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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Hey westicles what's up, we hear Ferguson and Koontz are in talks with us to try to remedy the disastrous situation they have put the west pilots in, well so much for NIC or nothing, I guess they want off "the island".
prechilill said:
I'm game for that,
What's this, our little cupcake is now OK with something different than NIC or nothing, say it ain't so. We can smell the desperation all the way on the east coast. Our little seat sniffer probably saw the 330 in PHX and a light bulb finally went off.
luvthe9 said:
Hey westicles what's up, we hear Ferguson and Koontz are in talks with us to try to remedy the disastrous situation they have put the west pilots in, well so much for NIC or nothing, I guess they want off "the island".
"An opponent is most surly immediately before they reluctantly plead for terms of peace.
~~ Gary Kasparov?

Some of the West scowls are getting pretty deep in the terminal.
Barrister said:
For God's sake please pay attention. The APA does not now nor will they EVER owe the "West" anything. USAPA is their duly elected CBA for SLI purposes. If USAPA was found not liable for not using the NIC why on God's earth would they find APA liable??
Stop buying into the CO/APA bullshit. No legal basis for it.
Sigh!...You're doing that "logic thing" again Barrister, and the only established response for that is some inane variation on "This is Sparta!", or perhaps "Those gray haired, slope shouldered old eastholes won't even see this one coming" (a direct quote from these boards, from earlier times). 😉 As a group?....You're simply not addressing the finest intellects ever seen within aviation circles, but rather self-fantasized "spartans" in some imaginary "army"....people who will pay $675 for garish ties, etc. Good luck with the attempted use of any logic there.
Phoenix said:
"An opponent is most surly immediately before they reluctantly plead for terms of peace.
~~ Gary Kasparov?

Some of the West scowls are getting pretty deep in the terminal.
There are some good people out in PHX, and I hold no universal grudge by any means, but had they, as a group, conducted themselves within even five or so degrees of being ANYthing approaching reasonable adults, versus "I hate every single one of you'se!" wildly gesticulating simians, well...none of this would have taken place. The only thing I've been much surprised with of late is that no delegation of "spartan"...umm..."knights" has yet ventured forth to proudly tell all the APA people how truly lucky they are to still have their jobs at all, and how the little contingent of PHX pilots has herocially "saved" them.
The whole "spartan"/west thing's been a very interesting study in Arrested Development among supposed "professionals".
dariencc said:
No, it would kill Johnny Jerkov not to be able to post "American Airlines pilot" on his Facebook page.
"Johnny Jerkov" = Johnny M? Did that sad, stunted creature affix a properly honest signature line of "Should I turn them in?"...Or is "he"/it still lost in Fantasyland/"sparta",  and hopelessly-confused/unclear-on-even-the-most-basic-concepts?  Perhaps "his" earlier-proclaimed "All out warfare" has finally gotten to the poor tyke?....Well...at least the grand solace of Facebook is available. I'd hate to even imagine any heroic "spartan"..umm..."soldiers" now needing treatment for PTSD, especially when they could otherwise just cuddle up with a few "Integrity Matters" T-shirts, a few badge-backers, and perhaps even a "liberty" tie or two. 😉
So I have a few honest questions.

Is there any concern that USAPA's effort to go directly and immediately to arbitration skips a couple of steps that are important and worth exploring; namely, negotiation (which was started but not exhausted) and mediation?

Also, our experience most recently with a single arbitrator has been less than optimal. Why reject a panel of three in favor of one?

Is the APA constrained in any way by the litigation in D.C.? IOW, if the NMB certifies the APA as our union tomorrow, what action, if any, can APA take while we wait for a decision on the MB Injunction request?

Finally and conversely, any thoughts as to whether the NMB is waiting to see how events unfold in the MB Injunction case before they render their decision on single carrier status?

Piedmont1984 said:
So I have a few honest questions.

Is there any concern that USAPA's effort to go directly and immediately to arbitration skips a couple of steps that are important and worth exploring; namely, negotiation (which was started but not exhausted) and mediation?

Also, our experience most recently with a single arbitrator has been less than optimal. Why reject a panel of three in favor of one?

Is the APA constrained in any way by the litigation in D.C.? IOW, if the NMB certifies the APA as our union tomorrow, what action, if any, can APA take while we wait for a decision on the MB Injunction request?

Finally and conversely, any thoughts as to whether the NMB is waiting to see how events unfold in the MB Injunction case before they render their decision on single carrier status?

USAPA asking the NMB for a list of arbitrators is posturing.  APA won't play nice, so USAPA runs to tell the teacher.
At any rate, APA should be clear that USAPA is not going to roll over and play dead just because APA growls.  Even Crandall told them they need to negotiate rather than arbitrate.  And they will, once the time has run out on all the lawsuits.  Neither APA nor USAPA is really in a hurry for any progress on the SLI.  Status quo for a few years makes everyone (well, almost) happy, and I doubt the company cares a whole lot about it, either.
nycbusdriver said:
Even Crandall told them they need to negotiate rather than arbitrate.  And they will, once the time has run out on all the lawsuits.  
This is going to arbitration and the West will have a MC.
Our lawyers know the West will have a MC but for political reasons APA, not USAPA, has to be the one that  creates it.
dariencc said:
No, I was thinking of Johnny J.    
Copy...But you'll perhaps understand my easy reference to that "spartan hero" that so dearly sucked both passionately and fervently at "Doug's".....umm..."good graces".
traderjake said:
This is going to arbitrationand the West will have a MC.
Our lawyers know the West will have a MC but for political reasons APA, not USAPA, has to be the one that  creates it.
"Our lawyers know..." Really? And you pretend to "know" this how? Some/ANY even slightly cite-able (or even the least bit credible) reference would help here...?  No matter. Thanks for the usual laughs. 🙂
Oh well....I'd at least hope the west folks have enshrined both you and your boyfriend chip as potential "heros" for a future monument to nic's "wisdom"....? Seriously: Are you insane?...Or just in dire need of hair plugs...or what? Sigh...No matter....Carry on, "LT Hardy". 😉
Meanwhile, I'll cheerfully sponsor both you and chip to your pick of the following: https://www.google.com/search?q=industrial+knee+pads&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US😱fficial&client=firefox-a&channel=sb#channel=sb&q=industrial+knee+pads&rls=org.mozilla:en-US😱fficial&tbm=shop
P.S. Are both you and chip such utterly incredible imbeciles that you can even imagine that if the APA ever holds full sway in SLI integration, that any here involved would ever see anything better than a TWA experience?....Seriously? Are, even CAN the both of you be every bit as stupid as the "spartans"?....Really?
I fly with a Captain (not CM) that is friends with and talks to our lawyers on a regular basis, that's how. 
Now carry on with your mindless babble. 😉
traderjake said:
I fly with a Captain that is.....
"And you pretend to "know" this how? Some/ANY even slightly cite-able (or even the least bit credible) reference would help here...?"
"I fly with a Captain that is....."...? Well...That's "nice", we must now suppose, I guess anyway, but I routinely fly with First Officers apparently far smarter than you, well...actually all of them in fact,....So what's your point? 😉
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