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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nycbusdriver said:
Never happen.  It would be illegal under M-B to task them with combining east and west lists.  The law is quite clear about how pilots represented by the same union have their lists combined, and it is NOT a M-B arbitration panel.
You'll find out when USAPA is decertified. 
nycbusdriver said:
Wow!  You are sounding more and more like your idol, CM, with every utterance.  
You're sounding more and more desperate that you wasted the best years of career on LOA 93. 
traderjake said:
It's easy to laugh at someone who goes ballistic at the mention of a certain Captain's name.
Well..Ooh!...A "Captain's name"?, by merely virtue of some corporate costume?..A Captain?....Kinda' like "Cap'n Aux" perhaps?  Wowee!...I'm now awestruck! No wonder you're so easily and hugely impressed, "LT Hardy". Perhaps you should have at least spent some "quality time" in the Brownie, or even maybe, credentials allowing, Girl Scouts for a bit of perspective...? 😉 No matter. The knee-pads for you and chip are still an open offer. None can now say I'm not a generous man. 🙂
traderjake said:
You're sounding more and more desperate that you wasted the best years of career on LOA 93. 
"wasted"? Seriously? You're now, more clearly with every moment, advertising to the world that you're just too stupid to enjoy life's Blessings as they go. How immeasurably and truly sad is that? Do you honestly consider the last 7+ years of your (apparently sorry and painful excuse for a "life") to have been a complete "waste"? Have you not the faintest what that says about you? You have my proper sympathy for such self-torture. Me? I had a lot of fun in the meanwhile.  It must truly suck to be you. Wake up to all the distracting trivia and learn to enjoy life.  🙂 Failing that: I was serious about providing both you and chip the complimentary knee-pads.
Piedmont1984 said:
So I have a few honest questions.
Is there any concern that USAPA's effort to go directly and immediately to arbitration skips a couple of steps that are important and worth exploring; namely, negotiation (which was started but not exhausted) and mediation?
Also, our experience most recently with a single arbitrator has been less than optimal. Why reject a panel of three in favor of one?
Is the APA constrained in any way by the litigation in D.C.? IOW, if the NMB certifies the APA as our union tomorrow, what action, if any, can APA take while we wait for a decision on the MB Injunction request?
Finally and conversely, any thoughts as to whether the NMB is waiting to see how events unfold in the MB Injunction case before they render their decision on single carrier status?
IMHO the DC suit is both a means of enforcing the MB protections and a means of negotiation.

If the APA becomes the single union, they cannot unilaterally engage in arbitration on behalf of USAir pilots. They can assert they have that right, but the reality of arbitration is that an arbitrator only has authority over an issue to the extent the parties are willing participants, or in the alternative to the extent the parties are court ordered to participate, by statutory or contractual obligation.

Just as APA is refusing to participate in selecting an arbitrator from the panel of arbitrators issued by the NMB pursuant to MB, so also USAPA has the right to refuse participation in any arbitration the APA asserts is required.

Neither side will be able to engage in arbitration of the SLI without an explicit agreement of all participating parties, or a court order pursuant to an enforceable contract or a statute (which is by definition enforceable)...

The MB statute will be enforced. Either 13a or an agreed alternative (which does not exist, but could still be negotiated). IMHO.
traderjake said:
You're sounding more and more desperate that you wasted the best years of career on LOA 93. 
Nothing has been wasted in my life.  (Well, maybe a bit more time posting here than maybe I should.)
Sounds like you may be projecting, though.  Maybe you can find a good shrink and work on that.
EastUS1 said:
"wasted"? Seriously? You're now, more clearly with every moment, advertising to the world that you're just too stupid to enjoy life's Blessings as they go. Do you honestly consider the last 7+ years of your (apparently sorry and painful excuse for a "life") to have been a complete "waste"? You have my proper sympathy for such self-torture. Me? I had a lot of fun in the meanwhile.  It must truly suck to be you. Wake up to all the distracting trivia and learn to enjoy life.  🙂
And this is the guy you would not mind flying with, boy I would luv to sit in the jumpseat on that flight.
traderjake said:
Any luck "persuading"  your American pals to accept DOH with those "nice conditions and restriction"? :lol:
Don't really care as it's their loss and our gain. If it was me I would want to protect my group as much as possible.
Found on the internet .......

"Looks like the westie children are at it again!! Funny they don't mention the feces sent to USAPA in the mail, the jamming of the USAPA phone bank, etc... I recently found a message on a clipboard in an a/c that said, F@#k you eastie scabs. I am turning it in to the Phl Chief Pilot tomorrow. If he chooses not to do anything about it, I will go to Human resources and file an official complaint. I suggest that anyone else who experiences something similar to this do the same. Capt. Xxxxx xxxx"
nycbusdriver said:
Nothing has been wasted in my life.  (Well, maybe a bit more time posting here than maybe I should.)
You were happy being the lowest paid WB Captain making less than the other F/Os over the North Atlantic in the middle of night?
Good for you. 
Some of us value our time.
traderjake said:
You were happy being the lowest paid WB Captain making less than the other F/Os over the North Atlantic in the middle of night?
Good for you. 
Some of us value our time.
From what's thus far been evidenced of your both moral and spiritual "values" on just this thread alone...well..I'd say the actual "value" of your "time" is fully exceeded nightly by scurrying cockroaches in the worst possible hotels....
"Some of us value our time." Ummm.."time"?; I can't even begin to manage estimating any supposed "value" to your very existence. Why don't you and chip attend some hair plug conventions, that might at least allow you both to fantasize some slight degree of self worth? 😉
EastUS1 said:
From what's thus far been evidenced of your both moral and spiritual "values" on just this thread alone...well..I'd say the actual "value" of your "time" is fully exceeded nightly by scurrying cockroaches in the worst possible hotels....
"Some of us value our time." I can't even begin to manage estimating any "value" to your very existence. Why don't you and chip attend some hair plug  convention that might at least allow you both to fantasize some slight degree ofse lf worth? 😉
Would you still "cheerfully" want to spend 8 hours across the ocean with this moron?
nycbusdriver said:
Nothing has been wasted in my life.  (Well, maybe a bit more time posting here than maybe I should.)
Likewise "guilty", but with some now-seemingly-inadequate explanation = The whole "spartan" thing's been a subject of study for me...then I got improperly pizzed off.
luvthe9 said:
Would you still "cheerfully" want to spend 8 hours across the ocean with this moron?
Well....I'll NEVER disrespect or otherwise abuse any Crew/"family" member....No matter. Principles and Duty before petty personal issues always/etc.
traderjake said:
You were happy being the lowest paid WB Captain making less than the other F/Os over the North Atlantic in the middle of night?
Good for you. 
Some of us value our time.
I was content knowing that, despite the relatively smaller payrate, I still enjoyed the job and the people I work with.  I was happy to accept that LOA 93 rate knowing that in doing so I was supporting my junior colleagues who had given so much in their own careers in order to keep me and "the USPig flying" and were trying holding off a further rape of their careers at the hands of a senile old fool who was more intent on spite than on fairness.
Despite that pay rate, in the grand scheme of things, having been a block-holding captain for 31 of my nearly 35 years here, I was eons ahead of the PHX whack-a-doodles in compensation and quality of life.
I have been totally content through these 35 years knowing I am wealthy with the respect and friendship of my professional colleagues.
I know you think that is not important.  You'll see otherwise.  Guaranteed.
I value the QUALITY of my time more than the financial rewards.  I'll bet your father is so proud of you (as long as he is in the dark on these matters.)
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