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2014 Pilot Discussion

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luvthe9 said:
Need the lavs dumped on A24!
Such maturity, didnt get your newspaper in the cockpit?
CLT has no A24, and my later career at US I was a stock clerk, not utility.
Amazing how immature you are and you are a PIC, I hope I never fly on your flights.
Hey Westies, how's DP (your buddy) treating you?
He owes you a million bucks and doesn't want to cough it up!
With 'friends' like that......
USA320Pilot said:
[SIZE=10pt]I find it an interesting study in human behavior................[/SIZE]......who emotionally strike out at others because they fear the messenger's mesage,...
I find you to be an interesting study in human behavior, in that you've such incredibly narcissistic arrogance as to actually imagine your blathering is received with even the slightest credence by anyone here, much less fantasized "fear", but hey, whatever you need to imagine to get through the day's fully OK. 😉
Don't take it all so personally anyway. Regardless of the "messenger"; what you usually proffer could only be seen as the product of a very confused village idiot, no matter who posted such nonsense.
USA320Pilot said:
I find it an interesting study in human behavior when people attack the messenger versus the message. It's somewhat juvenile that people hide behind their computer screens as Internet cowards who emotionally strike out at others because they fear the messenger's mesage, which the Internet cowards cannot dispute. 
It's so comical and even predictable on this site.
Remember Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory because USAPA's argument is unsupportable. Why?
"In the practice of lawjudicial estoppel (also known as estoppel by inconsistent positions) is an estoppel which precludes a party from taking a position in a case which is contrary to a position they have taken in earlier legal proceedings. Although, in the United States, it is only a part of common law and therefore not sharply defined, it is generally agreed that it can only be cited if the party in question successfully maintained its position in the earlier proceedings and benefited from it."
In the Addington II DFR trial Pat Szymanski correctly argued against US Airways' Summary Judgment that a West MC could not be created without USAPA's consent because the RLA only permits the certified collective bargaining agent to negotiate on behalf of its members. Again, Szymanski is correct.
Then unknowingly USAPA's UELs negotiated and ratified MOU paragraph 4, which permits a single carrier determination with APA becoming the likely union for the combined pilot groups before the M-B arbitration, if held, is complete. This action waived USAPA's rights to complete the M-B process because APA will likely become the combined pilots union before an ISL is delivered and per Judge Silver, " Once SCC happens, USAPA will no longer be entitled to participate in the seniority integration proceedings."
Now USAPA wants to say that Szymanski's Summary Judgment argument only applies for the US Airways East v West pilot ISL and not the USAPA v APA list, but that's where USAPA has created its own Judicial Estoppel problem, which was predicted by Judge Silver.  
Silver said, "USAPA has succeeded here but it is a Pyrrhic victory. As contemplated by the MOU, in the very near future an election will take place and a new representative will be chosen by all of the post-merger pilots.13 It is almost certain USAPA will lose that election. Once that happens, USAPA will no longer be entitled to participate in the seniority integration proceedings. The Court has no doubt that–as is USAPA’s consistent practice–USAPA will change its position when it needs to do so to fit its hard and unyielding view on seniority. That is, having prevailed in convincing the Court that only certified representatives should participate in seniority discussions, once USAPA is no longer a certified representative, it will change its position and argue entities other than certified representatives should be allowed to participate. The Court’s patience with USAPA has run out."
Now USAPA has created a situation where AAG and APA have countersued the union for bad faith negotiating, which is not good and has placed USAPA clearly in the cross-hairs with an argument it cannot support.
In my opinion, once APA is the certified agent APA's BOD will create three APA MC's (APA, APA Legacy USAPA East MC, & APA Legacy USAPA West MC) as proposed by APA's draft PA and AAG's desire per the Company's Summary Judgment petition, Motion to Correct, Reply, and Counterclaim. Each MC will be antonymous, which will permit the APA Legacy USAPA West MC to introduce the Nicolau Award II as the US Airways pilot's starting point for the APA-USAPA ISL for the M-B 3-panel BOA to consider.
It will be interesting to see if the M-B ISL BOA will agree with USAPA's idea the final and binding arbitration is not really final and binding or the M-B BOA will agree with George Nicolau and the West pilots that will permit the Nicolau Award II to be implemented.
Thus, Judical Estoppel = Pyrrick Victory as predicted by Judge Silver.     
The problem Chip is your opinion IS you're message. There is no legal basis for what you say.

Hey, how come you don't read the East legal pleadings? I mean, if you're really impartial why aren't you trying to explain USAPA's argument with their claim?
700UW said:
Such maturity, didnt get your newspaper in the cockpit?
CLT has no A24, and my later career at US I was a stock clerk, not utility.
Amazing how immature you are and you are a PIC, I hope I never fly on your flights.
You must want to pretend you a pilot, don't you "stock clerks" have your own board?
USA320Pilot said:
[SIZE=10pt]I find it an interesting study in human behavior when people attack the messenger versus the message. It's somewhat juvenile that people hide behind their computer screens as Internet cowards who emotionally strike out at others because they fear the messenger's mesage, which the Internet cowards cannot dispute. [/SIZE]
I find it absolutely hysterical that you pretend to just be the messenger when you have such a f**ked up agenda that you continue to try to sell. Messenger, my arse! 
In the past, a messenger with an agenda was usually considered a traitor and was hung up while being beaten with a shovel in the shins. 
You are so full of chit, it's obvious that the hair plugs were planted a bit too deep, causing a synapsis malfunction.
im back..!! said:
Look usa320, lets opine on M/B.... If the larger union is allowed to represent both sides in a seniority integration, what are the chances they will represent anything other than an advantage to there original side?

Do you really think you would advise a friend to just use the same divorce lawyer as their spouse? Really? How stupid are you trying to pretend to be?

M/B will require representation elected or appointed by the elected representatives from both parties involved in the arbitration. Anything else is a waste of time...

What are the chances APA would accept a seniority proposal that puts all usairways pilots on the bottom? And whats the chances that their appointed representatives of the usairways pilots would accept such an arraingement?

Do you not see the stupidity of not allowing both parties to have their own representation?

Laws in the US sometimes assume the level of mental apptitude of the parties involved. In certain cases where the parties might not be up to speed, attorney's are appointed.
We have attorney's that wouldnt allow such an injustice, just as the APA does...for the same reason...

Now, do you really want us to think your that stupid? Or are you so vain, you think we're that stupid? ...... (me thinks.. LOL)
Ok, I am confused.  In the US/AWA merger there was no jcba or implemented integrated seniority list. USAPA fights to remain a party in the m/b arbitration. USAPA fights to exclude the west pilots in any m/b arbitration. 
What gives?
usabusdriver said:
Ok, I am confused.  In the US/AWA merger there was no jcba or implemented integrated seniority list. USAPA fights to remain a party in the m/b arbitration. USAPA fights to exclude the west pilots in any m/b arbitration. 
What gives?
You are correct, there was no jcba, and thus no integrated seniority list.

Therefore, the only available representative of all usairways pilots is USAPA. There constitution and bylaws require a DOH proposal. While USAPA cant control the ultimate outcome of an arbitration, they can justly defend the DOH of all usairways pilots. The outcome of a "Federally mandated Arbitration" becoming the integrated seniority list between the 2 pilot groups, American and usairways....

The usairways pilots have benefitted in all aspects of their careers thru the use of their DOH. Just because the airline grows, merges, contracts etc. should have no bering on a pilots DOH.
Its like your "Birthday".... No matter where you go, or what you do in life, it never changes, and anything and everything you do in life is at least remotely based upon it.

Your airline "Birthday" should be no different....

If DOH wasnt so coveted by all airline pilots, then ask yourself this, why do all proposals no matter the suggestion have the one caveat, no person shall jump ahead of another on the original lists of each side..... Hmmmm, somebody gets it.....
USA320Pilot said:
[SIZE=10pt]I find it an interesting study in human behavior when people attack the messenger versus the message. It's somewhat juvenile that people hide behind their computer screens as Internet cowards who emotionally strike out at others because they fear the messenger's mesage, which the Internet cowards cannot dispute. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]It's so comical and even predictable on this site.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Remember Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory because USAPA's argument is unsupportable. Why?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]"In the practice of [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]lawjudicial estoppel (also known as estoppel by inconsistent positions) is an [/SIZE]estoppel which precludes a party from taking a position in a case which is contrary to a position they have taken in earlier legal proceedings. Although, in the United States, it is only a part of common law and therefore not sharply defined, it is generally agreed that it can only be cited if the party in question successfully maintained its position in the earlier proceedings and benefited from it."
[SIZE=10pt]In the Addington II DFR trial Pat Szymanski correctly argued against US Airways' Summary Judgment that a West MC could not be created without USAPA's consent because the RLA only permits the certified collective bargaining agent to negotiate on behalf of its members. Again, Szymanski is correct.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Then unknowingly USAPA's UELs negotiated and ratified MOU paragraph 4, which permits a single carrier determination with APA becoming the likely union for the combined pilot groups before the M-B arbitration, if held, is complete. This action waived USAPA's rights to complete the M-B process because APA will likely become the combined pilots union before an ISL is delivered and per Judge Silver, "[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Once SCC happens, USAPA will no longer be entitled to participate in the seniority integration proceedings."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Now USAPA wants to say that Szymanski's Summary Judgment argument only applies for the US Airways East v West pilot ISL and not the USAPA v APA list, but that's where USAPA has created its own Judicial Estoppel problem, which was predicted by Judge Silver.  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Silver said, "USAPA has succeeded here but it is a Pyrrhic victory. As contemplated by the MOU, in the very near future an election will take place and a new representative will be chosen by all of the post-merger pilots.13 It is almost certain USAPA will lose that election. Once that happens, USAPA will no longer be entitled to participate in the seniority integration proceedings. The Court has no doubt that–as is USAPA’s consistent practice–USAPA will change its position when it needs to do so to fit its hard and unyielding view on seniority. That is, having prevailed in convincing the Court that only certified representatives should participate in seniority discussions, once USAPA is no longer a certified representative, it will change its position and argue entities other than certified representatives should be allowed to participate. The Court’s patience with USAPA has run out."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Now USAPA has created a situation where AAG and APA have countersued the union for bad faith negotiating, which is not good and has placed USAPA clearly in the cross-hairs with an argument it cannot support.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]In my opinion, once APA is the certified agent APA's BOD will create three APA MC's (APA, APA Legacy USAPA East MC, & APA Legacy USAPA West MC) as proposed by APA's draft PA and AAG's desire per the Company's Summary Judgment petition, Motion to Correct, Reply, and Counterclaim. Each MC will be antonymous, which will permit the APA Legacy USAPA West MC to introduce the Nicolau Award II as the US Airways pilot's starting point for the APA-USAPA ISL for the M-B 3-panel BOA to consider.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]It will be interesting to see if the M-B ISL BOA will agree with USAPA's idea the final and binding arbitration is not really final and binding or the M-B BOA will agree with George Nicolau and the West pilots that will permit the Nicolau Award II to be implemented. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Thus, Judical Estoppel = Pyrrick Victory as predicted by Judge Silver.   [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Once again I had to come out of lurk mode to drop another minus. I don't know what he said but I'm sure it deserved a minus.....heck even he doesn't know what he said......just continues on with his digital tourets.  [/SIZE]
mrbreeze said:
I find it absolutely hysterical that you pretend to just be the messenger when you have such a f**ked up agenda that you continue to try to sell. Messenger, my arse! 
In the past, a messenger with an agenda was usually considered a traitor and was hung up while being beaten with a shovel in the shins. 
You are so full of chit, it's obvious that the hair plugs were planted a bit too deep, causing a synapsis malfunction.

"Captain Munn and his few supporters have put out a constant stream of misrepresentations that are easily disproved".

"We have learned that when Captain Munn is involved, be very afraid, if he’s on your side of the issue".

" I just wanted to counter the grossly exaggerated claims of Captain Munn".
Just a FYI.....the AOL team must have put together another game plan.   After a week or more of no westies found on the internet.   They are starting to come of out hiding and starting to post their normal BS.        Best idea...take the weekend off and get off the net.....and enjoy the weekend.    They are coming.......damn....just when it became nice around here again...
luvthe9 said:
"Captain Munn and his few supporters have put out a constant stream of misrepresentations that are easily disproved".
"We have learned that when Captain Munn is involved, be very afraid, if he’s on your side of the issue".
" I just wanted to counter the grossly exaggerated claims of Captain Munn".
He learned a new complicated sounding word and thinks it must automatically apply in this situation (it does not).

If we are lucky the West will adopt it and run full steam ahead with it.... Oh, wait the West has no legal venue to present the argument.
two things you don't want to hitch your wagon to, a nic4us countdown clock and a CM stock tip.
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