made I suspect (and ONLY suspect) that had his father still been active at the airline he would be at total odds with his son over this issue.
My father lost his Captain's seat to a First Officer who could not hold Captain at USAir so I suspect you're wrong.
traderjake said:
My father lost his Captain's seat to a First Officer who could not hold Captain at USAir so I suspect you're wrong.
Waaah!..and without further explanation, we're supposed to have sympathy? Is that's twuwy your pwobwem, widdle wun, that you feel some unspoken-ever, yet grand injustice, so you're now perfectly fine with subverting all those you've actually worked with for now decades?....Seriously? WOW!....How truly pathetic is that?...Words just fail me with you jake.
Would it help at all if I said the complimentary knee-pads could easily be personalized/monogrammed/whatever for both you and chip?
traderjake said:
My father lost his Captain's seat to a First Officer who could not hold Captain at USAir so I suspect you're wrong.
Don't tell me, let me guess......the First Officer was SENIOR to your Dad.

Cry me a river.
Traitor has been consistent...consistently wrong.  The East never has nor ever will "take" or "steal" anything from the West as traitor has professed every chance he got. Tell me what is wrong with someone filling....not taking a Captain seat when there is an opening if they were previously furloughed.
What logic or right dictates that when a guy is furloughed with 10 years of LOS that they move ahead of a 8 years captain WHEN THERE IS AN OPENING and that is wrong. What am I missing here ?????
The biggest con job ever to take place in the airline business is ALPA's promise to maintain pre-merger career.
Please tell me who they were trying to mollify with that garbage. Tell me how it is even POSSIBLE to do that with 2 groups that are not similar???
The person to blame here SOLELY was NIC. He was lazy, did not do his job and thousands have suffered and millions of lost dollars. 
Finally a serious question for you Westies and Chip.
If we are going to have a arbitration "similar to"  or "consistent with" MB but it's not really MB then doesn't that give  the Easties or at least those willing to fund it a blank check to do over the next  5 years what you Westies have done over the past 7 years if APA screws the East and that will take at least 2 years???. If APA doesn't give you the NIC do you seriously believe they will be found guilty of a DFR when USAPA wasn't.  If you think AOL was formidable just wait until the Army of the East aka AOE gets rolling.
Even Ray Charles can see that APA won't save you. There is a reason for this delay and it will severely hurt you
end_of_alpa said:
Don't tell me, let me guess......the First Officer was SENIOR to your Dad.
He had less seniority but an earlier DOH.
Glad to see you haven't learned a thing  from the last five seniority arbitrations.
traderjake said:
He had less seniority but an earlier DOH.
Wow!...And that somehow, as if by magic...makes some/ANY "sense" to you whatsoever? Whew!....You're actually at least a bit insane. You needn't live the remainder of your life that way.
Please tell us all when it first happened that you felt yourself, or your father, to be truly and amazingly "special" people...with obvious "worth" far beyond all others? Just take a deep, full breath,  relax, and start with your first memories/delusions as you're comfortable with.....This is now at least clinically interesting....?
traderjake said:
He had less seniority but an earlier DOH.
Glad to see you haven't learned a thing  from the last five seniority arbitrations.
If he was able to bid in on top of you Dad, then he did indeed have more seniority on the list that was used. Seems you are thinking a PI list when a Kagel US was used for that seat.
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