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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Crzipilot said:
Just a FYI.....the AOL team must have put together another game plan.
. More like Marty the ambulance chaser has come up with "another game plan" to fleece those gullible west pilots out of their money and to keep his source of income flowing in by giving them more false hopes. When will they learn.

It's time to shut down AOL let your reps know you want fly a wide body or upgrade, AOL. Is destroying your future. It's not to late to join in on the next bid. West pilots are calling in and asking what they can do to join in the growth.
At this point , heck  CHIP is my best friend! You continue to support Marty and our best friend DAVID F/O B> you overwhelmingly supported to vote "NULL AN VOID" (the LOA called the NIC) then fight in court to restore a little piece of it. Good luck ! The longer the better, I am on board! You go CHIP! Donate all your paycheck and call CHIP 24/7! I love a great cause!
mrbreeze said:
In the past, a messenger with an agenda was usually considered a traitor and was hung up while being beaten with a shovel in the shins.
As the years rolled by most of us left our Junior High School days behind.
Obviously you didn't because you still think peer pressure means something. 
west pilots appealed DFR 2 decision. 9th will soon announce they will not waste their time on this been their, ruled on that.  
The positions of the good, the bad and the ugly;
army of lyingitas (west pilot legal geniuses)
US Airways, (we are neutral on this but our attorney Segal will set you straight on what we need to add value to our stock options)
West efficiency recovery program. Read about it on USAPA website. Is the west going to share the one million with the east?. And if not why not. We shared profit sharing.
flyer63 said:
West efficiency recovery program. Read about it on USAPA website. Is the west going to share the one million with the east?. And if not why not. We shared profit sharing.
In my opinion, Yes USAPA should fully support the West efficientcy recovery program payout.  It is a legitimate contractual interest for West pilots.  I has nothing to do with pofit sharing and they made concessions in 2004 to get this contractual item.
in the East we have the ongoing penison investigation and Congressional signature drive for the pension fairness issue.  We also have the litigation for the 3%.  These are East contractual issues that have support.
The Union supports all these issues not because these are majority / minority or East / West issues.  It is becuase these are contractual items and a Union must support and defend the contract.  It is a duty imposed by the Railway Labor Act.
Al Legheny said:
In my opinion, Yes USAPA should fully support the West efficientcy recovery program payout.  It is a legitimate contractual interest for West pilots.  I has nothing to do with pofit sharing and they made concessions in 2004 to get this contractual item.
in the East we have the ongoing penison investigation and Congressional signature drive for the pension fairness issue.  We also have the litigation for the 3%.  These are East contractual issues that have support.
The Union supports all these issues not because these are majority / minority or East / West issues.  It is becuase these are contractual items and a Union must support and defend the contract.  It is a duty imposed by the Railway Labor Act.
Hate to say it but I agree even though they did not support parity for us.
end_of_alpa said:
Well for some reason you and Chip simply don't understand the law.
I understand one thing about the law that you don't.
The interpreptation that matters doesn't belong to you or Chip.
traderjake said:
I understand one thing about the law that you don't.
The interpreptation that matters doesn't belong to you or Chip.
That much is true, but end of alpa's yet to be proven wrong here, while you and chip have yet to be shown as at all right...on anything.
traderjake said:
I understand one thing about the law that you don't.
The interpreptation that matters doesn't belong to you or Chip.
Now THAT i would agree with you.  However, my interpretation of the law and law to date have been in sync 100% to date.  USAPA has the legal high ground and under M/B will STILL prevail over the APA and the Company "claims" that the MOU shifted M/B from judicial/statutory review and LAW to Agency/Contract Law with Arbitrative review.  That, in a nutshell is the complete gist of it.  If BOTH you and Chip had really READ Judge Silvers order CLOSELY, her "interpretation" of the MOU even in her LAST order denying ALL the parties a revision of her order says it all.  TAKE IT UP WITH THE 9TH.
Having said that, if you were to READ the National Pan Am CAB arbitration she relies on,  it did NOT say what SHE interpreted.  The PARTIES were fully vetted before hand and the ONLY parties were the unions that represented their respected groups.  The Arbitration Board was NOT going to allow "sub" parties into the mix and even Judge Silver readily admitted that... "In the Pan American and National Airlines merger, a group of employees had formed a group, known as the Janus Group, to advocate a specific seniority position. The members of the Janus Group were also represented by a union but they believed their union was unlikely to represent the Janus Group’s interests. The various unions had begun negotiating seniority but before that process was even complete the Janus Group asked CAB to grant it “separate arbitration rights under the LPPs.” Nat’l Airlines, Arbitration, 84 C.A.B. 408, 476 (1979). The Janus Group believed it should be entitled to force the matter to arbitration if it concluded “its interests [had] not been adequately represented [during the seniority integration negotiations] by the unions charged with its representation.” CAB refused to grant the Janus Group “independent arbitration rights” because doing so would “interfere with the established representation format and, in effect, set up another bargaining unit.” Id. 
CAB did not wish to “tamper with and inevitably complicate the procedures used to negotiate seniority list integration.” Id. at 476-77."
Judge Silver came to the SAME conclusion:  "...the Court is left to arrive at the meaning of McCaskill-Bond on its own. Section 3 requires carriers provide
a “fair and equitable” integration process. And Section 13 requires arbitration between “the organization or organizations representing the employee or employees.” The Court is
persuaded this statutory text should be interpreted in harmony with those CAB decisions allowing participation only by the employees’ certified representatives. When a certified
representative exists, that representative owes a duty of fair representation to all employees.
A “fair and equitable” integration process will involve that representative acting on behalf of the represented employees. And when a certified bargaining representative exists,
introducing an independent group, such as the West Pilots, would “interfere with the established representation format” and also “tamper with and inevitably complicate the procedures used to negotiate seniority list integration.” Nat’l Airlines, Arbitration, 84 C.A.B. 408, 476 (1979). In addition, allowing the involvement of any employee or group of employees with sufficiently distinct interests would be an invitation to chaos; the seniority integration process cannot accommodate the participation of whoever might be affected by the final result. Therefore, the process contemplated by McCaskill-Bond allows only the certified bargaining representatives to participate in seniority integration proceedings."  
In short, Judge Silvers ORDER is actually very sound...with the CONFUSING exception of including paragraph vi.  It would be WISE for Chip, Dan, and Doyal (and AOL, AWAPPA and APA) to review the AOL "AMENDED COMPLAINT" along with the ORDER.  AOL and the Company got EXACTLY the answer they were looking for CONTRARY to the Dicta (not JUDICIAL ESTOPPEL which Chip keeps parroting from Doyal).  USAPA's position (and mine) are %100 correct IF YOU READ USAPA'S well written and LOGICAL answer.  You CANNOT evaluate the LAW until ALL the parties claims are read and compared...including Judge Silvers ORDER.  Once you reconcile everything there is only one logical and legitimate "opinion" one can come to:  only USAPA, APA and the Company (even after a JCBA is agreed to and even IF APA becomes the certified bargaining agent if and when the NMB weighs in) are the ONLY three parties under M/B to arbitrate a SLI for the pilots.
Fear nothing, East pilots....Chip, Doyal, Dan's, AOL, American, AWAPPA WILL be proven wrong in both the ninth AND the DC Circuit.  I am %100 correct and so is USAPA.
I will not be writing on the subject any more because anything they say simply refer to this post.  I will SHOW them out on the line IN PRINT why they're WRONG....not that they will ever wish to talk to me.
You MAY wish to compare USAPA's Cross appeal in the Ninth with that of the Companies, BTW:
"In its January 10, 2014 Order, the District Court held that (1) USAPA did not breach its DFR to plaintiffsappellants; and (2) plaintiffs-appellants were not entitled to participate in  the McCaskill-Bond seniority integration process. The District Court made several other statements in the Order concerning the rights of USAPA and nonparty APA (the bargaining representative for the pre-merger American pilots) if APA was certified as the representative for the merged pilot group. These statements were beyond the scope of the issues litigated, were not briefed by any of the parties, were not essential to the court's holdings, and were, in any event, erroneous. US Airways made a motion pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. Rules 52( B) and 59(e) requesting that the District Court modify its January 10, 2014 Order to delete footnote 15. USAPA did not oppose the requested relief, but did oppose the grounds for modification arguing that footnote 15 and several other statements should also be deleted. The District Court denied the motion.
It is USAPA's position the District Court's holdings contained in the January 10, 2014 Order were correct and should be affirmed but that the District Court erred in failing to delete footnote 15 and the extraneous statements from said Order."
"On October 11, 2013, US Airways filed a motion for summary judgment regarding the West Pilots' right under McCaskill-Bond to participate separately in the seniority-integration process. In a January 10, 2014 Order (Doc. 298), following a bench trial, the district court denied US Airways' motion and agreed with USAPA that the West Pilots were not entitled to separate participation because only certified union(s) could represent affected employee groups in proceedings under McCaskill-Bond. The court stated that if and when USAPA was replaced by APA as the certified union for all of the pre-merger US Airways pilots, USAPA would have to immediately stop participating in the seniority-integration proceedings. In footnote 15 of the January 10 Order, the court made certain comments (which US Airways contends are incorrect) about how an integrated seniority list would be generated once the APA had replaced USAPA. On February 7, 2014, US Airways filed a motion to modify the January 10 Order by, inter alia, deleting footnote 15. The West Pilots and USAPA agreed with the deletion of footnote 15, and USAPA also requested the deletion of a number of other statements in the January 10 Order regarding USAPA's right to participate in the seniority- integration proceeding after it was decertified. The district court denied US Airways' and USAPA's requested modifications of the January 10 Order.
The main issues for US Airways' appeal involve whether, and if so, how, the West Pilots' discrete seniority interests are entitled to separate representation in the US Airways-American seniority-integration process.
M/B supports USAPA's legal position and doesn't support the Company's position.
WAGER:  Both Concerned/Midwest and National CAB as quoted in Judge Silver's order ruled as controlling in favor of USAPA.  DC circuit to follow!!!
EastUS1 said:
That much is true, but end of alpa's yet to be proven wrong here, while you and chip have yet to be shown as at all right...on anything.
Trader is uncomfortable about the conclusion that the laws obviously dictate, thus he prefers to turn the conversation to arguments about personalities.
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