usabusdriver said:
Ok, I am confused. In the US/AWA merger there was no jcba or implemented integrated seniority list. USAPA fights to remain a party in the m/b arbitration. USAPA fights to exclude the west pilots in any m/b arbitration.
What gives?
You are correct, there was no jcba, and thus no integrated seniority list.
Therefore, the only available representative of all usairways pilots is USAPA. There constitution and bylaws require a DOH proposal. While USAPA cant control the ultimate outcome of an arbitration, they can justly defend the DOH of all usairways pilots. The outcome of a "Federally mandated Arbitration" becoming the integrated seniority list between the 2 pilot groups, American and usairways....
The usairways pilots have benefitted in all aspects of their careers thru the use of their DOH. Just because the airline grows, merges, contracts etc. should have no bering on a pilots DOH.
Its like your "Birthday".... No matter where you go, or what you do in life, it never changes, and anything and everything you do in life is at least remotely based upon it.
Your airline "Birthday" should be no different....
If DOH wasnt so coveted by all airline pilots, then ask yourself this, why do all proposals no matter the suggestion have the one caveat, no person shall jump ahead of another on the original lists of each side..... Hmmmm, somebody gets it.....